Thái Thị Đoan Thủy Tiếng Anh

Talk about your future house

5 Câu trả lời
  • Minh Thong Nguyen ...
    Minh Thong Nguyen ...

    My house in the future will be a villa.It is located on the Sun.It looks like a blue flower.Although in the Sun,my dream house is surrounded by many tall trees and flower.It very big and tall so it's has twenty-eight room.It's modern,too.My dream house has wireless TV in living room,automatic dish washed in bathroom,....and hi-tech robot.Hi-tech robot be very friendly.They help me do the housework.I love my dream house very much!

    0 Trả lời 21/04/23
    • Ma Kết
      Ma Kết

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      • GIA HUY
        GIA HUY

        My name gia huy

        0 Trả lời 23/04/23
        • Bé Heo
          Bé Heo

          My family lives in a house in the countryside .It is not tall but it is a comfortable, large house.There is a living room , three bedrooms and a kitchen in the house .The roof is red and the walls are blue .there is a white fence around the house .The gate is brown.There is yard and, a flower garden in front of the house.There is a vegetable garden behind the house.To the left of the house ,there is a well.To the right of the house there are tall trees.My house is very tidy and beautiful ,I love it very much.

          0 Trả lời 21/04/23
          • Đoàn Mai
            Đoàn Mai

            What's your name ?

            0 Trả lời 22/04/23

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