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Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 30/07/2016

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 30/07/2016

Việc chuẩn bị trước cho phần thi đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 là điều đặc biệt quan trọng, giúp bạn tự tin và trình bày mạch lạc, tránh lan man khi đưa ra đáp án của mình. mời các bạn tham khảo tài liệu Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 30/07/2016 về vấn đề chênh lệch giàu nghèo và hướng giải quyết.

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 09/07/2016

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Đề thi IELTS Writing - Task 2 tháng 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 năm 2016

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 30/07/2016

Đề bài: The gap between the rich and the poor is increasingly wide, as rich people become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems could this situation cause? What are the solutions to address those problems?

Sample Answer 1:

There is no doubt that the gap present clearly today between the poor and the rich is getting wider by time and is affecting our way of life.

That was only observed in the past in some communities where the wealth of a country was restricted to a few powerful and connected people. They used to own more than eighty percent of the resources and income, while the rest is barely enough for the common people. Nowadays, the difference is significant but not limited to the societies finest. The society is divided into groups, the rich, the poor and the few managing to enjoy some of the rich benefits but struggling to keep this level, they are bouncing between the limits of each of the other groups.

As a result of today's situation, a broad band of the poor are striving to get a fair share of prosperity with no actual hope, the fabric of the society is getting weaker and therefore each group is more colonized to itself forming new habits and customs. Bridging this gap can only be done if equality was achieved in the basic needs like education and healthcare. If an acceptable ease was managed for the common people in their daily routines like public transportations and business facilities, that would also be helpful. There must be transparent laws to manage the use of the wealth and the equality of sharing it, and monitor any possible corruption. The sense of equal opportunity has to be delivered and believed by all people.

Briefly, no community can prosper and evolve safely unless the gaps are bridged between people at all aspects giving a fair chance to everyone to live in comfort if they worked reasonably hard to achieve it.

[by - Mohamed Shokry]

Sample Answer 2:

The amount of income of people is always an important topic in social sciences. Equilibrium of society depends on how this income is shared among the people. Sadly, with the start of 1950s, the gap between poor and rich has become wider and nowadays this gap has reached its peak point.

The reason of this situation is the structure of our business system we have constructed over years. This economic model is called 'Capitalism'. Needless to say, the word Capitalism is the derivative of Capital and obliviously, one who has capital has the chance to improve his business and obtain welfare. On the other hand, poor guys are less likely to build a business because of absence of capital. One of the ugliest results of this system is that this system makes people simply greedy. Community has started to think true happiness can be reached only with more money. Another problem we face in this system is consumerism which means to have a good stable mood it is obligatory to consume more and more. In future, if this economic model preserves itself, it can lead to anarchy which may results disasters and deaths of many innocents.

To improve our lives, to beat this endless unhappiness, we should teach our children the importance of social justice. This problem is not going to be solved in following several years. In the long run, we should change the way how we understand about life. We must alter the roots and dynamics of our community. Nevertheless, we should preserve our hope because human being had solved much more difficult problems in the history. There is considerable amount of people who are aware of this problem.

A modern social and economic structure should be formed to address this issue. The government policy to help the poor should be more emphasized and education in a country should be free so that poor people can make their children educated. This educational opportunity can play a huge role to mitigate this eminent gap.

In conclusion, the social and economic formation and revolutionary changed in current capitalism is required to eliminate the gap between the poor and rich. More than three fourth of wealth is owned by only 15% of the total population in the world. This is an unfair distribution and if not addressed carefully would only create chaos in the future.

[by - Mümin Ozpolat]

Sample Answer 3:

It is true that nowadays the difference between the wealthy and the poor is increasing: the wealth is growing, while the poor are going deeper into debts.

We must acknowledge that life for some categories of the population is extremely hard. It does not mean that they are people who have never worked in life or those with anti-social behaviour like drug or alcohol addicted. I read in "Gold Coast Bulletin" that 700 households in Queensland had been disconnected from electricity in the past 3 months because they had not been able to pay the bills. It is true that it is more complicated for these citizens to survive and adopt, as the cost of living is unreasonably high.

On the other hand, 1% of Earth's population owns as much money as the rest 99%, which is absolutely unfair. I doubt that all of them have inherited their wealth or have been working hard for decades. The names of two wealthiest families –the Rothschilds and the Rockfellers are known to everybody. The ways of getting such enormous sums are not always legal, but the society prefers to ignore such facts.

Moreover, these people do not only live in multi-million mansions, drive luxurious cars, eat in sophisticated restaurants, but they constantly show off their money, which many people find offensive and irritating. Instead of spending a fortune on useless things, why are not they involved in charity more? If they have billions of dollars and do not know what else to purchase to attract others' attention, why do not their share a half of their wealth? They will not become poorer, while the lives of less lucky ones can be transformed, and these people can at least get a chance. The whole society would benefit because of that as the crime level would descend.

Overall, the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming more dramatic, if the Governments do not take immediate actions, it is going to grow in future as well.

[by - Helen Dmytriieva]

Sample Answer 4:

The economic differences in the society create inequality among the people. The differences between the rich people and the poor people's income are increasing in the recent years. The reason for them can be classified into the improper government policies and the individual's talents.

Tax policies introduced by the governments are favourable for the high net worth people to evade the tax. For instance, entrepreneurs have different tax slabs that make them avail tax exemptions like, opening an office in special economy zone can result in good savings and increase in profit. However, we cannot discount the individual talents in making enormous profits.

Talent is something that can be acquired by experience or inherited from the family. There are several startup companies created by talented individuals who make it to the rich people category in a matter of few years. In addition, there are few interesting people from the wealthy segment who use their talents to bridge the income gap between the rich and poor.

For example, the companies like Microsoft and Google are spending the hard earned money for betterment of the society by investing in child education and infrastructure. If all the organisations and the individuals spend a fraction of their enormous income in the country's infrastructure, education and economic growth, then there are bright chances to fill in the gap of the income difference.

I firmly believe that rich people spending the money on improving the lifestyle of poor people and better government tax policies will increase the chances of closing the income difference between the rich and poor.

[by - Muthuraman]

Sample Answer 5:

It is true that nowadays rich people are getting even richer and poor people have become poorer especially in developing countries. This situation has presented wide variety of problems to the community and it has negatively affected on one country's developments. To tackle these problems I believe that governments and authorities should take necessary steps and implement laws to improve the living standards of financially backward people.

To begin with, studies have shown that poverty and crimes are correlated owing to the fact that people are committing crime for earn a living. Furthermore children's of poorer parents are often not able to access higher education even they may have talents in their studies. As a result they are not hired for a wealthy job. This means that probably they will live their lives under uncomfortable circumstances and poverty. That will present uncertainty in one country. Moreover public health of one country would be deteriorated if people in one country are living in extreme poverty.

To tackle these worrying concerns governments should need to do more works for minimizing the gap between poorer people and richer people. Firstly governments should provide financial support for people who are living under uncomfortable financial circumstances. Secondly governments should ensure quality of education to all of their citizens. That will definitely help to reduce the poverty as well as increasing the living standards of financially backward families. Finally developed countries should take more responsibility and to do lot of efforts for eradicate poverty from the world. These efforts already have been seen in some African countries and that have helped many people to increase their living standards.

To conclude I believe that we as a human everyone has rights to get a access to the education and a quality life. In addition education is the most useful weapon to fight against poverty. In this sense governments should ensure quality of education to all of their citizens. That will certainly help to reduce the gap between richer and poorer people.

[by - Shijoy Dsilva]

Sample Answer 6:

In this day and age, the gap between affluent and destitute is becoming increasingly wider. This surging wave of differences among people leads to some problems, which are elucidated below. However these are not insurmountable problem if government takes some suitable measure.

The most significant problem is that the rent of crime will be increased, because in wretched families both parents should work outdoor and cannot pay enough attention to their children. As a result, these kids will grow up in improper way and almost all of them are serious danger for society in the future. In addition, these poor families always think that wealthy families spoil their rights and so they want to revenge with theft or harshness from them.

The next problem in this situation is that illiteracy will be common, since needy cannot afford the cost of education. Therefore, their future becomes blurred as they do not get quality education. This deprivation (lack of education) causes their tendency to lawlessness and violence become more.

While that the problems mention above, there are some solutions that can be taken to reduce the problems. Firstly, governments should impose heavy tax for affluent persons and spend these gain money for improving the destitute lives. Also, governments can prepare the facilities of education, free of charge for poor children.

In conclusion, today it is apparent that the gap between poor and wealthy is dramatic. However, this situation should not ignore, because it creates some serious such as surging rate of crime and illiteracy. The government can reduce this gap with some proper measures by taking prudent decisions.

[by - Sanaz Golmakani]

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