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Đề cương ôn thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Phước Nguyên, Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu


Đề cương ôn thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Phước Nguyên, Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu ôn tập cho các em kiến thức học kỳ 1 Tiếng Anh 8 bao gồm: thì hiện tại đơn, quá khứ đơn, tương lai đơn, các cách so sánh trong Tiếng Anh,... Đi kèm sau đó là các bài tập để các em luyện tập.

Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Đông Bình, Vĩnh Long năm 2015 - 2016

Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 trường THCS Phương Trung, Hà Nội năm 2015 - 2016

Đề cương ôn thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8


I. Tenses

1. Present simple tense

a. Form:

- of the verb "be": S + am/ is/ are... - S + am/ is/ are + not... - Am/ Is/ Are + S...?

- of ordinary verb: S+V-s/ es... - S+don't/ doesn't + V-bare inf... - Do/ Does + S +V-bare inf...?

b. Use

- for something that is permanently true (The sun rises in the east and sets in the west)

- for habits and repeated actions (How often do you go to school?/ He usually leaves work at 6p.m)

c. The "-s/ es" ending

- kiss - kisses, go - goes, box - boxes, wash - washes, watch - watches...

- study - studies, copy - copies, carry - carries, try - tries...

- play - plays, buy - buys, obey - obeys...

d. Pronunciation of the "-s/ es" ending

- / s/: hopes, fits...

- / z/: rides, learns...

- / iz/: uses, washes, watch...

2. Past simple

a. Form

- of the verb "be": S + was/ were... - S + was/ weren't... - Was/ Were + S...?

- of ordinary verb: S + V-ed/ V-2... - S + didn't + V-bare inf... - Did + S + V-bare inf...?

b. Use:

- for a completed action or state in the past (We lived in Sydney 2 years ago/ Yesterday, I was busy so I didn't have time to phone you)

- some adverbs are often used in the past simple: yesterday, ago, last night/ week/ month/ year...

c. The "-ed" ending

- walked, filled...

- lived, moved, smiled...

- studied...

- stopped, robbed, begged... (played, fixed, plowed...)

- preferred...

- opened, entered, offered...

- traveled/ travelled

- Irregular verbs: see-saw, buy-bought...

d. Pronunciation of the "-ed" ending

- / t/: looked, missed, watched, finished, laughed...

- / d/: cleaned, saved, played, robbed...

- / id/: wanted, needed, invited, decided...

3. Future simple

a. Form: S + will + V-bare inf... - S + won't + V-bare inf... - Will + S + V-bare inf...?

b. Use

- statements of future fact (I will be 14 on my next birthday)

- Decision made at the time of speaking (There's Eleanor. I'll go and talk to her)

- To show willingness (this bag looks heavy. I'll help you)

- Some adverbs are often used: tomorrow, next..., someday, one day, tonight, this morning/ week..., soon...

4. Talk about intention with "be going to"

a. Form: S + be going to + V-bare inf...

b. Use: for a plan or an intention (Bob is tired of taking the bus to work. He is going to buy a car.)

5. Present simple with future meaning: to describe an organized future timetable (What time does the train leave tomorrow? - It leaves at 8a.m.)

6. Present progressive tense

a. Form: S + am/ is/ are + V-ing... - S + am/ is/ are + not + V-ing... - Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing...?

b. Use:

- For something that is happening at or around the time of speaking (Let's go out. It's raining now)

- A planned future action (I'm seeing Jessica tonight)

- To show changes with 'get' and 'become' (Many remote areas are getting electricity/ Life in the provinces is definitely becoming better)

7. Present perfect with for and since

a. Form

S + have/ has + V-ed/ V-3(past participle)...

S + have/ has + not + V-ed/ V-3(past participle)...

Have/ Has + S + V-ed/ V-3(past participle)...?

b. Use: The present perfect with "for" and "since" is used when something started in the past and is continuing now.

- For + period of time (We haven't lived there since 1987)

- Since + a point of time in the past (He has been in the army for two years)

II. Adverbs of place (outside, inside, there, here, upstairs, downstairs...)

Ex: The children are playing upstairs

She lived here in 1999

III. ... (not) adjective + enough +to-inf (She is not old enough to be in my class/ I am tall enough to reach that shelf.)

IV. Modal verbs: should/ ought to/ must/ can/ will/ may ...


You mustn't park your car here.

You must/ have to obey your parents.

You look tired. You should/ ought to go to bed.

You shouldn't/ oughtn't to make noise in class.

Can/ Could: making polite requests (Can you wait a moment, please?/ Could you help me carry this bag?)

"May I...?" is used for polite requests, in the same way as "Can I...?" - May I ask you a question?

May: offering assistance (May I help you with the washing up?)

V. Reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself/ yourselves, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves)

a. Reflexive pronoun is used as the object when the subject of the sentence and the object are the same person.

Ex: I cut myself/ He is looking at himself in the mirror

b. is used for emphasis

Ex: I myself faxed the report to him

We will go and see the president himself

by + reflexive pronoun = alone

Ex: Anna lived by herself in that large house

VI. Why........? - Because....

Ex: Why didn't Hoa go to school yesterday? - Because she was sick.

VII. Prepositions of time

in: in 2002, in summer, in the 21st century, in July, in the past, in the morning...

on: on Monday, on July 15th, on her birthday, on Christmas Day, on Tet holiday...

at: at 7 o'clock, at noon, at night, at lunch time, at the moment, at present, at Christmas...

after: after six, after dinner...

before: before lunch, before 10p.m...

between...and...: between Monday and Friday, between 6a.m and 10a.m...

VIII. used to + V-bare-inf

Ex: I used to go swimming when I was a kid.

She didn't use to like opera.

Did you use to go there?

IX. Adverbs of manner

Form: adjective + ly -> adverb of manner

Ex: badly, beautifully, happily, simply...


  • to modify a verb
  • after an ordinary verb

3. Position

Notes: good - well, fast - fast, late - late, early - early, hard - hard...

X. Commands, requests in reported speech

Form: S + asked/ told + O + (not) to-inf...


1) "Stand up" He said to me

-> He told me to stand up

2) "Don't talk in class" The teacher said to the students

-> The teacher told the students not to talk in class

3) "Can you give Tim this book?" She said to me

-> She asked me to give Tim that book

4) She said "Can you meet me next week, Minh?"

-> She asked Minh to meet her the following week

XI. Advice in reported speech


S1 + said (that) + S2 + should/ ought to + V-bare inf...

S + advised + O + (not) to inf...

Ex: His father said to him: "You should study harder"

-> His father said he should study harder/ His father advised him to study harder

XII. Gerunds (V + ing)


1. As a verbal noun: Swimming is very good for you

2. As an object after some certain verbs: Have you finished working?/ He suggested going out for dinner

3. After a preposition: After leaving the house, she checked all the windows/ We talk about cooking

XIII. Comparative and superlative of adjectives

1. Comparative


a) S + be + short adjective + er + (than)...

Ex: Jane is taller than her sister

b) S + be + more +long adjective + (than)...

Ex: A car is more expensive than a motorbike

2. Superlative


a) S + be + the + short adjective + est...

Ex: HCM city is the biggest city in Viet Nam

b) S + be + the + most + long adjective...

Ex: Miss World is the most beautiful girl in the world

+ Notes:

- lucky - luckier - luckiest

- wide - wider - widest

- good - better - best

- bad - worse - worst

- many/ much - more - most

- little - less - least

XIV. Comparison with "like, (not), (not) the same as, different from"

Like: He ran like the wind/ You don't look like your mother

(not) He is as tall as his brother/ She speaks English as well as foreigners/ This flat isn't as/ so big as our old one

(not) the same as: The shirt on the shelf is the same as the one in the window/ Her hair isn't the same color as her mother

different from: She is very different from her sister/ Her new school isn't much different from her old school


I/ Multiple choices:

1. His children are very lazy........................never do homework by.....................

a. They/ themself b. They/ them

c. They/ themselves d. Themselves/ they

2. My grandparents live ............................., in this town.

a. there b. here c. outside d. inside

3. I am enrolling .............the activities for this summer.

a. for b. in c. to d. into

4. The students did their test ...........................................

a. good b. very good c. fastly d. well

5. He looks very tired. He ..................................go to bed late.

a. oughts not to b. doesn't ought to c. ought to not d. oughtn't to

6. Please put these books .............the bookshelf...............the desk.

a. in/ under b. on/ above c. on/ between d. in/ at

7. I ......................................a letter from my old friend last week.

a. sent b. gave c. received d. took

8. I find Peter is not communicative. He's rather public.

a. kind b. reserved c. sociable d. humorous

9. The River Amazon ...................................into the Atlantic Ocean.

a. flow b. flows c. flowed d. is flowing

10. Bell was born..............................................March 3, 1847.

a. in b. on c. at d. during

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