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Bài tập ở nhà tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới trong thời gian nghỉ dịch Corona (từ 23/03 - 28/03)

Phiếu bài tập môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 tuần 23 - 28/03

Đề ôn tập ở nhà lớp 8 môn tiếng Anh tuần 4 tháng 3/2020 dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới năm 2019 - 2020 do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 8 gồm nhiều dạng bài trắc nghiệm + tự luận tiếng Anh lớp 8 khác nhau giúp các em ghi nhớ kiến thức hiệu quả.

Lưu ý: Nếu không tìm thấy nút Tải về bài viết này, bạn vui lòng kéo xuống cuối bài viết để tải về.

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others

1. A. vehicleB. rehearseC. behaviorD. hill
2. A. reached B. coughedC. practicedD. ploughed
3. A. honeyB. monkeyC. donkeyD. survey
4. A. customsB. opinionsC. forksD. traditions

II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.

5. A. pagodaB. neighborC. residentD. offspring
6. A. ceremonyB. colourfulC. majorityD. costume
7. A. directoryB. generousC. accessibleD. traditional
8. A. educationB. applicationC. generationD. congratulation

III. Choose the right word in brackets to fill in the blank.

9. My dad doesn’t mind .................... my mom from work every day.

A. pick up

B. picked up

C. picking up

D. picks up

10.We must be there _________7.30 and 8.15.

A. at

B. before

C. between

D. after

11.When my grandmother was young, she used _________ very well.

A. sing

B. to sing

C. sang

D. sung
12.Our team played well _______ to win the gold medal.

A. too

B. that

C. so

D. enough

13.Don’t let your child _____ with matches.

A. play

B. to play

C. playing

D. plays

14.How long will he ______stay there?

A. must

B. should

C. have to

D. has to

15.The _____________ people in the village are very friendly.

A. ethnic minority

B. majorities

C. ethnic minorities

D. ethnic cultures

16.Tom is a driver. He is driving along the narrow road.

A. careful/ carefully

B. carefully/ careful

C. carefully/ carefully

D. careful/ careful

17. The dinner _____________ in the kitchen by her mother at the moment.

A. is preparing

B. is prepared

C. prepared

D. is being prepared

18. Lan promises to ______ her best in learning English.

A. try

B. make

C. work

D. learn

VII. Put the verb in correct tense or form.

19.Trung’s father (teach) __________ him how (ride) _________a bicycle when he (be) ________ twelve years old.

20.How your brother (go) _______ to work everyday? - He usually _______ (drive).

21.We (go) __________to Ha Long Bay this weekend.

22.You (use) ___________to play so much when you (live) _________ in the

23.Yesterday Hoang (spend) __________ two hours (repair) ________ his computer

24.When I came, the whole family (have) ________________dinner around a big dinning table.

25.If I were you, I ________________ (not / buy) that hat.

26. (you/ study) _________ English since you (be) ___________5 years old?

VI. Read the passage and then answer the questions.


The camel can go without water for a long time. Some people think it stores water in its hump.
This is not true. It stores food in its hump. The camel’s body changes the food into fat. Then it
stores the fat in its hump. It cannot store the fat all over its body. Fat all over an animal’s body
keeps the animal warm. Camels live in the desert. They do not want to be warm during the day.

The desert is very hot. The camel gets hotter and hotter during the day. It stores this heat in its
body because the nights are cool.

The Arabian camel has one hump. The Bactrian camel of Central Asia has two humps. It also
has long, thick hair because the winters are cold in Central Asia.

There is a lot of sand in the dessert. The camel has long eyelashes. Then sand cannot go into the camel’s eyes.

Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel. Arabs need all these words because the camel is very important to them.


27.Where do camels live?


28. What does a camel store in its hump?

29.The camel doesn’t store fat all over its body. Why?


30.Why does it store heat during the day?


31. Why does a Bactrian camel have long thick hair?


II. Rewrite sentences that doesn’t change the meaning, using the words in brackets.

32. The contaminated drinking water caused the outbreak of cholera in the village. (due to)


33. Human activity is to blame for many forms of pollution on earth. (results in)


34. It was better than the other computer in the shop. (best)

35. No one in my class is more hard-working than Peter. (most)


36. I cannot swim as well as my sister. (better)


37. Who does this bike belong to? (whose)


38. The workers in Viet Nam have to work more hours than the workers in England. (less)


39. It has been the National Day of Viet Nam since 1945.


40. You’ll be sick. You stop drinking cold water. (unless)


Trên đây là Phiếu ôn tập ở nhà môn Anh 8 tuần 23 - 28/03. Ngoài ra, cập nhật rất nhiều tài liệu ôn tập tiếng Anh 8 mới khác nhau như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 8, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo từng Unit trực tuyến, ... mới nhất theo chương trình học của bộ Giáo dục & Đào tạo.

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