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Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết tiếng Anh 10 lần 2 năm 2019 - 2020 (Đề 2)

Đề kiểm tra 45 phút lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh

Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết tiếng Anh 10 lần 2 năm 2019 - 2020 (Đề 2) bao gồm các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm Anh 10, hỗ trợ học sinh ôn luyện nâng cao kết quả học tập lớp 10.

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    Questions 1-5: There are five questions in this part. For each question, decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Tick (√) the correct boxes. You will listen to the recording twice.

    1. The next speaker has been the symbol of the city for over the past forty years.

    2. She has worked for the city council for more than two terms.

    3. She was introduced to be the Governor of a state in the US.

    4. She did her PhD course in the State University.

    5. She used to study at the Harvard University.

    1 - T; 2 - F; 3 - F; 4 - T; 5 - F
  • Questions 6-8:There are three questions in this part. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B, or C. You will listen to the recording twice.

    6. What did the woman do as a social worker?

  • 7
    How did the woman describe the help that the young people gave to the poor?
  • 8
    How were the poor treated in the past?

    Questions 9-11: Write the stress pattern (Oo) or (oO) of the following compound words.

    An example has been done for you.

    online game .....oO.....

    9. greenhouse ..........

    10. solar charger ..........

    11. electronic book ..........

    Gợi ý: 1 - ...; 2 - ...; ....
    9 - Oo; 10 - oO; 11 - oO
  • Questions 12-14: Reorder the utterances to make conversations.


    A. About 4 p.m. What were you doing then?

    B. I was having a meeting in the office at that time.

    C. I called you yesterday, but you didn’t answer the phone.

    D. Oh, really? What time was it?

    C D A B
  • 13

    A. I teach small kids.

    B. I volunteer every Friday morning.

    C. What do you do?

    D. What do you teach?

    E. I teach English and Maths.

    B C A D E
  • 14

    A. I saw an advertisement on the Internet about volunteer work and applied for it.

    B. Oh, I see. Do you like the job?

    C. How did you get your volunteer job?

    D. Sure, do you want to join us?

    C A B D
  • Questions 15-18: Identify the underlined part (A, B, C, or D) that needs correction in each of the following questions.
    15. I haven’t seen(A) Hoa again (B) since we have graduated (C) from (D) high school.
  • 16
    I was(A)lieing (B) in the bath when the phone rang (C).
  • 17
    You looked(A)so sick yesterday (B). Have you not visited (C) the doctor yet (D)?
  • 18
    We didn’t have(A)new windows be installed (B) on our house because (C) it was too expensive (D).
  • Questions 19-22: Match the word with its definition. Write your answers (A, B, C, D or E) in the provided spaces. There is an extra definition you DO NOT USE.



    19. charity __________


    an advantage for profit gained from something

    20. invention __________


    an event in which people compete for first prize in a sport or an activity

    21. benefit __________


    the act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are poor, sick, etc

    22. contest __________


    a disadvantage or problem that makes something less acceptable


    a unique or novel device, method, composition or process

    Gợi ý: 1 - ...; 2 - ...; ....
    19 - C; 20 - E; 21 - A; 22 - B

    Questions 23-30: Read the text about volunteering in Britain and answer the questions that follow.

    Doing some forms of voluntary work has never been more popular with British people. Over 20 million people were engaged in voluntary activities in 2013. Volunteering means giving up time to do work of benefit to the community. It can take many forms, from working with children with learning difficulties, or in an animal hospital, or planting trees. When London won its bid to host the 2012 Olympics, up to 70,000 volunteers were needed to help ensure that the games were a success.

    Volunteers can be anyone of any age. Students and full-time workers often manage to involve in some voluntary work. But what motivates volunteers? Some do it for a sense of selflessness while others find they have free time available. Many mention the opportunity to get to know people they would not normally meet.

    A relatively new phenomenon is the hope of meeting new friends or even a life partner through volunteering. In a recent British survey, 20% of 18-24 year-olds and 8% of over-65s said their love lives had improved since they began volunteering. The same poll found that nearly half of volunteers enjoyed improved health and fitness, a quarter lost weight - especially those working with children or doing conservation projects - and two-thirds felt less stressed. So, it seems volunteering may improve your life, and you may even find the person of your dreams.

    (Adapted from "Volunteering – for Love" by Magus, 2013)

    Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D for each of the following questions.

    23. What does the text say about doing voluntary work in the UK?

  • 24
    What does the word “It” in paragraph 1 refer to?
  • 25
    Which is NOT a reason for people to do voluntary work?
  • 26
    What does the third paragraph mainly discuss?
  • Briefly answer the following questions, using the information from the text.

    27. What is volunteering?


    Volunteering means giving up time to do work of benefit to the community.
  • 28

    List ONE form of voluntary activities as mentioned in the text.


    ANY of these: working with children/working in an animal hospital/planting trees/doing conservation projects.
  • 29

    Who can do voluntary work in Britain?


    Anyone of any age.
  • 30

    How can volunteering help improve the life of volunteers?


    Improve their love lives as well as their health and fitness.

    Questions 31-34: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one, using NO MORE THAN FIVE words. Write the missing words in the given spaces.

    31. It was surprising to see my ex-girlfriend in the party.

    --> I _______________________________ to see my ex-girlfriend in the party.

    was surprised
  • 32

    We use the correction pen to cover writing mistakes.

    --> The correction pen ___________________________ writing mistakes.

    is used for covering/is used to cover
  • 33

    The Internet has changed people’s lives in different ways.

    --> People's lives _______________________in different ways by the Internet.

    have been changed
  • 34

    I have never eaten Indian food before.

    --> It's the first time I _____________

    have ever eaten Indian food
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    Môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10

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