Thanhngoc nguyenpham Tiếng Anh

Rewrite the following sentences

Viết lại câu bằng Tiếng Anh

3 Câu trả lời
  • 1m52

    6. She was going to be a doctor.

    7. This house is too small for us.

    8. She is too young to decide for herself.

    9. The water is quiet warm enough to drink.

    10. It is very easy to do this exercise.

    11. Sitting next to the fire is plesant.

    Trả lời hay
    1 Trả lời 04/08/22
    • ۶ⓣ❍p¹ℳųʀⓐɖ¹ĐạŤ¹

      1. How does your boyfriends look?/ How is your boyfriend?

      2. Her face is round.

      1. I am a sociable person.

      2. Galileo Galilei was known to invent the telescope.

      3. Tina sent me a lovely email.

      4. She was going to be a doctor.

      5. This house is too small for us.

      0 Trả lời 04/08/22
      • hổ báo cáo chồn
        hổ báo cáo chồn

        12. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

        13. My favorite hobby is playing soccer.

        14. They make an appointment for a meeting place

        0 Trả lời 04/08/22

        Tiếng Anh

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