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The coronavirus is usually transmitted by droplets đáp án

Bài đọc hiểu về Corona virus có đáp án

Nằm trong bộ đề luyện đọc Tiếng Anh cơ bản, bài tập Tiếng Anh về chủ đề "The coronavirus is usually transmitted by droplets" có đáp án dưới đây do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề luyện tập kỹ năng đọc - hiểu gồm nhiều dạng câu hỏi thường gặp trong bài Đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh giúp các em học sinh THPT ôn luyện hiệu quả.

Exercise 1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

The coronavirus is usually transmitted by droplets, such as those produced when coughing and sneezing, and by direct or indirect contact with secretions infected by the virus. The virus may also shed in blood, urine and faeces, and, therefore, there is potential for transmission through contact with a wide range of bodily fluids. Certainly, person-to-person spread has been confirmed in community and healthcare settings across Asia and into Europe. There is also a possibility that asymptomatic carriers may be able to infect people. Public Health England (PHE) has classified the COVID-19 infection as an airborne, high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.

The application of infection prevention and control (IPC) principles are already widely used by healthcare professionals within hospital and community settings to both prevent the spread of infections and to control outbreaks when they do occur. The WHO has issued interim guidance regarding IPC when COVID-19 is suspected. This advice is echoed by guidance issued by PHE.

PHE suggests the coronavirus may pose complications, such as illness pneumonia or severe acute respiratory infection. They also suggest that patients with long-term conditions or are immunocompromised are at risk of these complications. It is important that as first-line staff, midwives are also familiar with the recommended IPC principles and measures, and ensure they have the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when caring for a patient with suspected COVID-19.

1. Which could be the best title for the passage?

A. Problems Related to the Coronavirus

B. Epidemic Situation in England by coronavirus

C. Advice for Those Who Infected with Coronavirus

D. Coronavirus Transmission and Prevention

2. According to the passage, the coronavirus can be found in all of the following except ______.

A. blood

B. clothes

C. urine

D. faeces

3. The word "interim" in paragraph 2 mostly mean ______

A. temporary

B. everlasting

C. permanent

D. effective

4. The word “They” in the last paragraph refers to ______.





5. Which of the following is TRUE about those with long-term conditions as stated in the passage?

A. They can work in the WHO.

B. They are employees of Public Health England.

C. They are at risk of illness pneumonia or severe acute respiratory infection.

D. They can work as first-line staff like midwives.


1 - D; 2 - B; 3 - A; 4 - D; 5 - C; 

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

The coronavirus is usually transmitted (1)_______ droplets, such as those produced when coughing and sneezing, and by direct or indirect contact with secretions (2)______ by the virus. The virus may also shed in blood, urine and faeces, and, (3)_______, there is potential for transmission through contact with a wide range of bodily fluids. Certainly, person-to-person spread has been confirmed in community and healthcare settings across Asia and into Europe. There is also a (4)_______ that asymptomatic carriers may be able to infect people. Public Health England (PHE) has classified the COVID-19 infection as an airborne, high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.

The (5)________ of infection prevention and control (IPC) principles are already widely used by healthcare professionals within hospital (6)_____ community settings to both prevent the spread of infections and to control outbreaks when they do occur. The WHO has issued interim guidance regarding IPC when COVID-19 is suspected. This advice (7)________ by guidance issued by PHE.

PHE suggests the coronavirus may pose complications, (8)_______ illness pneumonia or severe acute respiratory infection. They also suggest that patients with long-term conditions or are immunocompromised are at risk of these complications. It is important that as first-line staff, midwives are also familiar with the recommended IPC principles and measures, and ensure they have the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when caring for a patient with suspected COVID-19.

1. A. by B. from C. to D. at

2. A. affected B. infected C. infecting D. to infect

3. A. therefore B. however C. as D. but

4. A. possible B. impossible C. possibility D. impossibility

5. A. apply B. applying C. applied D. application

6. A. and B. or C. but D. between

7. A. are echoed B. is echoed C. was echoed D. were echoed

8. A. such as B. like C. alike D. includes


1 - A;  2 - B; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - D; 6 - A; 7 - B; 8 - A;

Exercise 3. Read the passage and decide the following the sentences are True or False.

The coronavirus is usually transmitted by droplets, such as those produced when coughing and sneezing, and by direct or indirect contact with secretions infected by the virus. The virus may also shed in blood, urine and faeces, and, therefore, there is potential for transmission through contact with a wide range of bodily fluids. Certainly, person-to-person spread has been confirmed in community and healthcare settings across Asia and into Europe. There is also a possibility that asymptomatic carriers may be able to infect people. Public Health England (PHE) has classified the COVID-19 infection as an airborne, high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.

The application of infection prevention and control (IPC) principles are already widely used by healthcare professionals within hospital and community settings to both prevent the spread of infections and to control outbreaks when they do occur. The WHO has issued interim guidance regarding IPC when COVID-19 is suspected. This advice is echoed by guidance issued by PHE.

PHE suggests the coronavirus may pose complications, such as illness pneumonia or severe acute respiratory infection. They also suggest that patients with long-term conditions or are immunocompromised are at risk of these complications. It is important that as first-line staff, midwives are also familiar with the recommended IPC principles and measures, and ensure they have the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when caring for a patient with suspected COVID-19.

1. Droplets can transmit the Coronavirus.

2. The COVID-19 infection is classified as an airborne, high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.

3. All patients may pose complications, such as illness pneumonia or severe acute respiratory infection.

Đáp án

1 - True; 2 - True; 3 - False;

Exercise 4. Read the passage and answer to questions.

The coronavirus is usually transmitted by droplets, such as those produced when coughing and sneezing, and by direct or indirect contact with secretions infected by the virus. The virus may also shed in blood, urine and faeces, and, therefore, there is potential for transmission through contact with a wide range of bodily fluids. Certainly, person-to-person spread has been confirmed in community and healthcare settings across Asia and into Europe. There is also a possibility that asymptomatic carriers may be able to infect people. Public Health England (PHE) has classified the COVID-19 infection as an airborne, high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.

The application of infection prevention and control (IPC) principles are already widely used by healthcare professionals within hospital and community settings to both prevent the spread of infections and to control outbreaks when they do occur. The WHO has issued interim guidance regarding IPC when COVID-19 is suspected. This advice is echoed by guidance issued by PHE.

PHE suggests the coronavirus may pose complications, such as illness pneumonia or severe acute respiratory infection. They also suggest that patients with long-term conditions or are immunocompromised are at risk of these complications. It is important that as first-line staff, midwives are also familiar with the recommended IPC principles and measures, and ensure they have the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when caring for a patient with suspected COVID-19.

1. How is the coronavirus transmitted?

2. Is the coronavirus spread person-to-person?

3. Is the COVID-19 infectious disease?

4. What were the complications of coronavirus?

Đáp án

1 - It is transmitted  by droplets, and by direct or indirect contact with secretions infected by the virus.

2 - Yes, it is.

3 - Yes, it is.

4 - There were illness pneumonia or severe acute respiratory infection

The coronavirus is usually transmitted by droplets Google dịch

Vi rút coronavirus thường lây truyền qua các giọt nhỏ, chẳng hạn như những giọt được tạo ra khi ho và hắt hơi, và do tiếp xúc trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp với chất tiết bị nhiễm vi rút. Vi rút cũng có thể phát tán trong máu, nước tiểu và phân, và do đó, có khả năng lây truyền khi tiếp xúc với nhiều loại dịch cơ thể. Chắc chắn, sự lây lan từ người sang người đã được xác nhận trong các cơ sở cộng đồng và chăm sóc sức khỏe trên khắp Châu Á và Châu Âu. Cũng có khả năng những người mang mầm bệnh không có triệu chứng có thể lây nhiễm sang người. Bộ Y tế Công cộng Anh (PHE) đã phân loại nhiễm COVID-19 là một bệnh truyền nhiễm gây hậu quả cao (HCID) trong không khí ở Anh.

Việc áp dụng các nguyên tắc phòng ngừa và kiểm soát nhiễm trùng (IPC) đã được các chuyên gia chăm sóc sức khỏe trong bệnh viện và cộng đồng sử dụng rộng rãi để ngăn chặn sự lây lan của bệnh nhiễm trùng và kiểm soát sự bùng phát khi chúng xảy ra. WHO đã ban hành hướng dẫn tạm thời về IPC khi nghi ngờ có COVID-19. Lời khuyên này được lặp lại theo hướng dẫn của PHE.

PHE gợi ý rằng coronavirus có thể gây ra các biến chứng, chẳng hạn như viêm phổi do bệnh tật hoặc nhiễm trùng đường hô hấp cấp tính nghiêm trọng. Họ cũng gợi ý rằng những bệnh nhân mắc bệnh lâu năm hoặc bị suy giảm miễn dịch có nguy cơ mắc các biến chứng này. Điều quan trọng là với tư cách là nhân viên tuyến đầu, các nữ hộ sinh cũng phải quen thuộc với các nguyên tắc và biện pháp IPC được khuyến nghị, đồng thời đảm bảo họ có thiết bị bảo vệ cá nhân (PPE) thích hợp khi chăm sóc bệnh nhân nghi ngờ mắc COVID-19.

Trên đây là toàn bộ nội dung của The coronavirus is usually transmitted by droplets such as those produced when coughing Đáp án. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu luyện kỹ năng khác nhau được cập nhật liên tục trên

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