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9 Đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN

Bộ đề kiểm tra chất lượng học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh có file nghe và đáp án dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề ôn thi học kì 2 lớp 7 do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề thi cuối năm lớp 7 môn Anh được biên tập bám sát chương trình đã học giúp học sinh lớp 7 nắm chắc kiến thức đã học.

Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 7 học kì 2 - Đề số 1


I. Listen to the passage about the Robinsons. Listen twice. Then write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence: (1.0pt)

1. _______ The Robinsons returned to Hanoi by bus.

2. _______ This was the second time Liz saw the paddies.

3. _______ They stopped at the restaurant for a short time.

4. _______ They arrived home in the afternoon.

II. Listen to the conversation between a doctor and Hoa talking about a her medical check-up. Listen twice and then fill in each blank with one word to complete the sentences. (1.0pt)

1. How old is Hoa? She is __________________.

2. How tall is she? She is one meter ___________________centimeters.

3. Her height is __________________.

4. How heavy is she? She is __________________kilos.


I. Circle the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the passage below: (1.0pt)

Thirty years ago in Vietnam, very few people had TV sets. These TV owners were very (1)____________. After dinner, their neighbors (2)_____________both inside and outside their houses. Some watched through the windows. All evening, (3)____________ sat and watched the black and white programs. Times have changed. Today, many families have a TV set. They sit and watch (4) _____________ their own living rooms.

1. A. important B. wonderful C. expensive D. popular

2. A. gathers B. gathered C. gather D. to gather

3. A. he B. she C. they D. I

4. B. at C. on D. to

II. Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions: (2.0pts)

A French oceanographer, Jacques Cousteau (1910 - 1997), invented a deep-sea diving vessel in the early 1940s. In the vessel, he could explore the oceans of the world and study underwater life. Now we can explore the oceans using special TV cameras as well. We can learn more about the undersea world thanks to this invention.


1. When was Jacques Cousteau born?


2. How old was he when he died?


3. What did he invent?


4. Can we learn more about the undersea world thanks to Jacques Cousteau's invention?



I. Circle the word that has different stress from others: (0.5pt)

1. A. aquarium B. material C. appointment D. temperature

2. A. adventure B. detective C. cucumber D. invention

II. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others: (0.5pt)

1. A. helped B. rented C. talked D. watched

1. A. baseball B. ask C. participate D. basketball

III. Circle the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence: (1.5pt)

1. She smiled ___________ me in a friendly way when she saw me.

A. with B. to C. of D. at

2. We ___________ our grandparents next week.

A. visit B. will visit C. visited D. to visit

3. How ___________ is the blue hat? It's 50,000 dong.

A. far B. many C. old D. much

4. What about ___________to school every morning?

A. going B. go C. to go D. went

5. The nurse __________ Lan's temperature yesterday.

A. will take B. took C. is taking D. takes

6. I usually ___________football.

A. will play B. is playing C. play D. played


I. Rewrite each sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one: (1.5pts)

1. How tall are you?

=> What__________________________________________________________?

2. Nam is a bad swimmer.

=> Nam swims _____________________________________________________

3. What is wrong with him?

=> What is the______________________________________________________?

4. You ought to take morning exercise

=>You should _____________________________________________________

5. I prefer living in the city.

=> I Prefer __________________________________________________________

II. Complete the following sentences with the words given:(1.0pt)

1. Let's/ buy a papaya.


2. Are you free/ Thursday?


⇔ Tham khảo thêm bộ 15 đề thi Tiếng Anh 7 mới nhất: Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 7 môn Tiếng Anh năm học 2018 - 2019 NEW

Đáp án đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 7 học kì 2 số 1


I. Listen (1.0 pt) Mỗi câu đúng (0,25 pt)

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F


The Robinsons had a great holiday in Nha Trang. Unfortunately, the holiday soon ended and it was time to return home. They took a bus back to Hanoi. Liz was excited as the bus drove through the countryside. She saw rice paddies for the first time. Everything looked calm and peaceful. At four o’clock, the bus stopped at a small roadside restaurant for ten minutes. Mr Robinson was asleep, so Mrs Robinson bought some peanuts and an ice cream for Liz. The bus arrived in Hanoi at about 7 pm.

II. Listen (1.0 pt) Mỗi câu đúng (0,25 pt)

1. fourteen (14) 2. 45 3. short 4. 40 (forty)


Doctor: I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa. How old are you?

Hoa: Fourteen.

D: And your height is one meter 50 centimeters ?

H: No. I think I’m shorter .The nurse measured me.

D: Oh. How tall are you?

H: One meter 45 centimeters

D: I will ask the nurse to check your height again. How heavy are you ?

H: I think .I’m 42 kilos.

D: No ,It says on your form that you’re 40 kilos.


I. (1.0pt) Mỗi câu đúng (0,25 pt)

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A

II. (2.0pt) Mỗi câu đúng (0.5 pt)

1. He was born in 1910.

2. When he died ,he was eighty-seven (87) years old.

3. He invented a deep-sea diving vessel .

4. Yes, we can.


I. Stress (0.5pt) Mỗi câu đúng (0.25pt)

1. D 2. C

II. Pronounced (0.5pt) Mỗi câu đúng (0.25pt)

1. B 2. A

III. Multiple choice (2.0pt) Mỗi câu đúng (0.25pt)

1. D 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C


I. (1.5pts) Mỗi câu đúng (0.5pt)

1. What is your height ?

2. Nam swims badly

3. What is the matter with him ?

4. You should do morning exercise.

5. I prefer to live in the city.

II. (1.0pt) Mỗi câu đúng (0.5pt)

1. Let’s buy a papaya.

2. Are you free on Thursday?

⇔ Tham khảo đề thi cuối kì 2 lớp 7 năm 2018 - 2019: Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 7 môn Tiếng Anh có file nghe năm học 2018 - 2019 NEW

Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 7 môn Tiếng Anh số 2


Bài 1. Nghe và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất trong số A, B hoặc C cho mỗi câu hỏi.

1. How does Joshua go to school in Japan?

A. He takes a school bus every morning

B. He rides the subway at 8:00 AM.

C. He walks with a group of students.

2. Which item did Joshua NOT mention when talking about the things he takes to school?

A. backpack

B. gym clothes

C. school hat

3. What is one of the first things Joshua does when he arrives at school?

A. He practices his reading and writing.

B. He stands and bows to the teacher.

C. He puts on his gym clothes for class.

4. Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?

A. in his classroom

B. in the lunchroom

C. in the gymnasium

5. What time does Joshua probably get home from school most days?

A. between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM

B. between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM

C. between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM


Chọn một đáp án đúng nhất trong ngoặc để hoàn thành câu.

6. We enjoy..... "Tom and Jerry" films in the evenings.

A. watching

B. watched

C. watch

D. to watch

7. Where..... they..... their summer vacation next year?

A. do/ spend

B. will/ spend

C. did/ spend

D. are/ spend

8. Look! The students..... badminton in the school yard.

A. play

B. played

C. are playing

D. A&B

9. My sister..... a new book yesterday morning.

A. will buy

B. is buying

C. buys

D. bought

10. Nobody..... him very well because he is new here.

A. know

B. knows

C. knowing

D. A&C

11. Don't forget..... a dictionary for me, Nam.

A. buy

B. buying

C. to buy

D. bought

12. She was busy..... her homework.

A. doing

B. to do

C. did

D. A&B

13. We can't go out now because it..... outside.

A. rained

B. rain

C. rains

D. is raining

14. - A: Oh, I don't like bananas. - B:......

A. I don't, either

B. I do either

C. Neither, do I

D. A&C

15. He was only fourteen, but he is..... his father.

A. as tall as

B. taller

C. tall than

D. as taller than

16. These mangoes are not ripe, and..... are those bananas.

A. So

B. Either

C. Neither

D. Both

17. These are their shoes here and those are..... over there.

A. we

B. our

C. ours

D. us

18. Nam is better..... English, but he is worse..... math than I am.

A. at/in

B. in/at

C. in/in

D. at/at

19. His new shoes are different..... mine, but his new shirt is similar..... mine.

A. to/from

B. from/to

C. with/to

D. from/from

20. It is easy..... a bike, but it's difficult..... a car.

A. to ride/ to drive

B. to drive/ to ride

C. riding/ driving

D. driving/ to ride

21. It often..... me 15 minutes to go to school by bike.

A. takes

B. gets

C. gives

D. has

22. Of all schools in this town, mine is.....

A. the largest

B. the larger

C. the large

D. the more large

23. He wants to learn..... to use the computer.

A. what

B. how

C. why

D. where

24. Mai looks..... in her new dress.

A. more beautifully

B. beautifully

C. more beautiful

D. beauty

25. We can learn more..... the undersea world thanks..... Jacques Cousteau's invention.

A. about/ on

B. about/ to

C. on/ to

D. on/ for


Bài 1 : Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số bằng một từ thích hợpcho sẵn.

popular - small - pair - to - are - strongest - free

Today, badminton becomes a very (26)..... sports activity. It spreads quickly from the city (27)..... the countryside.People need only a (28)..... of rackets, a shuttlecock, a net and a (29)..... piece of land to play the game. Two or four players hit the shuttlecock over the net with their rackets. People can play badminton in their (30)..... time or in a competition. Now, there (31)..... many badminton competitions andeven a World Cup. One of the (32).....countries in badminton is Indonesia.

Bài 2: Tìm một lỗi sai trong số A, B, C hoặc D ở mỗi câu sau.

33. Children are usually scared for seeing the dentist.

A                B                     C   D

34. The teacher told him to spend a little time to play video games.

A                                    B      C               D

35. It took me two hours doing my homework last night.

A                B            C               D

36. After the neighbor repaired the skirt, it looked beautifully.

A                B              C                                    D

Bài 3: Viết lại câu bằng từ cho sẵn sao cho giữ nguyên nghĩa với câu đầu.

37. What a luxurious car!


38. It takes me an hour to do my homework every evening.

I spend..................................

39. No one can run faster than me.

I am....................................

40. Do you have a better refrigerator than this?

Is this...................................

Còn tiếp ....

Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 7 môn Tiếng Anh số 3

I/ Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given



1. Our earth stores the sun’s energy in their earth surface.

2. Some fossil fuels are coal, oil and wind energy.

3. Fossil fuels can be used to produce electricity.

4. Electricity is needed for many activities.

5. By 2013, people use about 80 percent of fossil fuels in the world.

6. One day, when people use up all fossil fuels, they will die because there is no alternative energy.

7. Renewable energy will be used up one day.

8. Solar energy and wind energy are two types of alternative energy.

Xem đáp án

1. NG

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. NG

6. F

7. F

8. T

Nội dung bài nghe

Humans store energy in their bodies, the earth stores the sun’s energy.

The sun’s energy is stored in coal, natural gas, water and wind. Coal, oil, and natural gas are called fossil fuels.

We use the energy in these fossil fuels to make electricity. We use electricity in many different ways. We light and heat our homes, schools and businesses using electricity, and to run computers, refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners. Our cars and planes run on gasoline, which comes from oil. By the year 2013, most of the energy we use comes from fossil fuels.

However, fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy. They cannot be used over and over again. This means that one day they will run out!

Luckily, there are some renewable energy sources we can use. Unlike non-renewable fossil fuels, they will not run out. Three forms of renewable fuels are: solar (coming from the sun) energy, water energy and wind energy. All these renewable energy sources are essential for us because they will not run out, so we need to get better and better at using them.

II/ Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others

9. A. excellent

B. marvelous

C. familiar

D. similar

10. A. abundant

B. wonderful

C. convenient

D. important

11. A. underwater

B. taxi

C. submarine

D. ocean

Xem đáp án

9. C

10. B

11. B

III/ Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

12. A. sky

B. fly

C. by

D. hymn

13. A. let

B. jet

C. vehicle

D. success

Xem đáp án

12. D

13. C

IV/ Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense forms to complete the sentences

14. I _______________(study) at 8.00 tomorrow.

15. You _______________(wait) for her when her plane arrives tonight?

16. Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We _______________(have) dinner then.

Xem đáp án

14. I ______will be studying_________(study) at 8.00 tomorrow.

15. Will you ________be waiting_______(wait) for her when her plane arrives tonight?

16. Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. We _____will be having__________(have) dinner then.

V/ Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

17. What should we do to ____________ electricity?

A. cut

B. take

C. save

D. waste

18. Remember to ____________the lights before going to bed.

A. turn

B. turn off

C. turn on

D. stop

19. The wind, the sun, and the wave are some types of _____________ sources of energy.

A. changeable

B. alternative

C. cheap

D. costly

20. We will be successful if we try hard, _____?

A. don't we

B. will we

C. won't we

D. do we

21. The population _____ of London city is 5,590 people per square kilometer.

A. growth

B. explosion

C. density

D. decline

22. _____ there are still thousands of homeless people living on the streets, it is fewer than in the past.

A. As

B. Though

C. Because

D. While

Xem đáp án

17. C

18. B

19. B

20. C

21. C

22. B

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Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 7 số 4

I/ Listen and complete the text

Among many programs and (1) ......................... on TV these days such as the current news programs, sport programs, entertaining programs, (2) ......................... and movie programs, etc., I like the program “the World of Animals” (3) .........................

This program is usually shown on (4) ......................... every day at 8.30 in the evening. It often lasts about (5) ......................... minutes. In this program, stories of the life of many animals in the world are told in a very (6) ......................... way. For example, people can watch films about (7) ........................, snakes, tigers, insects, birds, sea turtles, sharks etc. ... and even the penguins and the polar bears. While watching these films, I find the everyday life activities and habits of these animals very (8) ....................... In addition, I also learn that it is very important to protect these animals and their (9) ......................... Watching this program makes me very (10) ......................... after a day of work.

Xem đáp án

Among many programs and (1) ............channels............. on TV these days such as the current news programs, sport programs, entertaining programs, (2) .........educational programs................ and movie programs, etc., I like the program “the World of Animals” (3) ...........most..............

This program is usually shown on (4) .............VTV2............ every day at 8.30 in the evening. It often lasts about (5) .........45................ minutes. In this program, stories of the life of many animals in the world are told in a very (6) ..............lively........... way. For example, people can watch films about (7) .........monkeys..............., snakes, tigers, insects, birds, sea turtles, sharks etc. ... and even the penguins and the polar bears. While watching these films, I find the everyday life activities and habits of these animals very (8) ...........interesting............ In addition, I also learn that it is very important to protect these animals and their (9) .........lliving environments................ Watching this program makes me very (10) ...............relaxed.......... after a day of work.

II/ Choose the word that has different syllable stress position

11. A. domestic

B. investment

C. substantial

D. fascinate

12. A. optimist

B. distribute

C. terrorist

D. contrary

13. A. empire

B. employer

C. conductor

D. transistor

Xem đáp án

11. D

12. B

13. A

III/ Find the word which has the different sound in the underlined part

14. A. means

B. great

C. seatbelt

D. teacher

15. A. terrified

B. based

C. starred

D. entertained

16. A. chaos

B. chance

C. school

D. Christmas

Xem đáp án

14. B

15. B

16. B

IV/ Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

17. The festival starts with an opening ________ where people walk through the streets.

A. party

B. ritual

C. feast

D. parade

18. Bon Jovi will ___________ at the 2019 Rock in Rio music festival in Brazil.

A. display

B. perform

C. gather

D. attend

19. ____________ the pollution it cause, coal still plays an important role in the production of electricity around the world .

A. Despite

B. Due to

C. Even though

D. However

20. Wind power is the most promising ______________source of energy.

A. non-renewable

B. natural

C. limited

D. alternative

21. _____________ leads to little schooling of the children in this area. They have to work for food.

A. Poverty

B. Hunger

C. Healthcare

D. Both A & B are correct.

22. Many countries have the problem of overpopulated cities, _____?

A. do they

B. haven't they

C. doesn't it

D. don't they

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Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 7 học kì 2 Global Success số 5

Listen to the conversation between Sophia and her father. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.

Bài nghe

1. What is Sophia’s father watching on TV?

A. A sci-fi about the negative effects of using non-renewable sources.

B. A documentary about the negative effects of using non-renewable sources.

C. A documentary about the benefits of using non-renewable sources.

2. What does Sophia think about non-renewable sources?

A. They’re not necessary for our daily life.

B. People shouldn’t use them to drive heavy machinery.

C. They help heat homes and cook food.

3. What does Sophia think about renewable sources?

A. They are unlimited but expensive.

B. They are clean but not available.

C. They are limited and dangerous.

4. According to Sophia’s dad, what does the excessive use of non-renewable sources cause?

A. It affects our health and work seriously.

B. It affects our work and environment seriously.

C. It affects our health and environment seriously.

5. What does Sophia hope can deal with the problem?

A. Modern technologies.

B. People’s effort.

C. Intelligent Robots.

Xem đáp án

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. A

Nội dung bài nghe

Sophia: What are you watching, Dad? You look so serious.

Dad: A documentary about the negative effects of using non-renewable sources. You should watch it to learn about them.

Sophia: Yes, I will. But I know non-renewable sources, such as oil and natural gas, still play an important role in our daily life. They help drive heavy machinery, heat homes and cook food.

Dad: That’s true, but we can use alternative energy sources to do them like solar energy, nuclear energy and wind energy.

Sophia: I don’t think so, Dad. Though all of them are unlimited and clean to use, they are so expensive to produce. In addition, nuclear energy might be dangerous for people’s lives if there are any radiation leaks.

Dad: Maybe you’re right, my dear. But have a look at this on TV. Many pollutions caused by using non-renewable sources are affecting our health and environment badly.

Sophia: It’s sad. I just hope that modern technologies can help people to solve this complicated problem.

Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part.















Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.















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Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 7 học kì 2 sách Global Success số 6

Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given

Bài nghe

1. Our earth stores the sun’s energy in their earth surface.

2. Some fossil fuels are coal, oil and wind energy.

3. Fossil fuels can be used to produce electricity.

4. Electricity is needed for many activities.

5. By 2013, people use about 80 percent of fossil fuels in the world.

6. One day, when people use up all fossil fuels, they will die because there is no alternative energy.

7. Renewable energy will be used up one day.

8. Solar energy and wind energy are two types of alternative energy.

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3 đề thi tiếng Anh 7 học kì 2 có đáp án

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Tải trọn bộ đề thi và đáp án tại: Bộ đề thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN, hy vọng đây là tài liệu học tập hữu ích dành cho quý phụ huynh, thầy cô và các bạn học sinh.

Chia sẻ, đánh giá bài viết
7 Bình luận
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    chắc ko trúng đâu😁

    Thích Phản hồi 20:49 02/05
    • hoa hà
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            😇😇😇ez EZ EZ ez 😇😇😇

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            • Tiến Minh Nguyễn
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