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Sample Business Letters (101 - 200)

Sample Business Letters - Mẫu thư thương mại Tiếng Anh

Sample Business Letters (Mẫu thư thương mại Tiếng Anh) là tài liệu tham khảo hay được đăng tải giúp bạn viết email Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn. Tài liệu gồm 100 thư mẫu gửi đồng nghiệp, khách hàng, được lưu dưới hai dạng DOC và PDF để bạn thuận tiện lưu trữ, sử dụng.

Express Series: English for Meetings

Express Series: English for Emails

Express Series: English for Negotiating

Tiếng Anh kinh tế

(Sample Business Letters are listed in Alphabetical Orde)

Disclaimer: Be aware that some of these sample letters have legal, financial, or other implications. If you are not sure about the use of any letter, consult with an appropriate professional first.


101. Commitment Form (Advertising)

102. Company Bonus Letter

103. Company Credit Account Approval Letter

104. Company Credit Account Denial for Unfavorable Report

105. Company Credit Account Denial Letter

106. Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Difficulty

107. Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Emergency

108. Complimentary Letter to Hotel

109. Complimentary Letter with Individual Commendation

110. Confidential Information Agreement

111. Confidentiality Agreement Between Firms

112. Confirmation of Acceptance of Employee Suggestion

113. Confirmation of Extension of Payment Date

114. Confirmation of Interview Appointment

115. Confirmation of Purchase Agreement

116. Confirmation of Telephone Report of Problem

117. Confirmation of Verbal Order

118. Congratulations on a Job Well Done

119. Congratulations on Employee on 5-Year Anniversary

120. Congratulations on Expansion

121. Congratulations on Formation of New Company

122. Congratulations on Increased Sales

123. Congratulations on Outstanding Achievement

124. Congratulations on Promotion 1

125. Congratulations on Promotion 2

126. Congratulations to New Business

127. Congratulations to New Owners

128. Consignment Agreement

129. Consignment Letter

130. Consumer Credit Application

131. Consumer Credit Application Form

132. Contract 1, Goods

133. Contract 2, Goods

134. Contract Proposal for Services

135. Conversion of Open Account to C.O.D.

136. Correction of Deposition

137. Corrections to Derogatory Credit Report

138. Cover Letter for Loan Book

139. Cover Letter in Response to Catalog Request

140. Cover Letter, Product Literature in Response to Phone Inquiry

141. Cover Letter, Renewed Charge Card

142. Credit Dept Report to Collections on Past Due Account

143. Credit Extension to Past Due Preferred Customer

144. Customer Incentive Program Announcement

145. Customer New Charge Card Cover Letter

146. Customer Revival, Auto Mechanic

147. Customer Revival, Preferred Customer Private Sale

148. Customer Revival, Product Sales

149. Customer Revival, Small Shop

150. Customer Service Request Form

151. Decline of Venture Offer

152. Decline to Interview Referred Job Applicant

153. Deliveries Held Until Past Due Balance Paid

154. Demand by Secured Party for Possession of Collateral

155. Demand for Acknowledgement of Shipping Dates

156. Demand for Delivery

157. Demand on Guarantor

158. Demand that Future Payments Be by Certified Check

159. Demand to Endorsers for Immediate Payment

160. Denial of Request for Additional Discount

161. Denial of Request for Extension of Time

162. Denial of Request for Quarterly Billing

163. Directed Letter of Recommendation Requesting Reply

164. Discharge of Security Interest

165. Disclosure of Investigative Consumer Reports

166. Disclosure Statement, Fair Credit Reporting Act

167. Discreet Letter of Resignation

168. Disputed Balance Notice

169. Employee Invention Agreement

170. Employee Non-Compete Agreement

171. Employee Non-Compete Agreement (Specific Radius)

172. Employee Photo and Recording Release

173. Employee Suggestion for Company Meeting

174. Employer's Verification on Loan Applicant

175. Employment Agreement

176. Employment Agreement

177. Employment Information Form

178. Employment Letter

179. Employment Reimbursement Agreement

180. Equipment Leasing Agreement

181. Equipment Maintenance Agreement

182. Escrow Check Receipt

183. Escrow Fee Worksheet

184. Expense Account Statement

185. Expense Account Statement Form

186. Explanation for Delay of Partial Shipment

187. Explanation of Insurance Rate Increase

188. Extension of Lease

189. Fictitious Name Certificate - By Corporation

190. Fictitious Name Certificate - Individual

191. Fictitious Name Certificate - Partnership

192. Fifth Overdue Payment Reminder, Notice of Credit Hold

193. Final Demand for Payment on Delinquent Account

194. Final Notice Before Legal Action

195. Final Notice of Impending Litigation

196. Final Warning Before Dismissal

197. Financing Statement

198. Firm Letter on Past Due Account

199. Five Day Demand for Payment

200. Follow Up Letter, Travel Agency

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