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Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 14: International Organizations

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  • Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest:
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others:
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence:
  • 6.
    Failure to win the championship will _______in the dismissal of the coach.
  • 7.
    He tried to_______to everyone to support him.
  • 11.

    There was a hold-up on the road because a bridge had been_______away by the flood.

  • 9.

    He_______his life to helping the poor.

  • 10.

    The Red Cross is a organization whose purpose is to help people in war time and _______ disasters.

  • 11.

    She got angry when they started to_______her private life.

  • 12.

    She ran in a marathon last week but_______after ten kilometers.

  • 13.

    Gertrude takes_______her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair,too.

  • 14.

    It took him a long time to _______the death of his wife.

  • 15.

    There were so many kinds of cameras_______, and I didn't know which to buy.

  • 16.

    Billy hasn't been working; he won't_______his examinations.

  • 17.

    They arrived_______the airport_______good time for the plane.

  • 18.

    Did Mr. Tan_______the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital?

  • 19.

    Paula applied for the post but she was_______

  • 20.

    If orders keep coming in like this, I'll have to_______more staff. {employ}

  • 21.

    Why do they_______talking about money all the time?

  • 22.

    In addition to Mr. Thomas and Miss White, the principal_______attend the school party.

  • 23.

    "Can I help you?" " _______"

  • 24.

    My uncle _______until he was fifty.

  • 25.

    She could do nothing_______complain about the weather all day.

  • 26.
    If a book is really_______, it will certainly_______the reader. ">
  • 27.

    Cigarette smoking can _______a loss of appetite.

  • 28.
    In this case, I think _______nothing.
  • 29.

    Mark, I don't think you_______Carol, the new department typist.

  • 30.
    The ________ is an international organization that aims to fight and control disease.
  • 31.

    He felt _________ when he failed the exams the second time.

  • 32.
    He set out soon after dark_______home an hour later.
  • 33.

    I'd rather you_______anyone else about our plan.

  • 34.
    Tell the police the truth _______you'll be in trouble!
  • 35.

    According to this schedule, the next train_______in ten minutes.

  • Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
  • 36

    That the trees lose their leaves are a sign of winter.

  • 37.

    One of the most popular holiday is Thanksgiving, which is celebrated in November.

  • 38.

    Would you mind not to smoke on the bus? It disturbs other people.

  • 39.

    The length of the trip will depend on how good are the roads.

  • 40

    William Samuel Johnson, who helped write the Constitution, become the first president of Columbia University in 1787.

  • Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage.
    UNICEF was created in 1946 to help bring food and medicine to children who suffered during World War II in Europe. It began as a temporary agency, but became a permanent part of the United Nations in 1953 (41)_______ the need for its services around the world. UNICEF's primary concern is to help governments of developing countries improve the quality of life for (42)________ one billion children. UNICEF's main office is in the United Nations offices in New York City, but it also has more than 40 offices and 100 programs (43)_______. In 1965, UNICEF won the Nobel Peace Prize for its work helping children and building brighter future. UNICEF works with governments to provide three kinds of services. First, UNICEF plans and develops programs in developing countries. These programs serve the community (44)_______ providing health care, information about nutrition, basic education, and safe water and sanitation. Then UNICEF trains people to work in these programs. UNICEF also provides supplies and equipment that (45)_______ the programs to work.
  • 41. It began as a temporary agency, but became a permanent part of the United Nations in 1953 (41)_______ the need for its services around the world.
  • 42. UNICEF's primary concern is to help governments of developing countries improve the quality of life for (42)________ one billion children.
  • 43. UNICEF's main office is in the United Nations offices in New York City, but it also has more than 40 offices and 100 programs (43)_______.
  • 44. These programs serve the community (44)_______ providing health care, information about nutrition, basic education, and safe water and sanitation.
  • 45. Then UNICEF trains people to work in these programs. UNICEF also provides supplies and equipment that (45)_______ the programs to work.
  • Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.
  • 46. The British government has now suspended ________ aid to the area.
  • 47. In many parts of the world, crop failure means ________ , which leads to the death of many people each year.
  • 48. Protests died down when they realized that the new tax ________ to only 50p a week.
  • 49. WHO ’s main activities are carrying out research ________ medical development and improving health care.
  • 50. The Red Cross provides relief in case of ________ such as floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes.
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    Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 12

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