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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 5

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 5 được VnDoc sưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 10 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 3

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 5: Technology and you - Lesson 4

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 6: An excursion - Lesson 1

I. Objectives:

1. Education Aims:

  • Sound /ʊ/from the sound /u:/and pronounce them correctly.
  • The present perfect, the present perfect passive and
  • The relative clauses with "who, which" and "that."

2. Knowledge:


  • Pronunciation: /ʊ/ and /u:/
  • The present perfect.
  • The present peffect passive.
  • Relative clauses with "who, which, that"

3. Skills:

Speaking: Work in pairs to discuss the exercises.


  • Read words and sentences aloud.
  • Read the sentences silently to do the exercises.

II. Anticipated problems: Distinguishing sound /ʊ/ from /u:/ and pronouncing them.

III. Teaching aids: board, chalk, textbook.

IV. Procedures:

Teacher's activities

Students' activities

1. Homework checking: (5mins)

- Ask one st to tell their friends how to make tea in front of the whole class.

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- Check and give a mark.

2. Pronunciation: (10 mins)

- Aims: to introduce two sound / ʊ / and /u:/ and help sts to practise these sounds.

a. Write two sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat.

- Tell sts the difference between two sounds.

- Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat.

- Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other.

- Move around to help .

- Ask two sts to read again and give remarks.

b. Ask sts to look at sentences in page 60 in the book.

- Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find out the words containing sound / ʊ / and the words containing sound /u:/.

- Ask them to work in 2 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

- Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. Grammar: (29 mins)

a. Aims: to revise the present perfect tense and have sts do Ex 1.

2. He has turned on the TV.

3. He has tidied the house.

4. He has cleaned the floor.

- Ask sts to think about the present perfect and tell the teacher the form and the use of this tense.

- Listen and give remarks.

b. Aims: to review the present perfect passive and get sts to do Ex 2.

- Ask sts to tell the teacher the form of the present perfect passive.

- Ask sts to do Ex 2 individually and then share the answers with their friends.

- Move round to help if necessary.

- Ask two sts to do this exercise on the board.

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- Check and give remarks.

c. Aims: to revise the use of "who, which, that" as relative pronouns and ask sts to do exercise 3.

- Recall sts of the relative clauses with "who,which, that".

- Ask sts to read the requirement of Ex3 and then do the task individually.

- Go round to conduct the activity.

- Ask some sts to read sentence by sentence.

- Listen and give remarks.

5. Homework (1 mins)

- Part B (Page 30 - workbook)

- One st speaks aloud in front of the whole class.

- Give remarks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Write down two sounds.

- Listen to the teacher and repeat.

- Look at the book , listen and repeat.

/ ʊ/ /u:/

put food

pull school

full tooth


- Read these words in pairs and check for their partners.

- Look at the book and work in pairs.

- Answers:

/ʊ / /ɔ:/

could Miss June

put Moon

book shoes

full boots

look school


+ Form:

(+) S + have/ has + PII

(-) S + have/has + not + PII

(?) Have/ Has + S + PII ?

+ Uses:

- The present perfect expresses the idea that something happened in the past before now at an unspecified time in the past.

+ Form:

(+) S + have/ has + been + PII

(-) S + have / has + not + been + PII

(?) Have / Has + S +been + PII?

- Do the exercise individually and compare their answers with their partners.

- Do the exercise on the board.

1. A new hospital for children has been built in our city.

2. Another man-made satellite has been sent up into space.

3. More and more trees have been cut down for wood by farmers.


- Listen to the teacher.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Read the requirement carefully.

- Do Ex 3.

1. which 6. who

2. which 7. who

3. which 8. which/ that

4. who 9. which

5. who 10. who

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