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Bài tập về liên từ phụ thuộc - Subordinating Conjunctions số 2

Bài tập ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh - Bài tập về liên từ có đáp án

Trong quá trình học Tiếng Anh, các bạn sẽ phải thường xuyên sử dụng liên từ. Liên từ đóng vai trò quan trọng đặc biệt là ngôn ngữ viết, bởi chúng làm cho các ý trong một câu, các câu văn trong một đoạn liên kết với nhau chặt chẽ hơn. Vậy bạn đã nắm vững về liên từ chưa? xin giới thiệu chuỗi bài tập về liên từ trong Tiếng Anh để bạn luyện tập.

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  • Choose from among these subordinating conjunctions to complete each sentence.
     although       as long as        because        even if         so that        unless        until        while
  • 1. She has decided to move to Portland ___________ there are more opportunities for employment in that city.
  • 2. You can borrow my car _____________ you agree to be very careful with it.
    as long as
  • 3. They'll have a good corn harvest this year _____________ it rains a lot and prevents them from harvesting their crops.
  • 4. Our neighbor is going to buy a gun __________ she can protect herself from intruders who break into her apartment.
    so that
  • 5. ___________ he can save a lot of money by taking the bus, Russ still drives his car into the city every day.
  • 6. Ronald is going to finish his homework ____________ it takes him all night.
    even if
  • 7. My daughter can't wait _____________ she gets her new bike.
  • 8. Stay in the car ____________ I go into the store. I'll be right back.
  • 9. It's a good idea to go to college for four years ___________ it's possible to get a good job without a degree.
    even if
  • 10. _______________ he's overweight, Tony eats a lot of food before he goes to bed. That's not healthy.
  • 11. The police can't arrest the suspect in the crime ________________ they have more evidence against him.
  • 12. Tim's parents will let him have his own car ______________ he pays for his own insurance and doesn't get into any trouble with it.
    as long as
  • 13. ___________ Terry was talking on the phone and not paying attention, her kids were making a big mess in the kitchen.
  • 14. ____________ the police caught him driving while drunk, he lost his license.
  • 15. Hubert's wife will have to get a job ______________ they can afford to pay their mortgage and other expenses.
    so that
  • 16. You shouldn't accept a ride in a car from someone ___________ you know the person really well.
  • 17. Rogelio needs to see a doctor ___________ his back is really bothering him a lot.
  • 18. Jorge Shrubino was not a popular leader in his country ________________ he had support from the business community.
  • 19. Tanya and Uri have agreed not to move in together ________________ they get married.
  • 20. The teacher got angry _______________ the students were talking while he was trying to teach the class.
  • Choose the correct subordinating conjunction to complete each sentence.
  • 1. ___ he worked hard all year long, he wasn’t able to buy his father an expensive gift.
  • 2. ___ he didn’t have much money, he wasn’t able to buy his father an expensive gift.
  • 3. ___ he didn’t have much money, he was still able to buy an expensive gift for his father.
  • 4. ___ he works hard all year long, he won’t be able to buy his father an expensive gift.
  • 5. ___ he worked hard all year long and was able to earn a lot of money, he bought his father a very expensive gift.
  • 6. ___ spend a lot of money on a gift, he made a present for his father.
  • 7. ___ he buys his father an expensive gift, he won’t buy anything for himself.
  • 8. ___ he was shopping for an expensive gift for his father, he realized he didn’t have any money.
  • 9. ___ he bought an expensive gift for his father, he felt tremendous joy.
  • 10. ___ he buys his father an expensive gift, he needs to make sure he has enough money.
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  • Trả lời sai của bạn
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