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Bộ đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN (19)

Bộ đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN

Với mong muốn giúp các bạn học sinh làm quen, luyện tập cũng như hệ thống lại kiến thức, thử sức trực tiếp trên các đề thi thật sự, đã sưu tập Bộ đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN (19). Hi vọng, đây sẽ là tài liệu hữu ích dành cho các bạn học sinh ôn tập và quý thầy cô giáo tham khảo trong quá trình giảng dạy. Chúc các em thành công.

Bộ đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN (11)

Bộ đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN (12)

Bộ đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN (15)

Bộ đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh CÓ ĐÁP ÁN (16)

Đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 chuyên Anh năm học 2015-2016 Sở GD-ĐT TP. Hồ Chí Minh


1.........could only have been made by someone incompetent.

A. How serious a mistake B. Such serious mistake

C. So serious is this mistake D. So serious a mistake

2. She insisted that the report........ as his source of information.

A. not be mentioned B. not to mention C. not mentioning D. not mention

3....... traveling is educational, it can also be stressful and expensive.

A. Since B. Providing C. While D. Even

4. They arrived home only to find their their absence.

A. was burgled B. has burgled C. had been burgled D. was burgling

5. There isn't a.........of truth in his words. What a liar!

A. wealth B. trace C. pack D. grain

6. Don't count your........ before they

A. ducklings B. chickens C. puppies D. birds

7. Manh: Should I buy a new bike or a used one? ~ Dung: can afford.

A. the one whichever B. which one that C. those that D. whichever one

8. Dung: "Merry Christmas!" ~ Manh: "..........."

A. You, too B. Merry Christmas C. You are welcome D. You bet

9. I hope everything is OK. They........several hours ago.

A. would have called B. supposed to call

C. must have called D. were to have called

10. He was a great athlete when he was younger. He now still........if he hadn't had that accident.

A. would have been B. had been C. will be D. would be

11. After a month-long investigation, the police still aren't sure who........

A. is blamed by them B. do they blame C. to lay the blame on D. to be blaming

12. The food wasn't bad, but I' go somewhere else next time.

A. rather B. prefer C. better D. liked

13. The company is famous for making sturdy work clothes that can......hard wear.

A. stard up for B. stand up to C. stand in for D. stand up against

14. Employees are advised to take......of the changes in the company policy.

A. hold B. effect C. root D. notice

15. The day their first child was bom, the new parents were.........with joy.

A. overpowered B. overtaken C. overcome D. overthrown

16. By the time you finish your job, everyone.........home.

A. has gone B. will have gone C. had gone D. was going

17. The..........child is forever asking questions. He's incredibly curious.

A. acquisitive B. acquitted C. inquisitive D. exquisite

18. If you think you are right, then........ Don't let him bully you into changing your mind.

A. stand your ground B. hit it off

C. kick the bucket D. give the green light

19. At the end of the broadcast, the TV station received a......of complaints.

A. hurricane B. tsunami C. tornado D. torrent

20. Dung: "Stop talking. You are so noisy." ~ Manh: "........ He is the noisiest in this class."

A. Why not? B. Look, who's talking

C. You can say that again. D. You bet!

21. A: "Have you told your dad what's bothering you? ~ B: "I' you than in my parents."

A. rather to confide B. better confide

C. rather my confiding D. sooner confide over your head is just an exaggeration.

A. That this entrance exam B. When this entrance exam

C. This entrance exam which D. This entrance exam

Đáp án đề thi vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh

1.........could only have been made by someone incompetent.

A. How serious a mistake B. Such serious mistake

C. So serious is this mistake D. So serious a mistake

2. She insisted that the report........ as his source of information.

A. not be mentioned B. not to mention C. not mentioning D. not mention

3....... traveling is educational, it can also be stressful and expensive.

A. Since B. Providing C. While D. Even

4. They arrived home only to find their their absence.

A. was burgled B. has burgled C. had been burgled D. was burgling

5. There isn't a.........of truth in his words. What a liar!

A. wealth B. trace C. pack D. grain

6. Don't count your........ before they

A. ducklings B. chickens C. puppies D. birds

7. Manh: Should I buy a new bike or a used one? ~ Dung: can afford.

A. the one whichever B. which one that C. those that D. whichever one

8. Dung: "Merry Christmas!" ~ Manh: "..........."

A. You, too B. Merry Christmas C. You are welcome D. You bet

9. I hope everything is OK. They........several hours ago.

A. would have called B. supposed to call

C. must have called D. were to have called

Đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 môn tiếng Anh (chuyên) năm học 2015-2016 tỉnh Hưng Yên

PART A: (0,5 point) PHONETICS

Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. Write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

1. A. understand B. engineer C. benefit D. Japanese

2. A. casual B. embroider C. designer D. occasion

3. A. enjoyable B. convenient C. exciting D. interesting

4. A. purpose B. remote C. control D. respond

5. A. appreciate B. experience C. embarrassing D. situation


I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences. Write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet (2,0 points).

1. Tom made a number of suggestions, most of ____ were very helpful.

A. them B. which C. that D. whom

2. The teacher explained the lesson twice _____ the students understood it clearly.

A. as long as B. so that C. because D. as if

3. Both Mary and Ellen as well as Jean _____ on the tour now.

A. are going B. is going C. has been going D. was going

4. I don't know whether ______ for the job or not.

A. to applying B. apply C. to apply D. applied

5. ______ extremely bad weather in the mountains, we're no longer considering our skiing trip.

A. Due to B. Because C. Since D. Thanks to

6. You must leave at once, you ______ miss the train.

A. however B. yet C. still D. otherwise

7. _______ of English learners have real chance to use it every day.

A. A few B. Few C. A little D. Not much

8. _______ becoming extinct is of great concern to zoologists.

A. That giant pandas are B. Giant pandas are

C. Are giant pandas D. Giant panda is

9. I've applied for the job ________ in the newspaper last month.

A. advertised B. advertising C. be advertised D. being advertised

10. ________ to Jim myself, I can't tell why he would do such terrible things.

A. Not to be speaking B. Not to have spoken

C. Because of not being spoken D. Not having spoken

11. The government hopes to _________ its plans for introducing cable TV.

A. turn out B. carry out C. carry on D. keep on

12. I'll be back in a minute, Jane. I just want to ________ my new tape recorder.

A. try out B. try on C. look up D. take up

13. We can communicate with friends by ______of e-mail.

A. means B. paths C. methods D. uses

14. Learning a foreign language also includes learning the ________ of that country.

A. reputation B. scenery C. culture D. nature

15. We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ________.

A. practice B. reality C. fact D. deed

16. There were 50 ________ in the talent contest.

A. competitors B. examinees C. customers D. interviewees

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