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Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 mới Unit 1 Life Stories

Bài tập tiếng Anh 12 Unit 1 Life Stories có đáp án

Tài liệu Bài tập tiếng Anh Unit 1 lớp 12 Life Stories có đáp án dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề Ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 theo từng Unit năm học 2021 - 2022 do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Bài tập Tiếng Anh gồm nhiều dạng bài tập khác nhau giúp bạn đọc nắm vững kiến thức đã học trong Unit 1 hiệu quả. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo!

I. Choose the underlined part that differs from the other three in pronunciation in each question.

1. A. diagnose B. achievement C. talented D. anonymous

2. A. prosthetic B. reputation C. dedication D. respectable

3. A. distinguished B. result C. generosity D. respectable

4. A. perseverance B. generosity C. talented D. judgment

5. A. congestion B. ambition C. influential D. reputation

II. Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.

6. A. celebrity B. charitable C. anonymous D. respectable

7. A. overcome B. incident C. dedicate D. currently

8. A. perseverance B. experience C. dedication D. influential

9. A. generosity B. hospitality C. encyclopedia D. creativity

III. Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions

10. Her __________ to medicine was so great that she had little time for anything else.

A. importance

B. dedication

C. emphasis

D. reputation

11. Tran Hung Dao was a great__________ to lure the enemy.

A. strategy

B. strategist

C. soldier

D. king

12. Bill Gates’ __________ in donating large sums of money towards welfare activities is remarkable

A. generosity

B. politeness

C. wealth

D. talent

13. This school has an excellent__________ in the community.

A. image

B. reputation

C. name

D. opinion

14. He seems like a __________ businessman, but he caused some personal scandals.

A. respecting

B. respectful

C. respectably

D. respectable

15. As well as being a successful actor, Clint Eastwood is a __________ film director.

A. talent

B. talented

C. distinguish

D. respectful

16. Bill Gates was__________ middle child of William H. Gates II, __________ prominent lawyer, and Mary Gates, who works as __________ teacher before she had children.

A. The –a - a

B. a –a - a

C. the- the- a

D. the- the- the

17. She came into the room while they _______ television

A. have watched

B. watched

C. have been watching

D. were watching

18. I haven't met my grandparents for five years.

A. I often met my grandparents five years ago.

B. I last met my grandparents five years ago.

C. I have met my grandparents for five years.

D. I didn't meet my grandparents five years ago.

19. When the doctors________ at the scene of the accident, they ________ victims still ________.

A. arrived / realized / were breathing

B. were arriving / realized / breathed

C. arrived / had realized / breathed

D. were arriving/ were realizing/ were breathing

20. Who ________ when I came?

A. were you talking to

B. are you talking to

C. you are talking to

D. you were talking to

21. Tim________ his hair while I ________ up the kitchen

A. washed-was cleaned

B. was washing-was cleaning

C. was washing-cleaned

D. washed-cleaned

22. I am so happy to hear from Mary because I haven’t seen her ________ last year.

A. for

B. on

C. since

D. later

23. As she ________ a letter last night, the lights suddenly ________ out.

A. was writing/ went

B. wrote/ went

C. was writing/ was going

D. writes/ went

24. How ________ since we ________ school?

A. are you/ left

B. will you be/ had left

C. have you been/ had left

D. have you been / left

25. ________ youngest boy has just started going ________ school.

A. the/ x

B. a/ x

C. x/ the

D . an/ x

26. Hanoi is ________ capital of Viet Nam.

A. a

B. x

C. an

D. the

27. She visited ________ France and ________ United States last month.

A. x/ the

B. the/ the

C. the/ x

D. x/ x

IV. Read the passage and choose the best answer:

Different cultures follow their own special customs when a child's baby teeth fall out. In Korea, for example, they have the custom of throwing lost teeth up on the roof of a house. According to tradition, a magpie will come and take the tooth. Later, the magpie will return with a new tooth for the child. In other Asian countries, such as Japan and Vietnam, children follow a similar tradition of throwing their lost teeth onto the roofs of houses.

Birds aren't the only animals thought to take lost teeth. In Mexico and Spain, tradition says a mouse takes a lost tooth and leaves some money. However, in Mongolia, dogs are responsible for taking teeth away. Dogs are highly respected in Mongolian culture and are considered guardian angels of the people. Tradition says that the new tooth will grow good and strong if the baby tooth is fed to a guardian angel. Accordingly, parents in Mongolia will put their child's lost tooth in a piece of meat and feed it to a dog.

The idea of giving lost teeth to an angel or fairy is also a tradition in the West. Many children in Western countries count on the Tooth Fairy to leave money or presents in exchange for a tooth. The exact origins of the Tooth Fairy are a mystery, although the story probably began in England or Ireland centuries ago. According to tradition, a child puts a lost tooth under his or her pillow before going to bed. In the wee hours, while the child is sleeping, the Tooth Fairy takes the tooth and leaves something else under the pillow. In France, the Tooth Fairy leaves a small gift. In the United States, however, the Tooth Fairy usually leaves money. These days, the rate is $1 to $5 per tooth, adding up to a lot of money from the Tooth Fairy!

(Source: Reading Challenge 2 by Casey Malarcher & Andrea Janzen)

28. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Traditions concerning children's lost teeth

B. Presents for young children's lost teeth

C. Animals eating children's lost teeth

D. Customs concerning children's new teeth

29. The word "their" in paragraph 1 refers to ___________.

A. houses' B. roofs' C. children's D. countries'

30. According to the passage, where is a child's lost tooth thought to be taken away by a mouse?

A. In Mexico and Spain B. In Mongolia

C. In Japan and Vietnam D. In Korea

31. According to paragraph 2, parents in Mongolia feed their child's lost tooth to a
dog because ___________.

A. they know that dogs are very responsible animals

B. they believe that this will make their child's new tooth good and strong

C. they think dogs like eating children's teeth

D. they hope that their child will get some gifts for his or her tooth

32. The word "origins" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. countries B. families C. beginnings D. stories

33. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the tradition of tooth giving in the West?

A. Children give money to the Tooth Fairy.

B. Children put their lost teeth under their pillows.

C. Children hope to get money or gifts from the Tooth Fairy.

D. Lost teeth are traditionally given to an angel or fairy.

34. The phrase "the wee hours" in paragraph 3 probably refers to the period of time.

A. early in the evening B. soon after midnight

C. late in the morning D. long before bedtime


I. Choose the underlined part that differs from the other three in pronunciation in each question.

1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - B; 4 - A; 5 - A;

II. Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.

6 - B; 7 - A; 8 - B; 9 - C;

III. Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions

10 - B; 11 - B; 12 - A; 13 - B; 14 - D; 15 - B;

16 - A; 17 - D; 18 - B; 19 - A; 20 - A; 21 - B;

22 - C; 23 - A; 24 - D; 25 - A; 26 - D; 27 - A;

IV. Read the passage and choose the best answer:

28 - A; 29 - C; 30 - A; 31 - B; 32 - C; 33 - A; 34 - B;

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