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Đề thi học sinh giỏi tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2019 - 2020 số 7

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Đ LUYN THI HSG LP 9 NĂM 2019 - 2020
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
A. disease
B. serene
C. cancer
D. season
A. gulf
B. surface
C. bumper
D. discover
A. Atlantic
B. champion
C. challenge
D. nature
A. quiz
B. wildlife
C. competition
D. punish
A. coughed
B. laughed
C. weighed
D. photographed
II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. She is a famous …… She is very interested in protecting wild animals from extinction.
A. conserve
D. conservational
7. About………..of the employees in that advertising company are in their twenties.
A. four-fifth
B. four-fifths
C. fourth-fifths
D. four-fives
8. National teams must compete in in their regions before being able to
play in the final.
A. continent
B. tournament
C. champion
D. elimination
9. Thanks to the invention of labor-saving…….., domestic chores are no longer a burden.
A. devices
B. things
C. equipment
D. furniture
10. This college provides a wide…………………..0f courses for students.
A. supply
B. variety
C. circulation
D. environment
11. I cannot see any easy……………….to this rather complicated problem.
A. result
B. release
C. reason
D. solution
12. “I am going to get engaged on Sunday.” “………………………….”
Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí
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A. That
s right
B. Thanks for your attention
C. Congratulation
D. It’s a nice idea
13. After the collision he examined the considerable……………… his car.
A. destruction
B. damages
C. injuries
D. damage
14. Scientists believe that the Universe came into ………..about fifteen billion years ago.
A. achievement
B. tradition
C. memory
D. existence
15. That town has a ................climate. It is neither hot nor very cold
A. tropical
B. extreme
C. temperate
D. harsh
III. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
16. They will never forget (see)the Prince.
17. What happened to the old mail carrier?”
He………(send)…………to the new neighbourhood to work.”
18. The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he.....(not fly)…..before.
19. After (take) to the hospital, the injured victim felt much better yesterday.
20. A: Have you got a ticket for the play?” B: Yes, I………(see)… on Thursday.
21. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ...........(go)……...... to bed.
22. “When………...(these photos/ take)…….…?” “ I took them last year”
23. Not until we arrived at his house we…… (discover)… that he was on holiday.
24. His teacher regrets (tell) him that his application for the job has
been turned down.
25. He……(go)…….to study abroad if his family had had enough money
26. Many buildings which are currently in disuse could……(put)…… to other purposes.
27. She found it hard …(concentrate)……on her book because of the noise.
28. We couldn’t understand the teacher if he ……….(speak)…………... too fast.
29. I …(confuse)…. I cannot understand the instructions on this box.
30. Hardly he ….(arrive)….home when a water-heater exploded.
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IV. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
31. That boy didn
t pay any attention to his studies. .................., he failed the examination.
A. However
B. Although
C. As a result
D. In spite of this
32. Neither the director nor his assistant..................yet.
A. has come
B. hasn
t come
C. have come
D. haven
t come
33. He control a thousand employees, all of………must obey his orders in business
A. who
B. whom
C. that
D. which
34. I failed the test for my driver
s license………..I wasn
t prepared
A. in spite of
B. even though
C. because
D. because of
35. That book is written by a famous anthropologist. It is about the people in Samoa .......for
two years.
A. that she lived
B. that she lived among them
C. among whom she lived
D. where she hardly know
36. The girl……………….car had broken on the highway had to take a taxi home.
A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. who
37. ........the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.
A. Nevertheless
B. Meanwhile
C. Despite
D. Despite of
38. .........that I cannot think of anything to say.
A. I am too astonishing
C. I am very astonished
B. I am so astonished
D. I am too astonished
39. No sooner ............than the boss came in.
A. he had left
C. he was leaving
B. had he left
D. was he leaving
40. You should look up the meaning of the new word in the dictionary.............misuse it. as to
B. to
C. so as not to
D. so that
V. Word Formation: Fill in the each gap with the most correct forms of the block word
on the right.

Đề luyện thi tiếng Anh học sinh giỏi lớp 9 có đáp án

Đề bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi môn Anh 9 trên đây nằm trong bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi lớp 9 môn tiếng Anh năm 2019 - 2020 do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh nâng cao 9 có đáp án tổng hợp nhiều dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm + tự luận tiếng Anh nâng cao lớp 9 khác nhau giúp các em cải thiện kỹ năng làm bài hiệu quả cũng như nhắc lại kiến thức trọng tâm đã học.

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