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Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Chương trình mới Unit 3

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Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 3- GERUNDS & INFINITIVES
(Danh Động Từ và động từ nguyên mẫu có To)
I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence
1. My brother likes ___________ funny stories.
A. read B. reads C. reading D. have read
2. He was so interested in the football match that he forgot ___________ her.
A. phone B. to phone C. phoning D. phoned
3. My brother is fond of ___________ stamps.
A. collect B. to collect C. collected D. collecting
4. I’m delighted ____________ that you can come on Saturday.
A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. being heard
5. She was made _____________ all house work by herself.
A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished
6. He prefers ______________ presents on his birthday.
A. to give B. giving C. to be given D. being given
7. I suggest ____________ the hospital before ___________ the police to look for him.
A. call ask B. to call to ask
C. calling asking D. to call asking
8. She expected _____________ by her boyfriend at the station but he wasn’t there.
A. to meet B. meeting C. to be met D. being met
9. I knew I wasn’t the first _____________ her that she failed the exam again.
A. to inform B. informing C. inform D. informed
10. She _________ in Oxford. Then she moved to London.
A. gets used to living B. used to living
C. used to live D. is used to living
11. He kept _____________ for an explanation and she didn’t know how __________ him.
A. asking to answer B. asking answering
C. to ask to answer D. to ask answering
12. He will always remember _______________ the gold medal for his victory.
A. awarded B. being awarded C. to be awarded D. to award
13. Would you like me ____________ down the radio a bit?
A. turn B. to turn C. turning D. to be turned
14. My brother wouldn’t ___________ his new camcorder.
A. let me use B. let me to use C. let I use D. let I to use
15. I will never forget _____________ her for the first time.
A. see B. saw C. to see D. seeing
16. Sally’s low test scores kept her from _____________ to the university.
A. admitting B. to admit
C. to be admitted D. being admitted
17. She went out without ____________ by others.
A. see B. to see C. seeing D. being seen
18. No, that’s not what I meant ___________. How can I make you _______________?
A. to say understand C. to say understanding
B. saying to understand D. saying understanding
19. Will your sister let you _______ her new camcorder?
A. use B. to use C. using D. to using
20. Mrs. Jones, I regret _____ you that your credit limit has been exceeded.
A. inform B. to inform C. informing D. to informing
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21. I wanted to stop _____ some presents, but we didn't have enough time.
A. to B. to buy C. buying D. to buying
22. She didn’t want anyone _______ him about her wedding.
A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. to telling
23. He advised ______ the decision on my own
A. make B. me to make C. me making D. to making
24. Did you remember _____ the letter?
A. post B. to post C. posting D. to posting
25. They used ___________ to the cinema a lot when they were at university.
A. going B. to go C. to going D. go
II. Give the correct form of verb in bracket
1. I can't think of (go) ___________ to visit her in hospital without (buy) ____________ some
2. The examiner gave the students some time (think) ______________.
3. The play is programmed (start) ______________ at 7 a.m, so we have decided (meet)
_______ at 6.30.
4. I am looking forward to (see) ___________ the film again.
5. I intend (study) ____________ English (understand) ____________ American business
6. She still plans on (marry) ____________ him even after he refused (buy) ______________
her an engagement ring.
7. I can not resist (eat) ____________ fish and chips when I am in England.
8. She enjoys (go) ___________ to parties and (dance) ___________ in the discos all the night
9. I stopped (live) _______ in London when I realized it was time for me (move)
10. Don't forget (turn) ____________off the heating before (leave) ____________ the house.
11. I understand (buy) ______ red roses for your girlfriend on St. Valentine's Day was a bit
12. You should think about (save) ______ until you have enough money.
13. We all dislike (have) ____________ (work) _____________ even though we are all anger
(spend) ______ money on (have) ____________ a good time and (get) ______ the things we
14. You mustn't mind (take) ______ trouble over the cooking if you want your guests (enjoy)
______ their meal.
15. I like (watch) _______ the clouds at sunset because it seems (relax) _______ and puts me
in the right frame of mind (sleep) ______.
III. Give the correct form of verb in brackets
1. He always avoids …………………………(meet) her in the street.
2. My mother gets used to …………………..(get) up early in the morning.
3. Tom refused …………………………..(give) me his address.
4. She could hardly bear (watch)……………….the film again.
5. My parents decided …………………..(take) a taxi because it was late.
6. The union leader urged their members
(think)…………………………………..............…….again before
7. He’s expecting ………………………..(make) a trip to Ha Long Bay.
8. Imagine (have)………………(get up)…………….at 5 a.m everyday.
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9. That man seems (trust)……………………by everyone.
10. The books need ………………………(buy) quickly.
11. At first I enjoyed (listen)……………… him but after a while I got tired of
(hear)………………the same story again and again.
12. Mr. Foster hopes (transfer)…………………… New York by his company.
13. He made her ………………………(repeat) the message.
14. Will you help me …………………(move) the bookcase?
15. He is expected …………………..(arrive) in a few hours.
16. You seem ……………(know) this area very well. – Yes, I used ……………(live) here.
17. The headmaster doesn’t permit ……………….(smoke) during the meeting.
18. Come over here! I’d like you (see)……………………this.
19. Children should start (learn)…………………a foreign languages at primary school.
20. He remembered (pass)………………….on most of the information, but omitted
(mention)…………………one or two of the most important facts.
21. He postponed (make)………………..a decision till it was too late
22. Try (forget)…………………, it isn’t worth (worry)………………………….about.
23. We plan (take)……………….our holidays abroad this year.
24. My watch keeps ………………..(stop).
25. He made us……………………(do) it allover again.
26. It’s no use …………………………(advise) him.
27. No one enjoys (deceive)……………………by another person.
28. He will be able ………………….(swim) very soon.
29. That author doesn’t mind (criticize)………………….by his friends.
30. That fellow couldn’t avoid (choose)…………………..into military service.
IV. Give the correct form of verb in bracket
1. The boys like (play) _____________games but hate (do) ____________lessons.
2. His doctor advised him (give up) _____________ (smoke) ____________
3. She promised ____________ (not do) that silly thing again.
4. He isn’t strong enough _____________ (move) the washing machine to the other corner
of the kitchen.
5. The police had made him ___________ (tell) the truth.
6. After _________ (spend) a week in New York, they decided __________ (come) back.
7. Try to avoid _________ (make) him angry.
8. Would you mind _________ (show) me how to work the lift?
9. She apologized for __________ (borrow) my car without __________ (ask) for
10. When at last I succeeded in __________ (convince) him I wanted to get home quickly.
11. I distinctively remember ___________ (pay) him. I gave him $10.
12. Don’t forget __________ (take) a camera with you.
13. Oh, let’s wait until it stops ___________(rain).
14. He telephoned her __________ (arrange) another meeting.
15. I tried ____________ (explain) to him but he couldn’t understand.
16. Please forgive me for __________ (not write) you soon.
17. There is no point in ___________ (change) the battery.
18. In spite of __________ (be) rich, he is not generous at all.
19. My parents advised me __________ (not invite) too many people to the party.
20. The little girl is afraid of __________ (cross) the road.
21. When I was a child, I hated ___________ (go) to bed early
22. You don’t need ____________ (iron) that shirt. It doesn’t need ___________ (iron)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 3

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Chương trình mới Unit 3 do sưu tầm và đăng tải này với những dạng bài thường gặp trong các đề kiểm tra và đề thi quan trọng, bên cạnh đó còn nao trọn được các kiến thức cơ bản cũng như cần thiết ngữ pháp của bài. Các bạn hãy tải về và luyện tập cho nhuần nhuyễn.

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