Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh trọng tâm ôn thi vào lớp 10 năm 2024

Tài liệu ôn tập chuyên đề Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh ôn thi vào lớp 10 nằm trong bộ Đề thi môn tiếng Anh tuyển sinh lớp 10 do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Tài liệu kiến thức ôn thi vào lớp 10 môn tiếng anh này gồm tổng hợp những phần ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 9 quan trọng và bài tập ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh thực hành giúp học sinh lớp 9 ôn tập khái quát kiến thức đã học hiệu quả.

I. Tổng hợp một số chuyên đề ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lên lớp 10 trọng tâm

II. Các dạng bài tập phổ biến thi vào 10 tiếng Anh

II. Nội dung tài liệu Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh trọng tâm

1. Về thì của động từ trong tiếng Anh

Để làm tốt các bài tập liên quan đến thời, các em cần nắm vũng nhũng kiến thức sau:

– Hình thức cấu tạo của thời

– Những cách sử dụng của thời

– Những từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề, cấu trúc liên quan đến thời

Ví dụ: Thời hiện tại hoàn thành (Present perfect tense)

– Hình thức cấu tạo:

S + have/ has (not) Ved2.

(?) Have/ Has + s + Ved2?

– Những cách sử dụng chính:

1. Dùng để chỉ những hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể đến tương lai, thường đi với for và since

2. Dùng để chỉ nhũng hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ, nhung còn liên quan đến hiện tại, thường đi với just, already, yet, ever, never …

– Những từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề, cấu trúc liên quan:

+ For, since, just, already, yet, ever, never;

+ It’s the first/ second time + s + have/ has + Ved2


Exercise 1: Choose the correct option A, B, c, or D to finish the following sentences.

1.__________? Your eyes are red.

A. Did you cry

B. Have you cried

C. Were you crying

D. Have you been crying

2.I________ to get their decision before today.

A. hope

B. hoped

C. had hoped

D. have hoped

3.He looked tired because he___________ for six hours.

A. ran

B. was running

C. has been running

D. had been running

4.I________ you back in a few minutes.

A. call

B. am calling

C. have called

D. will call

5. In 1875 archaeologists _________ the ruins of the Olympic Stadium in Greece.

A. discovered

B. were discovering

C. have discovered

D. had discovered

6.We________ very hard at the office lately as we are negotiating an important contract.

A. are working

B. were working

C. have been working

D. had been working

7. You can’t believe a word he says. He___________ .

A. always lies

B. is always lying

C. has always lied

D. will always lie

8.I often find things on the beach. I__________ this very old bottle yesterday.

A. found

B. was finding

C. had found

D. had been finding

9.While John was reading, his sister _______ the piano.

A. played

B. is playing

C. was playing

D. had played

10. Do you think you_________ here in five years’ time?

A. will still work

B. will still be working

C. will still have worked

D. will still have been working

Exercise 2: Supply the correct verb form to complete the following sentences.

1. The beach was so crowded the other day that we (have)_____________ difficulty finding an empty spot.

2. Sampson (not work)________ for the company for very long before he was promoted.

3. This time tomorrow I (relax)__________ in the swimming pool.

4. At the end of this month, we (live)____________here for ten years.

5. There’s someone at the door. I (answer)_________it.

6. They (lock)________ the gates before I got there.

7. The bus came after I (stand)________ there for about thirty minutes.

8. I (not listen)_______ , so I missed what he said.

9. He’s taken his driving test five times, but he (not pass)__________ it yet.

10. They (complete)_______ the new bridge by the end of the year.


Exercise 1: Choose the correct option A, B, c, or D to finish the following sentences.

1 - D; 2 - C; 3 - D; 4 - D; 5 - A;

6 - C; 7 - B; 8 - A; 9 - C; 10 - B;

Exercise 2: Supply the correct verb form to complete the following sentences.

1. The beach was so crowded the other day that we (have)_____had________ difficulty finding an empty spot.

2. Sampson (not work)___hadn’t been working_____ for the company for very long before he was promoted.

3. This time tomorrow I (relax)_____will be relaxing_____ in the swimming pool.

4. At the end of this month, we (live)______will have been living______here for ten years.

5. There’s someone at the door. I (answer)____will answer_____it.

6. They (lock)___had locked_____ the gates before I got there.

7. The bus came after I (stand)___had been standing_____ there for about thirty minutes.

8. I (not listen)__wasn’t listening_____ , so I missed what he said.

9. He’s taken his driving test five times, but he (not pass)_______hasn’t passed___ it yet.

10. They (complete)___will have completed____ the new bridge by the end of the year.

2. Một số cấu trúc câu tiếng Anh quan trọng

Để làm tốt các bài tập liên quan đến cấu trúc câu, các em cần phải có vốn kiến thức tốt về các mảng ngữ pháp sau:

– So sánh tính từ, trạng từ và danh từ

– Cách chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động hoặc ngược lại

– Cách chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp hoặc ngược lại

– Câu điều kiện và các trường hợp câu quá khứ giả định

– Câu đảo ngữ nhấn mạnh

– Đại từ quan hệ và mệnh đề tính ngữ

– Mệnh đề danh từ

– Động từ nguyên thể, động từ V-ing

– Những cấu trúc đặc biệt


Exercise 1: Choose the correct option A, B, c, or D to complete the following sentences.

1.Kate queued all night so________ get a good seat. to

B. that she

C. she can

D. to

2.__________the gold medal he’ll have to do better than that.

A. Winning

B. In order win

C. To win

D. So that he wins

3. Before he got married, Danny always went out on Saturday nights. He never_______stay in.

A. would

B. use to

C. used to

D. is used to

4. My sister Mary is ___________ person in our family.

A. the shortest

B. the shorter

C. the most short

D. shorter

5.Laday Markham is said _________ all her money to a home for abandoned cats. leave

B. left

C. to have left

D. leaving

6. Rosa suggested_________ a suit and tie when he went for the interview.

A. him to wear

B. he must wear

C. him wearing

D. that he wear

7. It’s sad that he has __________ friends of his own age.

A. a little

B. little

C. few

D. a few

8. He didn’t want to risk _________ ate for the interview.

A. arrive

B. arriving

C. to arrive

D. having arrived

9. I wish I_________ my letter of application earlier.

A. would write

B. had written

C. have written

D. wrote

10. If he________ more slowly, he would have been able to stop.

A. had been driving

B. drove

C. has driven

D. would drive

Exercise 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change this word.

1. To what extent do they agree with your proposals?

How far are_______________________________________ ?

2. He predicted a win for the Labour Party in the next general election.

He was sure _______________________________________.

3. Going fishing with friends and family is fun.

It ______________________________________________ .

4. He gave a two-hour lecture on aerodynamics.

His _____________________________________________ .

5. The wind was so strong that the trees were uprooted.

So strong__________________________________________ .

6. We know that you were in town on the night of the crime.

You are known______________________________________.

7. He suggested allowing council tenants to buy their houses.

He suggested that ____________________________________ .

8. Rewriting sentences is not as easy as it looks.

It isn’t ____________________________________________ .

9. People drive fast. That’s why there are many accidents.

If people ___________________________________________ .

10. The farmers no longer live and work as they used to.

No longer___________________________________________ .


Exercise 1: Choose the correct option A, B, c, or D to complete the following sentences.

1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - C; 4 - A; 5 - C;

6 - D; 7 - C; 8 - B; 9 - B; 10 - A;

Exercise 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change this word.

1. How far are they in agreement with your proposals?

2. He was sure that the Labour Party would win in the next general election.

3. It’s funny to go fishing with friends and family.

4. His lecture on aerodynamics lasted two hours.

5. So strong was the wind that the trees were uprooted.

6. You are known to have been in town on the night of the crime.

7. He suggested that council tenants (should) be allowed to buy their houses.

8. It isn’t as easy to rewrite sentences as it looks.

9. If people drove slowly, there wouldn’t be so many accidents.

10. No longer do farmers live and work as they used to

3. Thể bị động - Passive Voice

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

1. This house ______________in 1990 by my grandfather.

A. is bulit

B. was built

C. built

D. has built

2. My sister is going ____________ this house.

A. sold

B. sell

C. to be sold

D. to sell

3. Enlgish is ___________ all over the world

A. spoken

B. speak

C. speaks

D. to speak

4. The house _________________ since last week

A. bought

B. has bought

C. was bought

D. has been bought

5. These exercises must ______________ by my students

A. are finished

B. finish

C. be finished

D. finding

Xem đáp án

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. D

5. C

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences in passive voice

1. I clean the floor every day.


2. My mother bought this dress this morning


3. She did this exercise two days ago


4. Someone stole my bike yesterday


5. He received a letter from his parents


Xem đáp án

1. The floor is cleaned every day

2. This dress was bought by my mother this morning

3. This exercise was done by hers two days ago

4. My bike was stolen yesterday

5. A letter was received from his parents by him

4. Câu trực tiếp gián tiếp trong Tiếng Anh

Exercise 1: Put into the reported speech.

1. Tom said: “I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father.”


2. She said; “I once spent a summer in this village.”


3. The nurse said: “The patient in this room didn’t obey your orders, doctor.”


4. Our teacher said : “World War II broke out in 1939.”


5. The students said : “We’ll be sitting for our next exam next Monday.”


6. He said : “I’m going to finish this work.”


Xem đáp án

1. Tom said that he wanted to buy a pocket calculator for his father.

2. She said that she had once spent a summer in that village.

3. The nurse told doctor that the patient in that room hadn’t obeyed his orders.

4. Our teacher said that World War II had broken out in 1939.

5. The students said that they would be sitting for their next exam the next Monday.

6. He said that he was going to finish that work.

Rewrite the sentence into the reported speech.

1. She said: “I’ll take you to school tomorrow, Jack.”

She told Jack…….............................................................………….

2. “If you accept to take this survey, we will give you a discount coupon.” The seller said to us.

The seller told us …….............................................................………….

3. “Can I borrow your phone, Mina?” Mina’s colleague asked her

Mina’s colleague asked her …….............................................................………….

4. “I want lots of people to come to my birthday party.” My brother said to me

My brother told me …….............................................................………….

5. “Don’t drink that bottle of water because it’s brandy.” Licia’s boyfriend said to her.

Licia’s boyfriend told her …….............................................................………….

Xem đáp án

1. She told Jack she would take him to school the next day

2. She seller told us if we accepted to take that survey, they would give us a discount coupon

3. Mina’s colleague asked her if she could borrow Mina’s phone

4. My brother told me she wanted lots of people to come to her birthday party

5. Licia’s boyfriend told her not to drink bottle of water because it was brandy

5. So sánh trong tiếng Anh

Rewrite these following sentences without changing their original meanings

1. There is no better teacher in this school than Mr. Johnson

Mr. Johnson ______________________________________

2. I have never met any more depenable person than Simon

Simon ___________________________________________

3. My grandmother is older than everyone in my family.

My grandmother __________________________________

4. John is 173 cm. Michael is 165 cm

John ____________________________________

5. My new house is 90 square metres. My old one is 50 square metres.

My new house ____________________________

6. The white scarf is 5 dollas. The red one is 3 dollas

The red scarf isn’t _________________________

Xem đáp án

1. Mr. Johnson is the best teacher in this school

2. Simon is the most depenable person I have ever met

3. My grandmother is the oldest in my family

4. John is taller than Michael

5. My new house is larger than my old one

6. The red scarf isn’t more expensive than the white one.

II. Bộ đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Bộ đề thi tiếng Anh tuyển sinh lớp 10 có đáp án được đăng tải bao gồm nhiều dạng bài tiếng Anh lớp 9 chương trình mới khác nhau giúp các em ôn tập những kỹ năng tiếng Anh cơ bản.

Mời bạn đọc tải trọn bộ nội dung tài liệu tại đây: Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh ôn thi vào lớp 10. Ngoài ra, đã đăng tải rất nhiều tài liệu ôn thi đầu vào lớp 10 các môn học khác như: ôn thi vào lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh, ôn thi vào lớp 10 môn Toán, ôn thi vào lớp 10 môn Văn, ... Mời thầy cô, quý phụ huynh và các em học sinh tham khảo, download phục vụ việc học tập và giảng dạy.

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