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Đề kiểm tra 15 phút lần 3 môn tiếng Anh lớp 10 năm 2019 - 2020

Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh 15 phút lần 1 học kì 2 lớp 10

Đề kiểm tra 15 phút tiếng Anh lớp 10 lần 1 kì 2 có đáp án dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề kiểm tra 15 phút môn tiếng Anh 10 mới do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 10 có đáp án được biên tập bám sát nội dung SGK tiếng Anh Unit 6 lớp 10 giúp các em ôn tập kiến thức trọng tâm hiệu quả.

Choose the best answers to complete the sentences:

1. Detroit ....................... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan.

A. chosen

B. was chosen

C. have been chosen

D. is chosen

2. The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States and it ................ in Ann Arbor.

A. located

B. location

C. is located

D. locates

3. There ................. be a fire over there as I see smoke from here.

A. must

B. should

C. might

D. could

4. Our organization seeks to improve the social ................. of disable people.

A. stand

B. seat

C. status

D. place

5. There .................. a new law to protect endangered species if we don’t want them to disappear from the earth.

A. must to be

B. needs to be

C. might be

D. may be

6. The role of women of society has been greatly ................. in the last few years.

A. overtaken

B. overcome

C. overcast

D. overlooked

7. Wage ................ exists when workers are equally qualified and perform the same work but one group of worker is paid more than another.

A. equality

B. payment

C. discrimination

D. income

8. For many ................... parents, balancing their jobs and their family obligations can be a challenge.

A. worked

B. working

C. work

D. career

9. After her parents died, she ................... by her uncle and aunt.

A. was grown up

B. was brought up

C. brought up

D. was brought

10. Siobhan and Ray have just ...................... engaged.

A. been

B. become

C. get

D. got

11. Although males seem to have ................ in many ancient cultures, ancient Egypt still had female rulers, such as Cleopatra.

A. dominating

B. domination

C. dominated

D. dominate

12. Each district was ................ up into a number of sub-divisions.

A. split

B. splitted

C. divided

D. dividing

13. Recent laws that prohibit specific types of job discrimination in certain workplaces have promoted ................... in the USA.

A. equal property

B. equal opportunity in annual income

C. equal income

D. equal employment opportunity

14. Most of the space in his room ...................... by an enormous wardrobe.

A. has taken up

B. took up

C. is taken up

D. takes up

15. Mark gets special ........................... because he knows the boss.

A. treatment

B. cure

C. treat

D. instruction

16. Fathers tend to .................. more household chores and responsibilities than ever before.

A. take up

B. take in

C. take off

D. take on

17. I’m against .................................

A. violating

B. violent

C. violence

D. violate

18. Hundreds of people ....................... the job in the company but only five workers were employed.

A. asked for

B. appointed

C. recruited

D. applied for

19. In some companies, it is suggested that female officers should be supported by their male co- workers.

A. colleges

B. colleagues

C. villages

D. collectors

20. In order to be .................... for this position, candidates must have not only an MA degree but also work experience.

A. qualify

B. quality

C. qualified

D. qualification

Đáp án

1 - B2 - C3 - D4 - C5 - B
6 - D7 - C8 - B9 - B10 - D
11 - C12 - A13 - D14 - C15 - B
16 - D17 - C18 - D19 - D20 - C

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