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Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2018 có đáp án + giải thích chi tiết (Đề số 11)

Đề ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh xin giới thiệu đến các bạn Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2018 có đáp án + giải thích chi tiết (Đề số 11) được sưu tầm và đăng tải dưới đây là nguồn tài liệu hữu ích cho các bạn ôn thi dành điểm cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Chúc các bạn thành công.


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Question 1. My original statement has been completely distorted by the media.

A. wrong B. evil C. deform D. harm

Question 2. With a wonderful memory for detail, this woman-who my father said never forgets anything-became truly loquacious.

A. talkative B. thirsty C. beautiful D. complicated

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Question 3. Her imagination was kindled by the exciting stories her grandmother told her.

A. smother B. detest C. enemy D. discourage

Question 4. It was not for his friend to abate that confidence.

A. free B. augment C. provoke D. wane

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Question 5. A. tendency B. difference C. importance D. incidence

Question 6. A. diverse B. current C. justice D. series

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction

Question 7. It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking.

Question 8. John announced that he could not longer tolerate the conditions of the contract under which he was working.

Question 9. After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realised that he has been driving in the wrong direction.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions from 10 to 14.

Telecommuting is some form of computer communication between employees‘ homes and offices. For employees whose job involve sitting at a terminal or word processor entering data or typing reports, the location of the computer is of no consequence. If the machine can communicate over telephone lines, when the work is completed, employees can dial the office computer and transmit the material to their employers. A recent survey in USA Today estimates that there are approximately 8,7 million telecommuters. But although the numbers are rising annually, the trend does not appear to be as significant as predicted when Business Week published ―The Portable Executive‖ as its cover story a few years ago. Why hasn‘t telecommuting become more popular?

Clearly, change simply takes time. But in addition, there has been active resistance on the part of many managers. These executives claim that supervising the telecommuters in a large work force scattered across the country would be too difficult, or, at least, systems for managing them are not yet developed, thereby complicating the manager‘s responsibilities.

It is also true that employees who are given the option of telecommuting are reluctant to accept the opportunity. Most people feel that they need regular interaction with a group, and many are concerned that they will not have the same consideration for advancement if they are not more visible in the office setting. Some people feel that even when a space in their homes is set aside as a work area, they never really get away from the office.

Question 10. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?

A. The advantages of telecommuting.

B. A definition of telecommuting.

C. An overview of telecommuting.

D. The failure of telecommuting.

Question 11. The phrase “of no consequence” means___________.

A. of no use B. of no good C. unimportant D. irrelevant

Question 12. The author mentions all of the following as concerns of telecommuting, EXCEPT________.

A. the opportunities for advancement.

B. the different system of supervision.

C. the lack of interaction with a group.

D. The work place is in the home.

Question 13. The reason why telecommuting has not become popular is that the employees__________.

A. need regular interaction with their families.

B. are worried about the promotion if they are not seen at the office.

C. feel that a work area in their home is away from the office.

D. are ignorant of telecommuting.

Question 14. When Business Week published ―The Portable Executive, it implied that___________.

A. systems for managing telecommuters were not effective.

B. there was resistance on the part of many managers about telecommuting.

C. the trend for telecommuting was optimistic.

D. most telecommuters were satisfied with their work.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for each of the blanks.

Not everybody recognizes the benefits of new developments in communications technology. Indeed, some people fear that text messaging may actually be having a negative (15)________ on young people's communication and language skills, especially when we hear that primary school children may be at

(16)_______ of becoming addicted to the habit. So widespread has texting become, however, that even pigeons have started doing it. What‘s more, in this case, it's difficult to view the results as anything but positive.

Twenty of the birds are about to (17)_______ to the skies with the task of measuring air pollution, each with sensor equipment and a mobile phone. The (19)______ made by the sensors will be automatically (20)_________ into text messages and beamed to the Internet - where they will appear on a dedicated 'pigeon blog'.

Question 15.

A. resultB. outcomeC effectD. conclusion
Question 16.A. dangerB. threatC. riskD. peril
Question 17.A. makeB. launchC. reachD. take

Question 18.

A. armed

B. loaded

C. granted

D. stocked

Question 19.

A. studies

B. readings

C. reviews

D. inquiries

Question 20.

A. adapted

B. converted

C. revised

D. applied

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 21. In fact the criminals__________ into because the front door was wide open and so they just walked in.

A. needn't have broken B. didn't need break

C. didn't need to break D. needn't to have broken

Question 22. The city libraries present a gloomy picture of the ________who used to flock the libraries every evening.

A. gradual reduction of readers B. gradual readers reduction

C. gradual readersof reduction D. reduction gradual readers

Question 23. I have looked through the report, but I must admit, only__________.

A. superficially B. thoroughly C. carefully D. seriously

Question 24. -Sorry, I‘m late. - "__________."

A. Youare welcome B. No, I don‘t mind

C. All right. Well done D. Not to worry. Better late than never

Question 25. - "Who wrote this poem?" - "It's said_________ written by one of the Bronte sisters."

A. tobe B. to have been C. to being D. to having been

Question 26. After Jill had realized that the new computer was not what she really wanted, she___________ it for an other one.

A. dropped B. traded C. turned down D. bought

Question 27. The new campus parking rule__________ many students.

A. affects B. effect C. has an influence D. effective

Question 28. Human carelessness has been___________ damaging marine life.

A. accusedof B. prevented C. said to D. warned against

Question 29. - If only I hadn‘t lent him all my money! - "_____________"

A. Well, you did, so it‘s no use crying over spilt milk.

B. All right. You will be OK.

C. Sorry, I have no idea.

D. I‘m afraid you will have to do it.

Question 30. Anne was not__________ to think that the test was too difficult.

A. who B. the one who C. the only one D. among the people

Đáp án Đề thi THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh năm 2018

1. C

  • wrong (v): làm sai
  • corrupt (v): gây suy đồi, làm hỏng
  • deform (v) = distort (v): làm biến dạng, xuyênt ạc
  • harm (v): làm hại, gây hại

Dịch: Lời tuyên bố ban đầu của tôi đã bị xuyên tạc hoàn toàn bởi các phương tiện truyền thông.

2. A

  • talkative (adj): = loquacious (v): nói nhiều, lắm lời
  • thirsty (adj): khát nước
  • beautiful (adj): xinh đẹp
  • complicated (adj): phức tạp

Dịch: Với một trí nhớ về các chi tiết rất tốt, người phụ nữ này – người mà bố tôi nói là không bao giờ quên điều gì – trở nên thực sự lắm lời.

3. A

  • smother (v): làm ngộp thở; dập tắt >< kindle (v): nhen nhóm, đốt lên
  • detest (v): căm ghét
  • trigger (v): kích động
  • discourage (v): làm nản lòng

Dịch: Trí tưởng tượng của cô ấy đã được nhen nhóm bởi những câu chuyện thú vị mà bà cô ấy đã kể.

4. B

  • free (v): giải phóng, thả tự do
  • abate (v): làm nản lòng, làm giảm đi >< augment (v): làm tăng lên, tăng cường
  • provoke (v): kích động, chọc giận
  • wane (v): yếu đi

Dịch: Đấy không phải là việc của bạn anh ấy để làm giảm sự tự tin của anh ấy.

5. C

  • ‗tendency (n): xu hướng, khuynh hướng
  • ‗difference (n): sự khác biệt
  • im‘portance (n): sự quan trọng
  • ‗incidence (n): sự việc; tỷ lệ

6. A

  • di‘verse (adj): đa dạng, phong phú
  • ‗current (n): dòng, dòng chảy; ‗current (adj): hiện nay
  • ‗justice (n): sự công bằng
  • ‗series(n): một loạt; sê-ri

7. C

Dạng bị động của use (v): be used to V = được dùng để làm gì. Tránh nhầm lẫn với các cấu trúc:

  • used to V: từng (thường xuyên) làm gì
  • be used to V-ing: quen với việc làm gì. Chữa lỗi: be used to doing -> be used to do

Dịch: Người ta cho rằng trong tương lai gần robot sẽ được dùng để làm những việc như nấu ăn.

8. B

can no longer do sth: không còn có thể làm gì. Chữa lỗi: not longer tolerate -> no longer tolerate

Dịch: John thông báo rằng anh ấy sẽ không thể chấp nhận những điều kiện hợp đồng mà anh ấy đang làm việc.

9. C

Hành động drive (v) đã bắt đầu từ trước đó và kéo dài tới QK (thời điểm ―suddenly realized)

Cần chia QK hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

Chữa lỗi: has been driving -> had been driving

Dịch: Sau khi lái xe 20 dặm, anh ấy chợt nhận ra mình đã đi sai hướng.

10. C

Văn bản chủ yếu đề cập tới chủ đề nào trong các chủ đề sau?

C. An overview of telecommuting. (Tổng quan về (hình thức) liên lạc từ xa)

Trọng âm, câu điều kiện, word form...là những dạng bài thường xuyên xuất hiện trong đề thi THPT Quôc gia môn tiếng Anh. Song song với việc luyện đề các bạn cũng nên ôn tập các chuyên đề ngữ pháp riêng biệt, cụ thể để nắm chắc, yên tâm bước vào kì thi sắp tới.

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