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Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 12 môn tiếng Anh năm 2019 - 2020

Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 12 học kì 1 năm 2019 - 2020

VnDoc mời bạn tham khảo Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 12 môn tiếng Anh năm 2019 - 2020 với các dạng bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 12 khác nhau, hỗ trợ quá trình ôn luyện thi học kì 1 lớp 12 đạt hiệu quả.

Đề kiểm tra học kì 1 tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2019 - 2020, được biên tập bám sát chương trình học SGK tiếng Anh 12 mới Unit 1 - 5, hỗ trợ học sinh củng cố kiến thức Từ vựng - Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh trọng tâm trong quá trình ôn luyện tại nhà.

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  • A Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word

    The Korean education system basically consists of primary schools,(1 ) _____ schools, high schools, and colleges( 2 ) ______ universities, with graduate courses leading to Ph.D. degrees. (3) ______ education is compulsory for children aged six( 4 ) _____ eleven. The basic primary school curriculum is generally divided into eight (5 ) _____ the Korean language, social studies, science, ______ (6), ethics, physical education, music and fine arts. Students in secondary schools are required to take a number (7 ) _____ additional subjects, such as English, and can take electives, ( 8 ) ______ as technical or vocational courses. Afterwards, students can (9) ______ between general education and vocational high schools. ( 10 ) _______ general, high school tends to be strict, as college and university admission is very competitive.

    1. A. second B. secondary C. among D. half
    2. A. as B. or C. but D. so
    3. A. Primary B. High C. College D. University
    4. A. from B. for C. with D. to
    5. A. subjects B. courses C. topics D. titles
    6. A. mathematician B. mathematics C. mathematically D. mathematical
    7. A. of B. with C. for D. to
    8. A. so B. such C. like D. alike
    9. A. choose B. test C. wish D. consist
    10. A. On B. In C. Of D. For do
    Gợi ý: 1 - ...; 2 - ....; ....
    1 - B; 2 - B; 3 - A; 4 - D; 5 - A; 6 - B; 7 - A; 8 - B; 9 - A; 10 - B
  • Đọc kỹ bài khoá và chọn phương án đúng ứng với A B C hoặc D

    Almost all the energy on the earth comes from the sun. Heat from the sun makes the earth warm enough for life. Plants use the sun's energy to live and grow. Plants give off a gas called oxygen. Animals eat plants and breathe oxygen. Animals need plants in order to live, and plants need the sun. You use plants to create heat and energy. You can burn wood from trees. You can burn fossil fuels called coal, gas, and oil. Fossil fuels formed deep underground from plants and animals that died millions of years ago.

    The sun's energy can also do harm. Too much sunlight can burn your skin, causing sunburn. Harmful rays from the sun can also cause a disease called skin cancer. Looking right at the sun can harm your eyes. You need to be careful of the sun. The center of the sun is called the core, which is extremely hot. All the energy of the sun comes from the nuclear reactions in its core. It takes a long time for the energy from the core to reach the surface of the earth - about 170,000 years!

    11. According to the passage, the sun is vital because ______ .

  • 12
    Fossil fuels formed deep underground from ______ .
  • 13
    The title for this passage could be
  • 14
    Harmful rays from the sun may cause ____________ .
  • 15
    All of the following statements are NOT true EXCEPT
  • Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word

    A food chain is the way energy goes from one living thing to another through food. Plants are the first (16) _______ in most food chains. Plants use the energy in sunlight to make their own food. Plants store the energy in their leaves and stems. Plants are called primary producers in food chains. Animals eat the plants (17) _______ use the Sun's energy to grow. Animals are called (18) _______. Animals that eat plants are primary consumers. Animals that eat other animals are secondary consumers. Animals store the energy in their bodies. Energy flows (19) _______ plants and bigger animals through the steps of eating and being eaten. Each part of the food chain is directly connected to the other, just (20) _______ the links in a chain.

    16.A. step B. foot C. run D. leg
    17.A. when B. what C. that D. then
    18.A. buyers B. shoppers C. sellers D. consumers
    19.A. in B. from C. for D. till
    20.A. as B. alike C. similar D. like
    Gợi ý: 1 - ...; 2 - ....; ....
    16 - A; 17 - C; 18 - D; 19 - B; 20 - D
  • Choose the best answer
    21. Not only ________ but also ________ the computer.
  • 22
    He was so careful that not a single mistake _________ in the test.
  • 23
    It was not until ___________ that ___________ .
  • 24
    Little __________ years ago that I would be sitting here today as a chief engineer.
  • 25
    Which sentence is wrong?
  • 26
    The flower smells_________ .
  • 27
    _________used to be an orphanage here, but we can't find it now.
  • 28
    _________no need to tell him all about it.
  • 29
    A teacher is_________ correct.
  • 30
    There are many __________in our library.
  • 31
    Alice is proud of having _________bed.
  • 32
    The _________ student standing at the gate speaks very good Chinese.
  • 33
    _______________ came from the second-hand bookstore.
  • 34
    Those who participated in the experiment had to remain_______ all night.
  • 35
    We have not had_________ as this for many weeks.
  • 36
    Radio _________in our life.
  • 37
    There was_________ to weight the elephant.
  • 38
    He sent her a _________shirt as a birthday present.
  • 39
    Only after she got off the bus, ______ that _____ her handbag on the seat.
  • 40
    _________my eyes when I began to imagine the most fantastic shapes.
  • 41
    The weight of the moon is only about _________ of that of the earth.
  • 42
    Have you got everything ready for the meeting? Yes, but we need _____ .
  • 43
    His suggestion sounded ___________ but nobody agreed to it.
  • 44
    He _______ at half past six, but now he _______ at five.
  • 45
    _______ English is as important as _______ exercises in English.
  • 46
    The hotel ___ now beside the park was designed by a group of young men.
  • 47
    All of us were _______ by the _______ questions _______by a six-year-old boy.
  • 48
    It was so cold that they kept the fire _______ all night.
  • 49
    His new job as a school principal has kept him ________ .
  • 50
    Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.
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Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 12

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