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Bài tập thì hiện tại tiếp diễn Tiếng Anh

Bài tập ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh - Bài tập trắc nghiệm thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

Mới thầy cô và các bạn tham khảo bài tập thì hiện tại tiếp diễn được biên soạn bởi dưới đây. Qua bài tập này các bạn sẽ được ôn tập tập lại cấu trúc ngữ pháp cũng như cách dùng của thì hiện tại tiếp diễn. Hi vọng đây sẽ là tài liệu bổ ích cho thầy cô và các bạn trong quá trình giảng dạy và học tập.

Bạn cần đăng ký tài khoản VnDoc Pro để Kiểm tra kết quả làm bài và Tải bài về! Tìm hiểu thêm
  • I. Viết câu dùng từ gợi ý dưới đây sử dụng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.
  • 1. (she/ go home now).
    She’s going home now. She is going home now.
  • 2. (I/ read a great book).
    I'm reading a great book. I am reading a great book.
  • 3. (she/ not/ wash her hair).
    She isn't washing her hair. She is not washing her hair.
  • 4. (the cat/ chase mice)?
    Is the cat chasing mice?
  • 5. (she/ cry)?
    Is she crying?
  • 6. (he/ not/ study Latin).
    He isn't studying Latin. He is not studying Latin.
  • 7. (we/ drive to London)?
    Are we driving to London?
  • 8. (they / watch TV)?
    Are they watching TV?
  • 9. (where / she / go now)?
    Where is she going now?
  • 10. (I / not / leave now).
    I'm not leaving now. I am not leaving now.
  • 11. (you / not / run).
    You aren’t running. You are not running.
  • 12. (why / he / leave)?
    Why is he leaving?
  • 13. (how / I / travel)?
    How am I travelling?
  • 14. (it / not / rain).
    It isn't raining. It is not raining.
  • 15. (when / we / arrive)?
    When are we arriving?
  • 16. (where / they / stay)?
    Where are they staying?
  • 17. (it / rain).
    It's raining. It is raining.
  • 18. (she / come at six).
    She’s coming at six. She is coming at six.
  • 19. (he / watch a film at the moment).
    He’s watching a film at the moment. He is watching a film at the moment.
  • 20. (we / not / sleep).
    We aren’t sleeping. We are not sleeping.
  • II. Viết lại câu cho đúng.
  • 1. (we/ go to the cinema later).
    We’re going to the cinema later. We are going to the cinema later.
  • 2. (they/ work now)
    They’re working now. They are working now.
  • 3. (you/ not/ walk).
    You aren’t walking. You are not walking.
  • 4. (they/ learn new things)?
    Are they learning new things?
  • 5. (when/ he/ start/ his new work)?
    When is he starting his new work?
  • 6. (why/ I/ stay at home)?
    Why am I staying at home?
  • 7. (it / get dark)?
    Is it getting dark?
  • 8. (we/ not/ win).
    We aren’t winning. We are not winning.
  • 9. (they / not / bring a cake).
    They aren’t bringing a cake. They are not bringing a cake.
  • 10. (the dog / not / play with a ball).
    The dog is not playing with a ball. The dog isn't playing with a ball.
  • III. Đặt các động từ vào mẫu chính xác.
  • 1. It (get)__________ dark. Shall I turn on the light?
    is getting
  • 2. They don't have any where to live at the moment. They (stay)________ with friends until they find somewhere.
    are staying
  • 3.Why are all these people here? What (happen)____________?
    is happening
  • 4. Where is your mother? She (have)_________ dinner in the kitchen.
    is having
  • 5. The students (not, be)___________ in class at present.
    are not aren't
  • 7. At present, he (compose)__________ a piece of music.
    is composing
  • 8. We (have)_____________ dinner in a restaurant right now.
    are having
  • IV. Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau.

    A: I saw Brian a few days ago.
    B: Oh, did you? (what/ he/ do)___1___ these days?
    A: He's at university.
    B: (what/ he/ study)_______2________?
    A: Psychology.
    B: (he/ enjoy)____3___ it?
    A: Yes, he says it's a very good course.

  • 1.
    What's he doing What is he doing
  • 2.
    What is he studying What's he studying
  • 3.
    Is he enjoying
  • Đáp án đúng của hệ thống
  • Trả lời đúng của bạn
  • Trả lời sai của bạn
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