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Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 THPT tỉnh Tây Ninh năm 2014 - 2015

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 THPT tỉnh Tây Ninh năm 2014 - 2015 được sưu tầm và đăng tải là tài liệu học tập hữu ích dành cho các bạn học sinh lớp 12, giúp các bạn ôn tập và chuẩn bị hiệu quả trước kì thi học sinh giỏi hoặc đơn giản chỉ là để luyện tập trau dồi kỹ năng Tiếng Anh của mình. Mời các bạn tham khảo.

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 tỉnh Hải Dương năm học 2013 - 2014 online

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 tỉnh Ninh Bình năm học 2012 - 2013

Đề thi học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh cấp tỉnh lớp 12 tỉnh Bắc Giang năm 2012



Ngày thi: 24 tháng 9 năm 2014

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)


(Đề này có 09 trang, thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi)



I. You will hear an interview with a scientist. For questions 1 - 5, complete the sentences.

Robert Jackson works with 1.................... to develop environmental programmes. Some pollution was caused by 2................ which no longer exist.

Burning this area has added to global warming. They create 4............... after the soil and water have been cleaned. The area should recover from the problem 5..................

II. Listen to the presentation. Match the ad with the technique it uses.

1. Ben's Diner A. links the product with positive ideas.

2. Seattle Security B. claims the product is very popular

3. Robertson's Black C. gives key information over and over again

4. Sparks Body Refresher D. focuses on feelings and emotions

5. Arizona Rodeo E. makes people laugh


I. You are going to read a magazine article about friendship. Seven sentences have been removed from the article.

Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A. They spent all their weekends together, and several evenings a week too .

B. There is much less time each day and each week to 'feed' the friendship, to prevent it from dying.

C. For one production, she and another woman called Carol had to work very closely together on the script.

D. It's actually very difficult to sustain this number of friends into adulthood.

E. Because of this, I'm now much more careful about the friends I choose.

F. They enjoy each other's company while they're working together, but they don't really socialize outside of the working environment.

G. Real friends are actually incredibly hard to find.

H. For this way of viewing friendship to be successful, it requires both people in the relationship to feel the same way about the other person.


It's fairly easy to define what a relative is. It's a person you're biologically related to, or who has married someone you are biologically related to, or has been adopted, for example, by someone you're biologically related to. In short, it's someone in your family. It's not quite so easy to define what a friend is.

On an obvious level, our friends are people who are not family members whose company we enjoy. However, what about two people who work closely together in an office? 0. ....F... Are they friends, or just colleagues? And consider two people who were best friends at school, but haven't been in contact with each other for over twenty 'years. Are they still friends? Or should we say they used to be friends but aren't any more?

'So what?', you might say. 'Perhaps friendship is tricky to define, but that doesn't matter. If you think you're friends with someone then you are, but if you don't then you're not.' In many cases, that might be a good general rule, but there are potential problems with it. 1. ............. There are countless examples of relationships where that doesn't happen.

Take Jane, for example. She joined an amateur dramatics club, which puts on plays two or three times a year. 2............... They met several times a week, and frequently called each other on the phone. As Jane says: 'I enjoyed working with Carol, and we got on well together. It was really difficult when we'd finished the play, though. Carol still wanted to meet up and chat regularly. I didn't, mainly because I just didn't have time. I've got a family and a busy social life, and I wasn't looking for any more close friends. How do you tell someone who thinks they're your close friend that really they're not?'

A further problem is the issue of 'fair-weather friends'. These are people who you consider to be your friends, but prove themselves not to be when things get tough. Jake, for example, thought that Dave was a really close friend. 3......... They both shared an interest in movies, and had the same sense of humour. 'Everything was great,' says Jake, 'until my mother became ill. It was a troubling time for me, and I got a bit depressed. I needed Dave to give me some support, but he wasn't interested. He just disappeared.' What Jake needed, and what Dave was not, was the kind of friend referred to in the saying 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'. The idea behind this is that if you are still the friend of someone when they are 'in need', when they need something such as help from you, then you are a real friend. You're not a 'fair-weather friend'. 4...................... Most adults say that they only have two or three real friends - people they can totally rely on in difficult times.

At school, children and teenagers often have one or two 'best friends' I but they also have a wide circle of other friends - twenty or thirty is not uncommon. 5. ...................... The main reasons for this are time and shared experience. Children see their friends every day (during term time) and have plenty of opportunity to 'feed' the friendship - in class, during the breaks, after school. Also, of course, all the members of the group live close together, and have a shared interest (the school and what happens there). With adults, this is rarely possible. 6......................

And, of course, people move apart geographically when they grow up, and lose the sense of a shared interest when they start working in different fields, or spending their time in different ways. Very few of our friends from school remain real, close friends twenty years later.


Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.


In countries around the world, there are literally millions of people who work for the national and (1)...................... government. From the post office to the office of the President, civil servants keep the government's (2)...................... running.

Many people would like to go for a civil service (3)......................, and for good reason. Government (4)...................... usually enjoy a variety of (5)..................... including health insurance, paid holiday leave and (6)...................... funds. They have good annual (7)..................... , are always paid extra for doing (8)...................... and are sometimes even rewarded with bonuses for making useful (9)...................... !

Civil service jobs are usually permanent; rarely are workers (10)...................... redundant. Applicants who apply for a (11)...................... in the civil service must (12)...................... in an application form and pass an examination before they can be selected and appointed to a job.

1. A. topical B. nearby C. local D. close

2. A. officers B. services C. franchises D. research

3. A. commission B. occupation C. accommodation D. career

4. A. assistants B. employees C. applicants D. bosses

5. A. investments B. benefits C. debts D. experiences

6. A. pension B. richness C. wealth D. fortune

7. A. winnings B. takings C. salaries D. gifts

8. A. gigs B. functions C. overtime D. work

9. A. suggestions B. profits C. performances D. ideas

10. A. made B. done C. taken D. forced

11. A. movement B. position C. motion D. location

12. A. write B. complete C. sign D. fill


Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.


Ornithology, or the study of birds, attracts people from all kinds of background. It also attracts a certain amount of ridicule. 'What can be (1)...................... exciting about going out in all weathers looking at birds?' people tend (2) ......................say to me. Well, birds (3) ......................fascinated me since I was young and I would much (4)...................... go out in the rain with my waterproofs and binoculars than sit at home watching television.

For those who are still sceptical, (5)...................... sole solution is to get a book on birds, have a quick look, and get out there. Seeing birds in (6) ......................natural environment is so (7) ......................more enjoyable if you know what you are looking at. You don't have to be an expert in order to get pleasure (8)...................... identifying species. Try to avoid making too much noise or the birds will (9) .....................disturbed and flyaway and you won't succeed (10)...................... seeing anything.

Oh, and you (11) ......................better take a waterproof jacket - just in case the weather turns bad. Don't worry, though. It'll soon clear (12) ...................... and you'll be able to get on with the fascinating hobby of bird-watching.

(Còn tiếp)

Đáp án đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12



I. You will hear an interview with a scientist. For questions 1 - 5, complete the sentences.

1. (local) councils/ councils all over the country
2. factories
3. fossil fuels
4. nature reserves
5. within ten years

II. Listen to the presentation. Match the ad with the technique it uses.

1. C
2. D
3. A
4. E
5. B




1. H
2. C
3. A
4. G
5. D
6. B


1. C
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. D


1. so
2. to
3. have
4. rather
5. the
6. their
7. much
8. from
9. be
10. in
11. had
12. up




1. irregular
2. length
3. outlets
4. checkout
5. encoded
6. potentially
7. inspiration
8. application(s)
9. workable
10. arrival


l. on
2. up
3. aside
4. behind
5. in



0 . The idea of school reunions has always been popular in .................
00. the United States, where people see their former classmates every ......every.....
1. once a year. Apparently, the idea has also caught it on in
2. England since there are several them announced in the .....them.......
3. newspapers every day. From many people's point of view, school ....... √ .........
4. reunions are for those who like to show off or cannot ....... √ .........
5. make their friends easily. When a person leaves .....their........
6. from school, a new chapter in their life is about to ......from......
7. begin. It is much more better to keep a few school friends ......more......
8. that you really like rather than it is to contact .......rather....
9. with those that you did not really care about .......with......
10. them. Of course, it is only natural to wonder what .......them......
11. your old schoolmates have achieved and how they have ....... √ .........
12. changed but, in most cases, they are not just the same ......not.........
13. as they were at school. They are probably still ......are.........
14. tell the same awful jokes and stories. I have not ........ √ ........
15. seen most of my schoolmates again since I was at ......again......
school and I do not really want to.

(Còn tiếp)

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