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Đề thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh tỉnh Bắc Giang năm 2018 có đáp án

Đề thi vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh tỉnh Bắc Giang

Đề thi trắc nghiệm trực tuyến tuyển sinh lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2018 dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề thi vào lớp 10 do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề thi gồm nhiều dạng bài tập khác nhau giúp các em học sinh lớp 9 rèn luyện những kỹ năng cơ bản khi làm bài thi và đạt điểm cao trong kì thi tuyển sinh lớp 10.

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  • I. Choose one word whose bolded part is pronounced differently from the others.
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • II. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
  • 1. Who will look ______ your baby when you are out?
  • 2. Ba: "I've passed my final exam." ~ Binh: "______"
  • 3. Nguyen Thi Trang, who was born in Bac Giang, is a famous badminton ______.
  • 4. Passover, Easter, Christmas, Lunar New Year are called ______.
  • 5. Euro 2016, ______ is the men's football championship of Europe, will be held in France.
  • 6. You will be ______ by the structures of the Complex of Hue Monuments.
  • III. Give the correct tense/ form of the verb in the brackets.
  • 1. We (just/take) ______ part in different charity activities in the town.
    have just taken
  • 2. If Lan (not have) __________ a bicycle, she will not go camping with us.
    doesn't have does not have
  • 3. She said she (visit) ______ us the following day.
    would visit
  • IV. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word from the box to complete the passage.
    celebrate   -   gives   -   festivals   -   especially   -   beautiful

    Spring is a time when there are many (1) ______ in our country. Among them, Hoa Ban Festival is the most (2) ______ and interesting, and it takes place in Lai Chau. It is typical of the cultural life of the Thai people. In the second lunar month of the year, when it gets warmer and Hoa Ban – a kind of beautiful flower in the northwest mountainous area – blossoms, Hoa Ban Festival is celebrated. This is a great time for everyone, (3) ______ for boys and girls. The boy picks the most beautiful flowers and (4) ______ them to his girlfriend.
  • 1. Spring is a time when there are many (1) ______ in our country.
  • 2. Among them, Hoa Ban Festival is the most (2) ______ and interesting, and it takes place in Lai Chau.
  • 3. This is a great time for everyone, (3) ______ for boys and girls.
  • 4. The boy picks the most beautiful flowers and (4) ______ them to his girlfriend.
  • V. Rewrite the sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with the given words.
  • 1. Japan will give 200 cherry trees to Hanoi in March 2016.
    → 200 cherry trees ______________________
    200 cherry trees will be given to Hanoi in March 2016.
  • 2. I started working in this factory 5 years ago.
    → I have ____________________________
    I have worked in the factory for 5 years.
  • VI. Read the passage carefully then answer the questions.

    One of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century was a method of using natural gas for cooking and heating. Large amounts of natural gas found in the United States, usually several thousand feet below the surface of the earth.

    For many years after natural gas first discovered, it was thought to have no value. Finally, however, people began to understand its uses and to find ways of storing it and of moving it from place to place.

    Today natural gas is stored in large tanks and used for lighting, cooking, and heating. In many ways, natural gas is one of our finest fuels. It is cheap and can be used for cooking without making the room hot. It can be moved easily from one place to another through long pipelines, some of which are hundreds of miles in length.

  • 1. Was natural gas first used for cooking and heating in the nineteenth century?
    → ______________________
    Yes, it was.
  • 2. How is natural gas stored?
    → _____________________________________
    It is stored in large tanks. It's stored in large tanks.
  • 3. Why is natural gas one of our finest fuels?
    → _______________________________
    Because it is cheap and can be used for cooking without making the room hot.
  • 4. How can natural gas be moved from one place to another?
    → __________________________________
    It can be moved easily from one place to another through long pipelines. It can be moved through long pipelines.
  • VII. Use the words and phrases provided to make meaningful sentences.
  • 1. children/ love/ watch/ cartoon films.
    → ____________________________
    The children love watching cartoon films.
  • 2. We/ suggest/ organize/ a show/ raise money.
    → ___________________________________
    We suggest organizing a show to raise money. We suggest organizing a show in order to raise money. We suggest organizing a show so as to raise money.
  • Good luck!
    Hope you guys to have high score in English Test in tenth grade entrance examination!
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