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Bài tập về đại từ bất định số 1

Bài tập ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh - Bài tập về đại từ bất định

Đại từ bất định không phải là mảng ngữ pháp quá khó, tuy nhiên có rất nhiều bạn lúng túng khi sử dụng đại từ bất định trong cả văn nói và văn viết. Vì vậy, xin giới thiệu các bạn bài tập về đại từ bất định có đáp án để các bạn luyện tập, hiểu và sử dụng các đại từ này nhuần nhuyễn. Chúc các bạn học tốt.

Bạn cần đăng ký tài khoản VnDoc Pro để Kiểm tra kết quả làm bài và Tải bài về! Tìm hiểu thêm
  • Choose from "none, nobody, nothing, or neither" to complete each question.
  • 1. Did somebody knock on the door? No, _________________ knocked on the door.
  • 2. Did either of the solutions work? No, _________________ of the solutions worked.
  • 3. Does anybody here speak English? No, _______________ here speaks English.
  • 4. Are any of your sisters married? No, _________________ of my sisters are married.
  • 5. Did something happen? No, ___________________ happened.
  • 6. Does either of your brothers live with you? No, ____________________ of my brothers lives with me.
  • 7. Do any of your friends smoke? No, ___________________ of my friends smoke.
  • 8. Did you see anything? No, I saw _______________.
  • 8. Did you see anything? No, I saw _______________.
  • Fill in the gaps with "somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing, somewhere, anywhere or nowhere".
  • 1. I know __________ about this issue that you may find interesting, but if I tell you, you must promise to keep it secret.
  • 2. __________ lives here. There is no water.
    Nobody Nothing
  • 3. I spent the night __________ near the beach.
  • 4. __________ could have jumped over this wall, and stole your rake. It's very low.
  • 5. __________ scares him. He's very brave.
    Nothing Nobody
  • 6. There is __________ to park here. Let's go __________ else to park.
    Dùng dấu phẩy "," để tách các đáp án.
    nowhere, somewhere
  • 7. Would you like __________ to wash your hands?
  • 8. May I have __________ for dessert, please?
  • 9. They took him __________ in London, and he never returned.
  • 10. Please don't leave __________ behind at home. We'll be away for a fortnight.
  • 11. She needs __________ to love. She's very lonely.
  • 12. They will not sing __________ in this city. They said that they would never come back.
  • 13. There isn't __________ you can do to help them. __________ can help them.
    Dùng dấu phẩy "," để tách các đáp án.
    anything, Nobody
  • 14. We do not need __________ else to run this department. We can do it ourselves.
  • 15. __________ is ringing the bell. Go and see who it is.
  • 16. __________ phoned while we were out, but they did not leave a message.
  • 17. __________ tells me that there is __________ fishy going on.
    Something, something
  • 18. They are looking for __________ to settle down and have children. They want to find a quiet place to lead a quiet life.
  • 19. "Where would you like to stay?" - "__________ will do provided it is a clean place."
  • 20. "Is there __________ at home?" - "I don't think there is __________. Mum and dad must have gone out."
    Dùng dấu phẩy "," để tách các đáp án.
    anybody, anybody
  • Đáp án đúng của hệ thống
  • Trả lời đúng của bạn
  • Trả lời sai của bạn
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    Kiểm tra Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh

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