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100 câu trắc nghiệm Từ trái nghĩa có đáp án ôn thi THPT Quốc gia 2020 cơ bản phần 1

Trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh luyện thi THPT Quốc Gia 2020

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu ôn thi THPTQG môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020, tài liệu ôn tập tiếng Anh chuyên đề Từ Trái nghĩa có đáp án dưới đây do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Tài liệu trắc nghiệm phần 1 gồm 40 câu tiếng Anh khác nhau giúp bạn đọc kiểm tra vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh bản thân hiệu quả.

Câu 1: Using Facebook, you can post update sayings about your life every day.

A. locate

B. displace

C. establish

D. put up

Câu 2: We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.

A. lively

B. frequented

C. accessible

D. revealed

Câu 3: I have a modest little glass fish tank where I keep a variety of small fish.

A. moderate

B. limited

C. narrow

D. large

Câu 4: The majority of people in the town strongly support the plans to build a new school.

A. in favour of

B. refuse

C. agree

D. endanger

Câu 5: We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.

A. slow

B. open

C. unsure

D. uninterested

Câu 6: She went to live in another state after the break-up of her marriage.

A. loneliness

B. anniversary

C. celebrity

D. divorce

Câu 7: Mr. Smith’s new neighbors appear to be very friendly.

A. amicable

B. inapplicable

C. hostile

D. futile

Câu 8: The Germany’s war hysteria has accounted for its people’s hostility towards foreigners.

A. disease

B. ceremony

C. malaria

D. friendliness

Câu 9: Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region.

A. fluctuate

B. stay unchanged

C. restrain

D. remain unstable

Câu 10: I've put the cake on a high shelf where he can't get at it.

A. low

B. untouchable

C. far

D. difficult to reach

Câu 11: She was always very hard-working at school.

A. studious

B. learned

C. lazy

D. attentive

Câu 12: Certain courses are compulsory; others are optional.

A. voluntary

B. free

C. pressure

D. mandatory

Câu 13: She must be very strong to carry such a weight on her back.

A. weak

B. musculous

C. sick

D. healthy

Câu 14: Barry seems happy enough working for himself.

A. funny

B. satisfied

C. upset

D. interested

Câu 15: The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians and prisoners of war.

A. worry and sadness

B. pain and sorrow

C. loss

D. happiness

Câu 16: You did a beautiful thing in helping those poor children.

A. meaningful

B. good

C. terrible

D. positive

Câu 17: He is writing a book on the representation of woman in medieval art.

A. men

B. female

C. girl

D. mother

Câu 18: In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.

A. leisurely

B. slowly

C. weakly

D. shortly

Câu 19: The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad.

A. done

B. made

C. protected

D. varied

Câu 20: I’d like to pay some money into my bank account.

A. withdraw some money from

B. put some money into

C. give some money out

D. leave some money aside

Câu 21: When the bank refused to lend us any more money we realized we'd reached the end of the road.

A. give

B. hold

C. take

D. borrow

Câu 22: I think it's important to listen to both sides of the argument.

A. hear

B. speak

C. advise

D. pay attention to

Câu 23: Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky legs.

A. appeared

B. died

C. joined

D. celebrated

Câu 24: We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.

A. uninterested

B. unsure

C. open

D. slow

Câu 25: They started building the house in January.

A. begin

B. finish

C. commence

D. continue

Câu 26: The whole conference was totally disorganized - nobody knew what they were supposed to be doing.

A. someone

B. nothing

C. no one

D. something

Câu 27: You can find the answer to almost any question in cyberspace.

A. require

B. comment

C. answer

D. sentence

Câu 28: It must be difficult to cope with three small children and a job.

A. easy

B. free

C. confusing

D. tricky

Câu 29: His policies were beneficial to the economy as a whole.

A. harmless

B. crude

C. harmful

D. good

Câu 30: The doctor advised Peter to give up smoking.

A. stop

B. continue

C. finish

D. consider

Câu 31: Advanced students need to be aware of the important of collocation.

A. of high level

B. of great important

C. of low level

D. of steady progress

Câu 32: I feel that learning English will help my chances of promotion at work.

A. improve

B. minimize

C. widen

D. facilitate

Câu 33: It's cool and quiet everywhere except in the kitchen.

A. hot

B. cold

C. freezing

D. windy

Câu 34: They don't seem particularly worried about the situation.

A. concerned

B. pleased

C. frightened

D. excited

Câu 35: There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment.

A. attraction

B. worry

C. disinterest

D. careless

Câu 36: Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed.

A. together

B. lonely

C. altogether

D. total

Câu 37: He had never experienced such rudeness towards the president as it occurred at th annual meeting in May.

A. politeness

B. hostility

C. care

D. thought

Câu 38: Rich families find it easier to support their children financially.

A. Wealthy

B. Well-off

C. Privileged

D. Poor

Câu 39: She had a cozy little apartment in Boston.

A. uncomfortable

B. dirty

C. lazy

D. warm

Câu 40: We know not what is good until we have lost it.

A. find

B. count

C. guess

D. learn

Đáp án có trong file tải: Luyện thi THPT Quốc gia 2020 chuyên đề Từ Trái nghĩa tiếng Anh. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc Gia năm 2019 các môn khác như: Thi thpt Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh 2019, Thi thpt Quốc gia môn Toán 2019, Thi thpt Quốc gia môn Văn 2019 ,.... có trên

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