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Bài tập điền từ vào đoạn văn lớp 5 có đáp án

Dạng bài điền từ vào đoạn văn tiếng Anh lớp 5

Với mong muốn giúp các em học sinh lớp 5 ôn tập tiếng Anh hiệu quả, đã đăng tải rất nhiều tài liệu bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 5 theo từng dạng bài tập tiếng Anh khác nhau. Trong tài liệu này, chuyên đề Điền từ vào đoạn văn lớp 5 có đáp án giúp các em nâng cao làm bài thi cũng như nắm chắc cách làm bài điền từ vào chỗ trống tiếng Anh lớp 5 hiệu quả.

Lưu ý: Nếu không tìm thấy nút Tải về bài viết này, bạn vui lòng kéo xuống cuối bài viết để tải về.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct form of the noun in brackets to fill in the blanks.

An exciting book

I’m reading an (1) _____ (adventure/ Adventure) book about a boy called (2) _____ (daniel/ Daniel). It’s an exciting story set on an (3) _____ (island/ Island) in the (4) _____ (pacific ocean/ Pacific Ocean). Daniel discovers a (5) _____ (cave/ Cave) on a beach and he finds a very old (6) _____ (statue/ Statue) inside. A (7) _____ (thief/ Thief) stole the statue from a museum in (8) _____ (beijing/ Beijing) and he put it in the cave. Daniel tries to take the stolen treasure back to (9) _____ (china/ China). He has some exciting journeys and meets some interesting (10) _____ (people/ People).

Exercise 2: Choose the correct plural in brackets to fill in the blanks.

The memory game

This is a (1) _____ (game/ games) you can play at parties. First, you must put lots of different things on a tray. For example, a toy car, a paper (2) _____ (handkerchief/ handkerchiefs), a (3) _____ (boxes/ box) of bottons, two pencils, a pair of (4) _____ (glass/ glasses), three marbles, two (5) _____ (watches/ watch) and a lot of other things. Everyone at the party looks at the tray for two (6) _____ (minute/ minutes) and tries to remember everything that is on it. Then, you cover the tray with a (7) _____ (cloth/ cloths). The (8) _____ (winner/ winners) is the (9) _____ (people/ person) who can remember everything that was on the (10) _____ (tray/ trays).

Exercise 3: Choose the correct article in brackets to fill in the blanks.

The bundle of sticks

Once upon a time, there was (1) _____ (a/ the) woman who had six sons. The six boys were always fighting. This made it difficult for the mother to do any work. (2) _____ (The/ A) woman decided to teach her sons (3) _____ (a/ the) lesson. She got six sticks and tied them together into (4) _____ (a/ an) bundle. She asked each boy to break (5) _____ (the/ a) bundle of sticks. All (6) _____ (the/ a) boys tried very hard to break it but they could not. Then, their mother untied the bundle and gave each boy (7) _____ (a/ the) stick. She asked them to break (8) _____ (the/ an) stick. This was easy! The sons understood that it was better to work together. They entered (9) _____ (a/ the) competition to build a house. They won (10) _____ (a/ the) competition because they had all worked together.

Exercise 4: Choose the correct quantifier in brackets to fill in the blanks.

The goose that laid golden eggs

Once upon a time, there was a lazy farmer. He did not like doing (1) _____ (too many/ too much) work so he sold his animals to get money. Soon, there were (2) _____ (not many/ not much) animals left, but only one – a goose. The goose laid only one egg every day and the farmer sold it. But the farmer had (3) _____ (too much/ too many) problems and needed more money. One day, the goose laid a golden egg. The farmer sold this egg for a lot of money. The goose laid a golden egg every day. The farmer was very happy because it was (4) _____ (not many/ not much) work to sell one egg a day and he became rich. But he became greedy. He though I can never have (5) _____ (too money/ too much) money! He wanted more golden eggs. He fed the goose (6) _____ (too many/ too much) food but it still laid only one egg a day. The farmer became angry. The goose was taking (7) _____ (too much/ too many) time. The farmer cut open the goose to take out the eggs but there were no eggs inside it. Of course, this caused (8) _____ (too many/ too much) pain to the goose. The goose died. The farmer became poor again because of (9) _____ (too much/ too many) greed. (10) _____ (Not many/ Not much) people are as cruel and greedy as him.

Exercise 5: Choose the correct adjective in brackets to fill in the blanks.


Greece is a country in Europe. Its capital city is Athens, which is a very (1) _____ (beautiful/ beauty) city with many very (2) _____ (elder/ old) monuments. One very (3) _____ (fame/ famous) monument is the Acropolis. There are lots of islands in Greece and it also has a very (4) _____ (long/ length) coastline. Many tourists go to Greece on holiday to enjoy the warm (5) _____ (blue/ yellow) sea, and to et the (6) _____ (taste/ tasty) Greek food. Greeks eat a lot of (7) _____ (freshly/ fresh) fish and vegetables. Greek houses are usually (8) _____ (white/ whiter) and have (9) _____ (flat/ flatly) roofs. People can use these roofs to dry fruit in the (10) _____ (hot/ hottest) summer and collect rainwater in the winter.

Exercise 6: Fill in the blanks with the correct subject pronoun in brackets.

My Aunt Betty

My Aunt Betty is a teacher. (1) _____ (She/ He) works in a small primary school near my house. In her class, there are thirty-five children. (2) _____ (It/ They) all work very hard at school. One day, I was walking with my aunt when (3) _____ (we/ he) met some children from her class. She greeted them and they waved to me.

“Hello,” (4) _____ (it/ they) said to me. “(5) _____ (We/ She) are in your aunt’s class at school. She is a very good teacher and we all like her very much. (6) _____ (He/ You) are lucky she is your aunt.”

“Thank you,” (7) _____ (he/ I) said. “Yes, I think (8) _____ (she/ I) am lucky too. (9) _____ (You/ She) is a very good aunt.” “And I am very lucky to have you,” added my aunt, smiling at me. And (10) _____ (we/ it) all laughed.

Exercise 7: Choose the correct indefinite pronoun in brackets to fill in the blanks.

Surprise party

Last week was my sister’s birthday. I wanted to give her a present, but I couldn’t think of (1) _____ (anything/ everything) nice to give her. I asked (2) _____ (everyone/ no one) for suggestions but (3) _____ (everyone/ no one) had any ideas. Then my father said, “Why don’t we give your sister (4) _____ (anything/ something) she would really like? A surprise birthday party!” I knew she would love that. I sent out invitations to (5) _____ (someone/ everyone) in her class. My mother prepared (6) _____ (anything/ everything) to eat and drink. My father got some games ready. (7) _____ (Nothing/ Something) was forgotten. At first, my sister was sad on her birthday. She thought (8) _____ (no one/ everyone) had remembered it. At 3 o’clock, the doorbell rang. My sister went to answer the door. (9) _____ (Someone/ Everyone) we invited to the party was there. “Happy birthday!” they all shouted. (10) _____ (Everyone/ No one) was more surprised than my sister!

Exercise 8: Choose the correct adverb in brackets to fill in the blanks.

Learning to play an instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument is difficult. It takes a lot of practice and time. You must choose your instrument (1) _____ (careful/ carefully). Children (2) _____ (often/ well) start with the recorder. It is small and can be carried (3) _____ (easily/ easy). It can be bought (4) _____ (cheap/ cheaply). You start by playing with a group and learning the notes (5) _____ (slowly/ slow). At first, you may (6) _____ (some/ sometimes) play badly but never lose heart. You must practice at least once a day. This way, you will learn (7) _____ (quickly/ quick) and very soon be able to play (8) _____ (good/ well). Parents (9) _____ (ever/ always) like to listen to their children playing. It is lovely to hear an orchestra play (10) _____ (beautiful/ beautifully).

Exercise 9: Choose the correct adverb of place in brackets to fill in the blanks.

The play

Meg had an exciting day at school on Tuesday. When she arrived, she waited (1) _____ (outside/ inside) the main door until her friends came. Then, they went (2) _____ (outside/ inside) and walked (3) _____ (downstairs/ upstairs) to their classroom on the second floor. They went into their room and sat (4) _____ (up/ down) at their desks.

“We have some special visitors,” said the teacher. “Let’s all go into the hall.” Everyone went (5) _____ (downstairs/ there) to the hall. “My class, sit (6) _____ (here/ there),” said the teacher pointing to the seats near her.

Some actors came (7) _____ (in/ out) onto the stage. They performed a play which included singing and dancing. They asked for a boy and a girl to come (8) _____ (down/ up) onto the stage, and Meg was one of them. All the actors sang and danced, and Meg danced (9) _____ (around/ down) too. She went back (10) _____ (up/ down) to her seat, very happy.

Exercise 10: Choose the correct form of the noun in brackets to fill in the blanks.

On a plane

My Uncle Jacob is a pilot. He works for a big airline company. The (1) _____ (companys/ company’s) planes fly all over the world, so (2) _____ (Uncle Jacobs/ Uncle Jacob’s) work is very interesting. He travels all over the world and meets very exciting people. He works with a large team of people who have different (3) _____ (job’s/ jobs). The (4) _____ (navigator’s/ navigator) job is to find the way. The (5) _____ (co-pilot/ co-pilot’s) job is to help fly the plane. On the flight, there are several (6) _____ (attendants/ attendants’) who help the passengers. They show them to their seats. They put the (7) _____ (passengers/ passengers’) luggage in the (8) _____ (lockers’/ lookers), and serve them food. They give young children games to play, which makes the (9) _____ (children’s/ childrens’) journey more interesting. As for the adults, there is a variety of movies to choose from. The flight (10) _____ (attendant’s/ attendants’) uniforms are very smart. They are proud to do their work.

Bên cạnh nhóm Tài liệu học tập lớp 5, mời quý thầy cô, bậc phụ huynh tham gia nhóm học tập: Tài liệu tiếng Anh Tiểu học - nơi cung cấp rất nhiều tài liệu ôn tập tiếng Anh miễn phí dành cho học sinh tiểu học (7 - 11 tuổi).

Đáp án có trong file tải: Bài tập bổ trợ tiếng Anh lớp 5 về điền từ vào chỗ trống có đáp án. Mời các em tham khảo thêm các tài liệu Ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 5 hữu ích khác trên như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 5, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 5, Đề thi giữa kì 2 lớp 5, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 5,... để giúp các em học tốt môn Tiếng Anh hơn.

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