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Đoạn văn tiếng Anh về công việc hàng ngày

Trong viết luận tiếng Anh, ngoài các chủ đề như: danh lam thắng cảnh, ước mơ trong tương lai, cuộc sống ở thành phố, về người cha, người mẹ thì công việc hàng ngày cũng là một chủ đề thường gặp. Hướng dẫn cách viết Đoạn văn tiếng Anh về công việc hàng ngày bao gồm phần từ vựng và 6 đoạn văn mẫu rất hữu ích cho các bạn nâng cao kỹ năng viết. Mời các bạn tham khảo.

Từ vựng tiếng Anh chủ đề công việc hàng ngày

- Wake up: tỉnh giấc

- Press snooze button: nút báo thức

- Turn off: tắt

- Get up: thức dậy

- To drink: uống

- Make breakfast: làm bữa sáng

- Read newspaper: đọc báo

- Brush teeth: đánh răng

- Wash face: rửa mặt

- Have shower: tắm vòi hoa sen

- Get dressed: mặc quần áo

- Comb the hair: chải tóc

- Make up: trang điểm

- Work: làm việc

- Have lunch: ăn trưa

- Finish working: kết thúc việc

- Do exercise: tập thể dục

- Go home: về nhà

- Cook: nấu ăn

- Dinner: bữa tối

- Do homework: làm bài tập về nhà

- Watch television: xem ti vi

- Take the rubbish out: đi đổ rác

- Wash the dishes: rửa bát đĩa

- Feed the dog: cho chó ăn

- Have a bath: đi tắm

- Meditation: thiền định

- Set the alarm: đặt chuông báo thức

- Go to bed: đi ngủ

Bài viết số 1: Viết một đoạn văn nói về việc làm hàng ngày bằng tiếng Anh

I am a high school student, so most of my day is spent for studying. I usually wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning to prepare my uniform then have breakfast. My mother is the most one who cooks delicious and nutritious foods for the whole family, and I also help her setting up the table. After having breakfast, I change my clothes, brush my teeth, then my father takes my to school on his way to work at 6.45 AM. My school starts at 7 o'clock, and I have a small break at 9.15 AM. I have 5 classes in the morning, and sometimes those classes can be very stressful for students to keep up. When I finish my morning classes at 11 o'clock, I take the bus to go back home to have an afternoon break before starting my other classes. I have lunch with my mother and grandparents, but sometimes I stay at school and bring a lunch box if my classes start earlier than usual. I sleep for about half an hour before going back to school at 1 and a half. I have 4 more classes in the afternoon, and my father picks me up at 5.15 when he finishes his work. I have dinner with my family, and then I quickly finish all of my homework. At about 7 PM, I finally have free time for myself. This is my favorite time of the day because I can do whatever I like. My favorite activities are playing computer games and watching movies. I spend about 3 hours to entertain before going to sleep at 10 PM. My life of a student seems to be busy, but luckily I love spend my time for both school and family.

Bài viết số 2. Viết một đoạn văn bằng tiếng Anh về việc làm hằng ngày

Every person on the planet has his own life and obligations. Some of them have a difficult life and other an easy one, but that depends on the jobs they have. Mine is very complicated and I have free time “Once in a blue moon“, but when I have some free time I write poems like this one. Now I will start to write about my daily routine. My day starts as an ordinary morning. I tidy my bed, brush my teeth, take a shower, have breakfast bla bla ... The breakfast is the best time to communicate with your parents. When we sit down we start talking about our dreams and about whether, that dream is a message from the future. After we share our thoughts every one of us goes to work (except me). I sit down and start doing my homework. After two hours practicing my lessons I start phoning all my buddies. At one p.m I go to school where I study so hard, that when I comeback from there I feel dizzy. At school I am very serious (well, sometimes to be honest) and I am concentrated on my work. After a day of hard work at school I go home and relax. When my head calms down me and my family sit down for dinner and share our daily work and experience throughout the day. At half past eight I turn on the TV and watch “Big Brother”. My favorite person is Naiden but that is not important. At eleven o’clock I go to bed and start dreaming about my next day and pray to be alive. As I said before, every man has his own life, but some of them dream of it. I dream of a world full of peace and no war. I wish that my days are happy and lovely. Do not worry about the past; pray that you will be alive tomorrow.

Bài viết số 3. Viết về cuộc sống hàng ngày bằng tiếng Anh

A lot of people have different daily routines, but I think that is one of the most exciting daily routines. So I get up at six o’clock early in the morning, because I have a lot of things to do during my day. First I have a cold shower, because I am sill sleepy when I get up, then I eat and watch my favourite morning show with Slavi Trifanov. At half past nine I go to the gym and practise my muscles hard. At half past twelve I go back to home and have a shower again. At half past one I go to the parachute jumping base. At three o’clock we are in the sky and do our first jump for the day. When we finish with the parachute jumps. At four o’clock I go to my bunny jumping base, because I have some students who want to learn how to bunny jump. When I finish my work at half past six, I go home and call my girlfriend tell her that I love her. Then I have dinner and watch television. At ten o’clock I go to bed. Now I am ready for my daily routine again, because I like my job and my life.

Bài viết số 4. Bài viết tiếng Anh về sinh hoạt hàng ngày

I am a student. I lead a disciplined life. Regularity in work has become a habit with me. Hence my daily life follows a very simple routine. I rise very early in the morning begin my day with my morning prayer. Then I go for a walk in the open fields. There I perform my breathing exercise and take in as much oxygen from the fresh morning air as possible. On coming back, I take my bath. After my breakfast, I take to studies. I continue reading till 9.30 A.M. Then I prepare myself to go to school. The school begins at 11 A.M. But I am at school at least ten minutes earlier. On reaching school, I make it a point to occupy one of the seats of the front benches. This I do for two reasons: first, I like to be as near the teacher as possible and secondly, I have known from experience that the back benchers are generally deficient in their studies. We learn various subjects according to the school time-table. I prepare my lessons well everyday. I am always in the good grace of my teachers. The school breaks at 4.P.M. After school hours I return home at 4.30 P.M. After taking some light refreshment, I go -to the play ground to take part in various games, specially hockey. It refreshes my brain and makes my body active. At about sunset, I get back home. After my evening prayers, I sit down to study and continue upto 8.30 P.M. when I am called to take my supper. After supper, I spend sometime with my brothers and sisters watching T.V. programmes. Very soon sleep overpowers me and I go to bed. On holidays; I sometimes visit my friends and relatives. Life on holidays will necessarily create a breach of the regular routine. But I never break the golden rule "Early to bed and early to rise."

Bài viết số 5. Đoạn văn tiếng Anh kể về công việc hàng ngày của mình

My daily life is set within a routine and I try to follow that very strictly. It is my habit to get up from bed early in the morning. After easing and cleaning myself I take my ablution and say my Fazar prayer. Then I go out for a walk in the open air for about half an hour . Having returned, I sat for studying. Then I take my breakfast and do my home task. I bathe and take my meal around ten and get ready to attend school. I come back from school around four o’clock. I change my dresses , wash myself and eat whatever mother gives me to eat. Then I go to the play-ground and play with my friends. Coming back I say my evening prayer. Then I sat down to read. At 9.00 pm I take my supper and watch TV. I go to bed around ten o’clock. Besides this I read the daily newspapers .There are minor changes in my routine on holidays. On holidays I go to different places to remove my monotony .This is in brief the description of my typical day. I am happy about the way I spend my daily life.

Bài viết số 6. Viết đoạn văn về công việc hằng ngày bằng tiếng Anh

As a student, I lead a life of honesty and simplicity. By habit I get up early from bed and clean my parts of the body and brush my teeth with a brush. I take physical exercise to keep my body healthy and fit and if it becomes advantageous for me, I take a walk of about one kilometer.

I get refreshed with the morning walk or a little exercise and then prepare myself for the study with utmost sincerity. It is against my principle to put off today's work for tomorrow or to have any private tutor. I accept the guidance of my elder brother who has proficiency in English and mathematics as well.

After devoting myself to study from 7 A.M. to 9 A.M., I play games for sometime without having any rigid rules. After bathing in the well, I take my meal prepared by my mother at 9.45 A.M. and proceed to the school situated at a distance of only one furlong from my home.

The classes begin at 10.30 A.M. usually. I go to school with my good friends and occupy the first bench. On the way to school I talk a great variety of topics with students coming from different parts of the town. I maintain punctuality in attending classes. The first period begins with English taught by our Headmaster. I do have an aptitude for this subject. Our class begins after the prayer class and after the National Anthem is sung.

All our subjects like Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, Sanskrit, etc. are covered within the eight periods. We avail of the recess after the third period.

In the classes we listen to the teachings of the teachers with rapt attention. The recess is allowed for an hour. In the recess hour I take the Tiffin given by my mother in a Tiffin box. I play some outdoor games like foot ball or cricket for energizing my spirits. In the recess time also I talk of the topics taught in the classes with my friends and come to class at 2 P.M.

The recess breaks at 2 P.M. and thereafter we continue for four periods. The school breaks up at 4.30 P.M. in the afternoon and I get back home. Having placed my books and notes in the proper place I wash my hands and face. After having a little Tiffin I proceed to the playground for playing games of different kinds. I play hockey, kabadi, football, cricket and other games as it suits to me or to my friends. In the playground students of different classes meet together and make friends with one another.

I return home at 6 P.M. and prepare my lessons after getting my dresses changed and after washing my hands, feet and face. I begin my studies at about 6.30 P.M. and devote to the study of English and Science. As a matter of habit, I read for about two and half hours and take my supper at 9.30 P.M.

There is a slight change in the routine on Sunday which is a holiday. I engage myself in washing the uniform dresses of school. I also visit a movie or theatre. I spend the Sundays in a different way than on the other days. This is all about my daily life as a student.

Trên đây là Đoạn văn tiếng Anh về hoạt động hằng ngày. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh cơ bản khác như: Luyện viết Tiếng Anh, Luyện nghe Tiếng Anh, Luyện đọc Tiếng Anh, Luyện nói Tiếng Anh,.... được cập nhật liên tục trên

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