Bài tập thì hiện tại hoàn thành có đáp án

19 Bài tập hiện tại hoàn thành có đáp án dưới đây bao gồm toàn bộ lý thuyết cấu trúc, cách sử dụng, dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại hoàn thành trong tiếng Anh và bộ bài tập thì hiện tại hoàn thành có đáp án giúp các em học sinh vận dụng kiến thức đã học hiệu quả cũng như nâng cao kiến thức về Thì hiện tại hoàn thành - The present perfect hiệu quả.

I. Cách dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành trong Tiếng Anh

1. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành được dùng để nói về các sự việc vừa mới xảy ra và hậu quả của nó vẫn còn ảnh hưởng đến hiện tại:

VD: I've broken my watch so I don't know what time it is. (Tôi đã làm vỡ đồng hồ nên tôi không biết bây giờ là mấy giờ.)

They have cancelled the meeting. (Họ đã hủy buổi họp.)

She's taken my copy. I don't have one. (Cô ấy đã lấy bản của tôi. Tôi không có cái nào.)

The sales team has doubled its turnover. (Phòng kinh doanh đã tăng doanh số bán hàng lên gấp đôi.)

2. Khi nói về sự việc mới diễn ra gần đây, dùng các từ như 'just' 'already' hay 'yet'.

We've already talked about that. (Chúng ta đã nói về việc đó.)

She hasn't arrived yet. (Cô ấy vẫn chưa đến.)

I've just done it. (Tôi vừa làm việc đó.)

They've already met. (Họ đã gặp nhau.)

They haven't known yet. (Họ vẫn chưa biết.)

Have you spoken to him yet? (Anh đã nói chuyện với anh ta chưa?)

Have they got back to you yet? (Họ đã trả lời cho anh chưa?)

3. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành dùng để nói về sự việc xảy ra trong quá khứ và vẫn còn tiếp diễn ở hiện tại. Cách dùng này sẽ sử dụng 'since' và 'for' để cho biết sự việc đã kéo dài bao lâu.

I have been a teacher for more than ten years. (Tôi dạy học đã hơn 10 năm.)

We haven't seen Janine since Friday. (Chúng tôi đã không gặp Janine từ thứ Sáu.)

- How long have you been at this school? (Anh công tác ở trường này bao lâu rồi?)

- For 10 years/Since 2002. (Được 10 năm rồi/Từ năm 2002.)

4. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành được dùng khi nói về trải nghiệm hay kinh nghiệm, thường dùng 'ever' và 'never' khi nói về kinh nghiệm.

Have you ever been to Argentina? (Anh đã từng đến Argentina chưa?)

I think I have seen that movie before. (Tôi nghĩ trước đây tôi đã xem bộ phim đó.)

Has he ever talked to you about the problem? (Anh ấy có nói với anh về vấn đề này chưa?)

I've never met Jim and Sally. (Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp Jim và Sally.)

We've never considered investing in Mexico. (Chúng tôi chưa bao giờ xem xét việc đầu tư ở Mexico.

5. Chúng ta cũng có thể dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành để nói về sự việc xảy ra và lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ:

We've been to Singapore a lot over the last few years. (Những năm vừa qua, chúng tôi đi Singapre rất nhiều lần.)

She's done this type of project many times before. (Cô ấy đã làm loại dự án này rất nhiều lần.)

We've mentioned it to them on several occasions over the last six months. (Trong 6 tháng vừa rồi, chúng tôi đã nhắc việc này với họ rất nhiều lần rồi.)

The army has attacked that city five times. (Quân đội đã tấn công thành phố đó 5 lần.)

I have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester. (Tôi đã làm 4 bài kiểm tra và 5 bài thi trong học kỳ này.)

She has talked to several specialists about her problem, but nobody knows why she is sick. (Bà ấy đã nói với nhiều chuyên gia về vấn đề của bà, nhưng chưa ai tìm ra được nguyên nhân bà bị bệnh.)

II. Cấu trúc thì hiện tại hoàn thành Tiếng Anh

Câu khẳng địnhCâu phủ địnhCâu nghi vấn

- S+ have/has + V3 + (O)

Ví dụ:

I have spoken to him.

I've been at this school for 10 years.

- S+ have not/has not + V3 + (O)

- S+ haven't/hasn't+ V3 + (O)

Ví dụ:

I haven't spoken to him yet.

I haven't ever been to Argentina.

- (Từ để hỏi) + have/has + S+ V3 + (O)?

Ví dụ:

Have you spoken to him yet?

How long have you been at this school?

III. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại hoàn thanh

Mỗi thì trong tiếng Anh đều có dấu hiệu nhận biết khác nhau. Với thì present peferct, trong câu thường có sự xuất hiện của các từ, cụm từ như:

  • Just = Recently = Lately (gần đây, vừa mới)
  • Already (rồi)
  • Since (từ khi)
  • before (trước đây)
  • never (chưa bao giờ)
  • ever (từng)
  • Yet (chưa)
  • So far = Until now = Up to now = Up to the present (cho đến bây giờ)
  • For+khoảng thời gian: for 4 years, for a long time, for a month…
  • Since+ mốc thời gian cụ thể: since 2021, since January…
  • The first/ second… time: lần đầu tiên, lần thứ hai…

IV. Bài tập Thì hiện tại hoàn thành có đáp án

I. Chia động từ ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. There is no more cheese. I (eat)……………. it all, I’m afraid.

2. The bill isn’t right. They (make)………….. a mistake.

3. Don’t you want to see this programme? It ………….(start).

4. It’ll soon get warm in here. I (turn)……….. the heating on.

5. ………They (pay)…….. money for your mother?

6. Someone (take)………………. my bicycle.

7. Wait for few minutes, please! I (finish)……………. my dinner.

8. ………You ever (eat)………….. Sushi?

9. She (not/come)…………… here for a long time.

10. I (work…………..) here for three years.

11. ………… You ever …………..(be) to New York?

12. You (not/do) ………….your project yet, I suppose.

13. I just (see)………. Andrew and he says he ……..already (do)………. about half of the plan.

14. I ………..just (decide)……… to start working next week.

15. He (be)…………. at his computer for seven hours.

16. She (not/have) ……………any fun a long time.

17. My father (not/ play)……….. any sport since last year.

18. I’d better have a shower. I (not/have)………. one since Thursday.

19. I don’t live with my family now and we (not/see)…………. each other for five years.

20. I…… just (realize)…………... that there are only four weeks to the end of term.

21. The train drivers (go)……… on strike and they stopped working at twelve o’clock.

22. How long…….. (you/know)………. each other?

23. ……….(You/ take)………… many photographs?

24. (She/ eat)………………. at the Royal Hotel yet?

25. He (live) ………….here all his life..

26. Is this the second time he (lose)……………. his job?

27. How many bottles………… the milkman (leave) ………….? He (leave) ……….. six.

28. I (buy)…………. a new carpet. Come and look at it.

29. She (write)………….. three poems about her fatherland.

30. We (finish) ……………………three English courses.

Đáp án

1. There is no more cheese. I (eat)……have eaten………. it all, I’m afraid.

2. The bill isn’t right. They (make)………have made….. a mistake.

3. Don’t you want to see this programme? It ……has started…….(start).

4. It’ll soon get warm in here. I (turn)……have turned….. the heating on.

5. ……Have…They (pay)……paid.. money for your mother?

6. Someone (take)………has taken………. my bicycle.

7. Wait for few minutes, please! I (finish)……have finished………. my dinner.

8. …Have……You ever (eat)……eaten…….. Sushi?

9. She (not/come)……hasn't come……… here for a long time.

10. I (work……have worked……..) here for three years.

11. ……Have…… You ever ……been……..(be) to New York?

12. You (not/do) ……haven't done…….your project yet, I suppose.

13. I just (see)…have jut seen……. Andrew and he says he …has…..already (do)……done…. about half of the plan.

14. I ……have…..just (decide)……decided… to start working next week.

15. He (be)……has been……. at his computer for seven hours.

16. She (not/have) …hasn't had…………any fun a long time.

17. My father (not/ play)…hasn't played….. any sport since last year.

18. I’d better have a shower. I (not/have)……haven't had…. one since Thursday.

19. I don’t live with my family now and we (not/see)……haven't seen……. each other for five years.

20. I…have… just (realize)………realized…... that there are only four weeks to the end of term.

21. The train drivers (go)…have gone…… on strike and they stopped working at twelve o’clock.

22. How long……have.. (you/know)……known…. each other?

23. …Have…….(You/ take)………taken… many photographs?

24. (She/ eat)………Has she eaten………. at the Royal Hotel yet?

25. He (live) ……has lived…….here all his life..

26. Is this the second time he (lose)……has loosen………. his job?

27. How many bottles………has… the milkman (leave) ……left…….? He (leave) ……has left….. six.

28. I (buy)……have bought……. a new carpet. Come and look at it.

29. She (write)……has written…….. three poems about her fatherland.

30. We (finish) ………have finished……………three English courses.

Chuyển đổi từ hiện tại hoàn thành sang quá khứ đơn (và ngược lại)

Tham khảo lý thuyết tại đây: Chuyển đổi Thì hiện tại hoàn thành sang Quá khứ đơn và ngược lại

1. Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa:

1) This is the first time he went abroad.

=> He hasn't......................................................................................................................

2) She started driving 1 month ago.

=> She has.................................................................................................................

3) We began eating when it started to rain.

=> We have................................................................................................................

4) I last had my hair cut when I left her.

=> I haven't................................................................................................................

5) The last time she kissed me was 5 months ago.

=> She hasn't.............................................................................................................

6) It is a long time since we last met.

=> We haven't.............................................................................................................

7) When did you have it?

=> How long...........................................................................................................?

8) This is the first time I had such a delicious meal.

=> I haven't................................................................................................................

9) I haven't seen him for 8 days.

=> The last................................................................................................................

10) I haven't taken a bath since Monday.

=> It is........................................................................................................................

Đáp án

1. He hasn’t never gone abroad before.

2. She has driven for 1 month.

3. We have eaten since it started raining.

4. I haven’t cut my hair since I left her.

5. She has kissed me for 5 months.

6. We haven’t met (each other) for a long time.

7. How long have you had it?

8. I haven’t never eaten such a delicious meal before.

9. The last time I saw him was 8 days.

10. It is …. days since I last took a bath.

2. Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ra thì simple past hoặc present perfect:

1) We (study)...............a very hard lesson the day before yesterday............................

2) We (study)................................................almost every lesson in this book so far.................

3) We (never watch)..........................that television program...........................

4) We (watch).....................an interesting program on television last night...............

5) My wife and I........................................(travel) by air many times in the past

6) My wife and I (travel).................................. to Mexico by air last summer

7) I (read)..................that novel by Hemingway sevaral times before.

8) I (read).........................that novel again during my last vacation.

9) I (had).........................a little trouble with my car last week.

10) However, I (have)......................... no trouble with my car since then.

11) I (have ) ………………..this toy since my birthday.

12) We (live )………………….in HN for ten years now and like it a lot.

13) The last time I (go) ……………………to HN was in May

14) When my parents were on holiday I ( stay)……………… with my aunt for a week

15) I (not see ) my son for ages .He (not visit ) ……………………..me since May

16) Tom ( be) …………….to HN twice .He loves it very much

17) My sister (work ) ……………………for an enterprise for two years .That was after college

18) I (move)……………… to HN in 2001 .I (be ) ………….there a long time now

19) It was so cold today that I (wear)…………… a sweater at school

20) So far this month there (be )……………………. three robberies in this street

21) When I was young I (meet )…………..him three times

22) In the past few years ,it (become )………….. more and more difficult to get into university

23) I (feel )………………better since I ( live) ……………….here

24) Since I (be ) ……………………in this city I ( not see)…………… him

Xem đáp án

1) We (study)....studied...........a very hard lesson the day before yesterday.

2) We (study)...........................have studied................almost every lesson in this book so far.

3) We (never watch)...........have never watched...............that television program.

4) We (watch)...........watched..........an interesting program on television last night..

5) My wife and I....................had travelled....................(travel) by air many times in the past

6) My wife and I (travel)................travelled.................. to Mexico by air last summer

7) I (read)........have read..........that novel by Hemingway sevaral times before.

8) I (read)..........read...............that novel again during my last vacation.

9) I (had)...............had..........a little trouble with my car last week.

10) However, I (have)...............have had.......... no trouble with my car since then.

11) I (have ) …………have had……..this toy since my birthday.

12) We (live )…………has lived……….in HN for ten years now and like it a lot.

13) The last time I (go) ……………has gone………to HN was in May

14) When my parents were on holiday I ( stay)………has stayed……… with my aunt for a week

15) I (not see ).......haven't seen...... my son for ages .He (not visit ) ……hasn't visited…..me since May

16) Tom ( be) ………has been…….to HN twice .He loves it very much

17) My sister (work ) ………has worked……………for an enterprise for two years .That was after college

18) I (move)…………moved…… to HN in 2001 .I (be ) ……have been…….there a long time now

19) It was so cold today that I (wear)……have worn……… a sweater at school

20) So far this month there (be )…………has been…………. three robberies in this street

21) When I was young I (meet )……met……..him three times

22) In the past few years ,it (become )………became….. more and more difficult to get into university

23) I (feel )………have felt………better since I ( live) ………lived……….here

24) Since I (be ) …………was…………in this city I ( not see)……haven't seen……… him

3. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng

1. When ____________ the school?

A) have you joined

B) did you joined

C) did you join

D) have you ever joined

2. _____________ in England?

A) Did you ever worked

B) Have you ever worked

C) Worked you

D) Didn't you have worked

3. That's the best speech _________

B) I never heard

B) I didn't hear

C) I used to hear

D) I've ever heard

4. He's the most difficult housemate _____________________

A) I never dealt with.

B) I never had to deal with.

C) I've ever had to deal with.

D) I've never had to deal with

5. ______ to him last week.

A) I spoke

B) I've already spoken

C) I didn't spoke

D) I speaked

6. _____a contract last year and it is still valid.

A) We have signed

B) We signed

C) We haven't signed

D) We have sign

7. ______ from a business trip to France.

A) I come back

B) I came back

C) I never came back

D) I've just come back

8. Prices ________ in 1995 but then _____ in 1996.

A) rised _ falled

B) rose _ fell

C) have risen _ have fallen

D) rose _ have fallen

9. You ____________ to a word ____________

A) listened _ I haven't said

B) didn't listen _ I say

C) listened _ saying

D) haven't listened _ I've said back

10. I can't believe that ________________ the news.

A) you haven't read

B) you didn't read

C) you don't read

D) you read not.

Đáp án: 1 - C; 2 - B; 3 - D; 4 - C; 5 - C; 6 - B; 7 - D; 8 - B; 9 - D; 10 - A;

4. Chia động từ thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. I have not worked today.

2. We (buy)..............a new lamp.

3. We (not/ plan)..............our holiday yet.

4. Where (be/ you)?

5. He (write)..............five letters.

6. She (not/ see)..............him for a long time.

7. (be/ you)..............at school?

8. School (not/ start)..............yet.

9. (speak/ he)..............to his boss?

10. No, he (have/ not)..............the time yet.

Đáp án

1. I have not worked today.

2. We have bought a new lamp.

3. We have not planned our holiday yet.

4. Where have you been?

5. He has written five letters.

6. She has not seen him for a long time.

7. Have you been at school?

8. School has not started yet.

9. Has he spoken to his boss?

10. No, he has not had the time yet.

5. Bài tập Hiện tại hoàn thành và Quá khứ đơn

1) I.........my Maths homework yesterday. (to do)

2).........Susan.........to England by plane? (to go)

3) They.........a farm two weeks ago. (to visit)

4) Jenny and Peggy.........their brother. (not/to help)

5) The children.........at home last weekend. (not/to be)

6) When.........you.........this wonderful skirt? (to design)

7) My mother.........into the van. (not/to crash)

8) The boys.........the mudguards of their bicycles. (to take off)

9).........you.........your aunt last week? (to phone)

10) He.........milk at school. (not/to drink)

11) The police.........two people early this morning. (to arrest)

12) She.........to Japan but now she.........back. (to go - to come)

13) Dan.........two tablets this year. (already/to buy)

14) How many games.........so far this season? (your team/to win)

15).........the CN Tower when you.........in Toronto? (you/to visit - to stay)

16).........your homework yet? – Yes, I.........it an hour ago. (you/to do - to finish)

17) There.........an accident in High Street, so we have to use King Street to get to your school. (to be)

18) I.........Peter since I.........last Tuesday. (not/to see - to arrive)

19) Frank.........his bike last May. So he.........it for 4 months. (to get - to have)

20) I'm sorry, I.........earlier, but I.........a lot lately. (not/to write - to work)

21) Peter......... football yesterday.

22) They......... the car. It looks new again.

23) Last year we......... to Italy.

24) John and Peggy......... the book. Now they can watch the film.

25) I......... my friend two days ago.

26) We......... another country before.

27) She......... a new car in 2011.

28) I'm sorry, but I......... my homework.

29)......... the game of chess?

30) The girls......... their lunch yet.

31) I.........my keys, so I can't open that door. (to lose)

32) Columbus.........in the New World in 1492. (to arrive)

33) Nina.........her leg. She is still in hospital. (to break)

34) He.........here all his life. (to live)

35) Colin.........for Brazil this morning. (to leave)

36) Last winter Robin.........with his father in the Alps for three days. (to stay)

37) Ellen.........with her left hand. (always/to write)

38) She.........a language course in Paris last summer. (to do)

39).........anyone.........yet? (to phone)

40) I.........Paul today, but I.........him last Sunday.

Đáp án:

1. I did my Maths homework yesterday.

2. Did Susan go to England by plane?

3. They visited a farm two weeks ago.

4. Jenny and Peggy did not help their brother.

5. The children were not at home last weekend.

6. When did you design this wonderful skirt?

7. My mother did not crash into the van.

8. The boys took off the mudguards of their bicycles.

9. Did you phone your aunt last week?

10. He did not drink milk at school.

11. The police arrested two people early this morning.

12. She went to Japan but now she has come back.

13. Dan has already bought two tablets this year.

14.How many games has your team won so far this season?

15. Did you visit the CN Tower when you stayed in Toronto?

16. Have you done your homework yet? – Yes, I finished it an hour ago.

17. There has been an accident in High Street, so we have to use King Street to get to your school.

18. I have not seen Peter since I arrived last Tuesday.

19. Frank got his bike last May. So he has had it for 4 months.

20. I'm sorry, I have not written earlier, but I have worked a lot lately

21. Peter played football yesterday.

22. They have cleaned the car. It looks new again.

23. Last year we went to Italy.

24. John and Peggy have just read the book. Now they can watch the film.

25. I met my friend two days ago.

26. We have never visited another country before.

27. She bought a new car in 2011.

28. I'm sorry, but I have forgotten my homework.

29. Did you win the game of chess?

30. The girls have not eaten their lunch yet.

31. I have lost my keys, so I can't open that door.

32. Columbus arrived in the New World in 1492.

33. Nina has broken her leg. She is still in hospital.

34. He has lived here all his life.

35. Colin left for Brazil this morning.

36. Last winter Robin stayed with his father in the Alps for three days.

37. Ellen has always written with her left hand.

38. She did a language course in Paris last summer.

39. Has anyone phoned yet?

40. I have not seen Paul today, but I saw him last Sunday.

6. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. This last time she came back to her hometown was 4 years ago.

=> She hasn't............................................................................................................

2. He started working as a bank clerk 3 months ago.

=> He has.................................................................................................................

3. It has been 5 years since we first flew to Singapore.

=> We have................................................................................................................

4. I last had my hair cut in November.

=> I haven't................................................................................................................

5. The last time we called each other was 5 months ago.

=> We haven't.............................................................................................................

6. It is a long time since we last met.

=> We haven't.............................................................................................................

7. When did you have it?

=> How long...........................................................................................................?

8. This is the first time I had such a delicious meal.

=> I have never................................................................................................................

9. I haven't seen him for 8 days.

=> The last................................................................................................................

10. To day is Saturday. I haven't taken a bath since Wednesday.

=> It is........................................................................................................................

Đáp án

1. She hasn't come back hometown for 4 years.

2. He has worked as a bank clerk for 3 months.

3. We have not flown to Singapore for 5 years.

4. I haven't had my hair cut since November.

5. We haven't called each other for 5 months.

6. We haven't met each other for a long time.

7. How long have you had it?

8. I have never had such a delicious meal.

9. The last time I saw him was 8 days ago.

10. Today is Saturday. I haven't taken a bath since Wednesday.

(It is three days since I last took a bath.)

7. Mỗi câu sau chứa một lỗi sai. Tìm và sửa chúng.

1. I haven’t cutted my hair since last June.


2. She has not working as a teacher for almost 5 years.


3. The lesson haven’t started yet.


4. Has the cat eat yet?


5. I am worried that I hasn’t still finished my homework yet.


6. I have just decided to start working next week.


7. He has been at his computer since seven hours.


8. She hasn’t received any good news since a long time.


9.My father hasn’t played any sport for last year.


10. I’d better have a shower. I hasn’t had one since Thursday.


Đáp án

1. cutted => cut

2. working => worked

3. haven’t => hasn’t

4. eat => eaten

5. hasn’t => haven’t

6. Đúng

7. since => for

8. since => for

9. for => since

10. hasn’t => haven’t

8. Viết lại những câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. She started to live in Hanoi 2 years ago. (for)

-> …………………………………………………

2. He began to study English when he was young. (since)

-> …………………………………………………

3. I have never eaten this kind of food before. (This is)

-> …………………………………………

4. I have never seen such a beautiful girl before. (She is)

-> …………………………………………

5. This is the best novel I have ever read. (before)

-> …………………………………………

Đáp án

1. She has lived in Hanoi for 2 years.

2. He has studied English since he was a young man.

3. This is the first time that I have ever eaten this kind of food.

4. She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.

5. I have never read such a good novel before.

9. Viết lại các câu sau dựa trên các từ cho sẵn có sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

1. We/ not eat/ out/ since/ mom’s birthday.


2. How/ long/ you/ live/ here?


3. You/ ever/ been/ Russia?


4. She/ not/ meet/ kids/ since Christmas.


5. They/ repair/ lamps/ yet?


Đáp án

1. We haven’t eaten out since mom’s birthday.

2. How long have you lived here?

3. Have you ever been to Russia?

4. She hasn’t met her kids since Christmas.

5. Have they repaired the lamps yet?

10. Viết lại những câu dưới đây sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. This last time Tom came back to his hometown was 5 years ago.

=> Tom hasn’t………………………………………………………

2. He started working as a teacher 6 months ago.

=> He has……………………………………………………………

3. It has been 3 years since we first went to Japan.

=> We have…………………………………………………

4. I last had my hair cut in June.

=> I haven’t……………………………………………………………

5. The last time we met was 2 years ago.

=> We haven’t……………………………………………………………

6. It has been a long time since we last called each other.

=> We haven’t………………………………………………………………

7. When did you have 10 scores in Math?

=> How long………………………………………………………..?

8. This is the first time I had such an exciting trip

=>I have never……………………………………………………………………

9. I haven’t seen Anna for 10 days.

=> The last……………………………………………………………………………

10. Today is Sunday. I haven’t taken a bath since Thursday.

=> It is…………………………………………………………………………………

Đáp án

1 - Tom hasn’t come back home for 5 years.

2 - He has worked as a teacher for 6 months.

3 - We have not gone to Japan for 3 years.

4 - I haven’t had my hair cut since June.

5 - We haven’t met for 2 years.

6 - We haven’t called each other for a long time.

7 - How long have you had 10 scores in Math?

8 - I have never had such an exciting trip

9 - The last time I saw Anna was 10 days ago.

10 - It is three days since I last took a bath.

11. Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành dưới dạng câu nghi vấn dựa trên những từ gợi ý dưới đây

1. you / answer / the question

2. Jenny / lock / the door

3. Walter / call / us

4. you / see / the picture

5. your parents / get / the letter

6. it / rain / a lot

7. how often / we / sing / the song

8. Maureen / watch / the film

9. how many books / Bob / read

10. ever / you / be / to London

Đáp án

1 - Have you answered the question?

2 - Has Jenny locked the door?

3 - Has Walter called us?

4 - Have you seen the picture?

5 - Have your parents got the letter?

6 - Has it rained a lot?

7 - How often have we sung the song?

8 - Has Maureen watched the film?

9 - How many books has Bob read?

10 - Have you ever been to London?

12. Make the present perfect - it could be positive, negative or question.

1) (you / keep a pet for three years)

2) (you / eat Thai food before)?

3) (it / rain all day)?

4) (who / we / forget to invite)?

5) (we / not / hear that song already)

6) (he / not / forget his books)

7) (she / steal all the chocolate)

8) (I / explain it well)?

9) (who / he / meet recently)?

10) (how / we / finish already)?

11) (he / study Latin)

12) (I / know him for three months)

13) (where / you / study Arabic)?

14) (what countries / they / visit in Europe)?

15) (he / hurt his leg)

16) (she / leave her phone in a taxi)

17) (we / not / lose our tickets)

18) (she / call her mother)?

19) (he / take a taxi)?

20) (She / go / to the library today)


1 - You've kept a pet for three years.

2 - Have you eaten Thai food before?

3 - Has it rained all day?

4 - Who have we forgotten to invite?

5 - We haven't heard that song before.

6 - He hasn't forgotten his books.

7 - She's stolen all the chocolate

8 - Have I explained it well?

9 - Who has he met recently?

10 - How have we finished already?

11 - He's studied Latin.

12 - I've known him for three months.

13 - Where have you studied Arabic?

14 - What countries have they visited in Europe?

15 - He's hurt his leg.

16 - She's left her phone in a taxi.

17 - We haven't lost our tickets.

18 - Has she called her mother?

19 - Has he taken a taxi?

20 - She's gone to the library today.

13. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.

1. I (not see) _________ my relatives since Easter Day.

2. We (make) _________ some nougats. Would you like one?3

3. How long (you / have) _________ your laptop?

4. The children (be) _________ in the swimming pool for over an hour.

5. Mark isn't here. He (go) _________ to the cinema with Rose.

6. I bought my new Iphone 13 yesterday. I (play) _________ it for an hour.

7. It's my birthday today but you (not give) _________ me a present.

8. Your hair looks nice. (you / go) _________ to the hairdresser's?

9. (they / have) _________ their homework yet?

10. They (work) _________ at the factory since they graduated.

Đáp án

1. I (not see) ___haven't seen______ my relatives since Easter Day.

2. We (make) _____have made____ some nougats. Would you like one?

3. How long (you / have) ___have you had______ your laptop?

4. The children (be) ____have been_____ in the swimming pool for over an hour.

5. Mark isn't here. He (go) ___has gone______ to the cinema with Rose.

6. I bought my new Iphone 13 yesterday. I (play) _____have played____ it for an hour.

7. It's my birthday today but you (not give) ___haven't given______ me a present.

8. Your hair looks nice. (you / go) ____Have you gone_____ to the hairdresser's?

9. (they / have) _____Have they finished____ their homework yet?

10. They (work) _____have worked____ at the factory since they graduated.

14. Fill in the correct form of the Present Perfect tense!

1. The earth ___________ here for billions of years (be)

2. Cuba ____________ a socialist country since 1959 (be)

3. I ____________ my laptop for three years (have).

4. ______________ an important fight? (the boxer , ever, win)

5. ____________ your learning problems? (your parents, always, understand)

6. A big earthquake ______________ San Francisco since 1906. (not hit)

7. We _____________ very hot weather this year (have)

8. Where ______________ the lucky money? (you, hide)


1. The earth _______has been______ here for billions of years (be)

2. Cuba _______has been_______ a socialist country since 1959 (be)

3. I _______have had_______ my laptop for three years (have).

4. _______Has the boxer ever won_______ an important fight? (the boxer , ever, win)

5. _______Have your parents always understood_______ your learning problems? (your parents, always, understand)

6. A big earthquake _______has not hit_______ San Francisco since 1906. (not hit)

7. We _______have had_______ very hot weather this year (have)

8. Where _______have you hidden_______ the lucky money? (you, hide)

15. Change the verb into the correct form:

1. I (read) _______ your book several times.

2. She (wear) _______ that skirt many times.

3. My family (visit) _______ Brazil a few times.

4. I (eat) _______ already.

5. Marta (finish) _______ her homework.

6. You (break) _______ the glass again.

7. They (pay) _______ for everything.

8. It (never snow) _______ like that.

9. I (meet)_______ Anna once.

10. We (see) _______ him before.

11. You (buy) _______ 4 cars so far.

12. There (be)_______ problems.

13. I (have) _______ a snake.

14. Maria (raise) _______ a monkey.

15. The kids (grow) _______ so much!


1. I (read) ___have read____ your book several times.

2. She (wear) ___has wore____ that skirt many times.

3. My family (visit) ___has visited____ Brazil a few times.

4. I (eat) __have eaten____ already.

5. Marta (finish) ___has finished____ her homework.

6. You (break) ____have broken___ the glass again.

7. They (pay) __have paid_____ for everything.

8. It (never snow) ___has never snowed____ like that.

9. I (meet)____have met___ Anna once.

10. We (see) ____have seen___ him before.

11. You (buy) ___have bought____ 4 cars so far.

12. There (be)____has been___ problems.

13. I (have) ___have had____ a snake.

14. Maria (raise) ___has raised____ a monkey.

15. The kids (grow) ___have grown____ so much!

16. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. She _______ the bird house today. (to finish)

2. We _______the whole text yet. (not / to translate)

3. ______ you ever ______ to Rome? (to be)

4. Where ______ you ______ lately? (to be)

5. ______ he _______the door? (to lock)

6. I ________ from you for ages. (not / to hear)

7.Tom ______already ________ from university. (to graduate)

8. ____ the children ______ the concert? (to prepare for)

9. What ____ Kate ____ for breakfast today? (to eat)

10. They _______ an interesting program this week. (to watch)

Đáp án

1. She ____has finished___ the bird house today. (to finish)

2. We ___haven't translated____the whole text yet. (not / to translate)

3. __Have____ you ever ___been___ to Rome? (to be)

4. Where ___have___ you ___been___ lately? (to be)

5. ____Has__ he __locked_____the door? (to lock)

6. I ____haven't heard____ from you for ages. (not / to hear)

7.Tom __has____already ____graduated____ from university. (to graduate)

8. __Have__ the children __prepared for__ the concert? (to prepare for)

9. What __has__ Kate __eaten__ for breakfast today? (to eat)

10. They ____have watched___ an interesting program this week. (to watch)

17. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. The weather _________________ (be) awful in the past few days.

2. We _________________ (wash) the dishes. They’re clean now.

3. _____________________________ (your course, start) yet?

4. Shall we play tennis? We _________________ (not play) since we were children.

5. The airplane _________________ (land) . The pilot is just getting out.

6. Prices _________________ (go) up. Everything is more expensive this year.

7.  How long ______________________ (Vicky, have) that camera? – For about a month.

8. We ______________________ (just come) back from our holidays.

9. He _________________ (be) at his computer for two hours.

10. My sister’s car is only a year old but she ___________________________ (already crash) it.


1. The weather _____has been_______ (be) awful in the past few days.

2. We ____have washed _____ (wash) the dishes. They’re clean now.

3. ________Has your course started________ (your course, start) yet?

4. Shall we play tennis? We _______haven’t played_______ (not play) since we were children.

5. The airplane ____ has landed______ (land) . The pilot is just getting out.

6. Prices _______have gone_____ (go) up. Everything is more expensive this year.

7. How long _______has Vicky had_____ (Vicky, have) that camera? – For about a month.

8. We _____have just come back_______ (just come) back from our holidays.

9. He ______has been___ (be) at his computer for two hours.

10. My sister’s car is only a year old but she _______ has already crashed_______ (already crash) it.

18. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. The students ______ very hard for the exam this Friday. (STUDY)

2. I don't want to go to the cinema. I _______ that movie three times already. (SEE)

3. My sister ________ the piano a lot lately. She's having a performance tomorrow evening.(PRACTICE)

4. We ______ each other for ages. (KNOW)

5. Tom _____ at the office since 7 a.m. (BE)


1. The students ___HAVE STUDIED___ very hard for the exam this Friday. (STUDY)

2. I don't want to go to the cinema. I ____HAVE SEEN___ that movie three times already. (SEE)

3. My sister ____HAS PRACTICED____ the piano a lot lately. She's having a performance tomorrow evening.(PRACTICE)

4. We ___HAVE KNOWN___ each other for ages. (KNOW)

5. Tom __HAS BEEN___ at the office since 7 a.m. (BE)

19. Give the correct form of the word in present perfect tense.

1. (where / you / study Arabic)?

2. (what countries / they / visit in Europe)?

3. (he / hurt his leg)

4. (she / leave her phone in a taxi)

5. (we / not / lose our tickets)

6. (she / call her mother)?

7. (he / take a taxi)?

8. (She / go / to the library today)


1. Where have you studied Arabic?

2. What countries have they visited in Europe?

3. He has hurt his leg.

4. She has left her phone in a taxi.

5. We haven't lost our tickets.

6. Has she called her mother?

7. Has he taken a taxi?

8. She has gone to the library today.

Trên đây là toàn bộ nội dung 18 Bài tập Tiếng Anh thì hiện tại hoàn thành có đáp án. Ngoài ra, mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu tiếng Anh cơ bản khác nhau được cập nhật liên tục trên VnDoc.com.

Thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Present perfect tense) diễn tả sự việc đã xảy ra ở một thời điểm không xác định trong quá khứ. Ở đây thời gian cụ thể không còn quan trọng nữa. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành không dùng chung với những cụm từ chỉ thời gian cụ thể như: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, v.v. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành dùng chung với những cụm từ mang nghĩa thời gian không xác định như: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, v.v.

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