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Bài tập Viết lại câu Tiếng Anh lớp 7 có đáp án

125 Bài tập Viết lại câu lớp 7 có đáp án

Đến với bộ sưu tập Bài tập viết lại câu trong tiếng Anh lớp 7 có đáp án, quý thầy cô giáo sẽ có thêm tư liệu để dạy học, các em học sinh có thể ôn tập và mở rộng kiến thức về cấu trúc và cách viết lại câu trong tiếng Anh đã học ở lớp 7. Bộ sưu tập gồm các tài liệu hay, chất lượng sẽ giúp các em học sinh ôn tập lại cấu trúc và cách viết lại các kiểu câu đã được học.


1 How old are you? (What ...?)


2 How old is Lan? (What ...?)


3 What do you do? (job/ occupation)


4 Where do you live? (What ...?)


5 Where does Tom live? (What ...?)


6 How far is it from your house to school? (What ...?)


7 Her new school is bigger than her old school. (Her old ....)


8 This is a lovely home. (What ...!)


9 These houses are very modern. (What...!)


10 That armchair is very comfortable. (What ...!)


11 Those are very convenient kitchens. (What ..!)


12 The weather is awful. (What ...!)


13 This bathroom is very amazing. (What...!)


14 That is a very comfortable house. (How...!)


15 He runs very fast. (How ...!)


16 She is a very beautiful girl. (How ..!)


17 These boys are very handsome. (How ..!)


18 This dress is very expensive. (What ...!)


19 How many rooms are there in his house? (have)


20 She teaches history. (She is ...)


21 No room in the house is smaller than this room. This room ...


22 That apartment is more modern than any apartments. That ...


23 She is the best student in my class. She is ..


24 He is the worst student in his class. No one ...


25 She is the best student in her class. Nobody ...


26 This living room is the biggest room in my house. No rooms...


27 That room is the newest in our school. No room ...


28 No apartment here is more expensive than that apartment. That apartment ...


29 What time is it ? (What ...?)


30 It is four fifteen. (It ...)


31 What subject do you like best? (What ...?)


32 The subject I like best is English. (My ...)


33 I like math. (I am ...)


34 The break lasts fifteen minutes. (I have ...)


35 How long are its shelves? (What ...?)


36 How wide is this table? (What ...?)


37 How tall are you? (What ...?)


38 How high are the walls? (What ...?)


39 How deep is the well? (What ...?)


40 How heavy is the bone? (What ...?)


41 His interest is English. (He is ...)


42 They take part in outdoor activities. (participate)


43 He takes care of sick children. (look after)


44 They take part in playing marbles. (join in)


45 Let's go to the zoo. (How about ...?)


46 Let's go swimming. (What about...?)


47 Let's play chess tonight. (Why...?)


48 Why don't you listen to music? (Let's ...)


49 Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight? (How about..?)


50 How about going by car? (Let's ...)


51 I prefer watching TV. (like better)


52 I would rather stay at home. (prefer)


53 He collects stamps. (He is ...)


54 My house is the oldest house on the street. (No houses ...)


55 Collecting comics is easy. (It's ...)


56 It's difficult for me to learn English. (difficulty)


57 I find math difficult. (It's ..)


58 I am going to buy a new school bag tomorrow. (I intend)


59 We have fewer vacations than American students.(American..)


60 Mr. Tuan has less time than Mr. John. (Mr. John...)


61 Hoa has more periods than Lan. (Lan ..)


62 Hoa has more time than Lan. (Lan ...)


63 Hoa works more hours than Lan. (Lan...)


64 The theater is farther than the museum. (The museum ...)


65 The zoo is not far from my house. (My house ...)


66 The hospital is opposite the police station. (The police ...)


67 Could you tell me the way to the supermarket? (show)


68 How much is an envelope? (price)


69 How much are the books? (What ...?)


70 How much is this dress? (cost)


71 How much are these shoes? (How much ...)


72 It takes me about five minutes to go to school by bike.(spend)


73 It often takes him two hours to do his homework. (He)


74 She spends one hour with her housework. (It ..)


75 Where will she mail her letter? (send)


76 They usually walk to school. (foot)


77 He usually rides to school. (bike)


78 Mr. Hung sometimes travels to work by plane. (fly)


79 They never go to school late. (They are ...)


80 Do you have a better refrigerator than this? (Is this...?)


81 Listening to music at home is more interesting than going to the concert. (I prefer ...)


82 Nam I taller than Bac. Bac is taller than Trung. (Of the three, Nam ...)


83 We like listening to music more than playing chess. (prefer)


84 There is a big library in Lan’s school.

Lan’s school ………………………………………

85. Lan learns Math very well.

Lan is very …………………………………………………..

86. Which subject do you like best?

What is your ………………………………………

87. Why don’t we go swimming?

What about………………………………………

88. The birthday cake is very delicious.

What ………………………………………

89.  When is her birthday?

What ……………………………………… ?

90. Nam works more hours than Lan.

Lan works ………………………………………

91. Nile river is longer than any rivers in the world.

Nile river is…………………

92. The school library has over five thousand books.

There are …………………

93. Ha Noi has many interesting places.

There are ……………..………………………………

94. I have fewer toys than my younger sister.

My younger sister has ………………………

95. Lam has ten days off for this summer vacation.

Lam has a ………………………

96. I often walk from home to school in ten minutes.

It takes me ………………

97. It takes me about two hours each day to do my homework.

I spend ………………………………………

98. Do you enjoy listening to music?

Are …………………….……………………………

99. Mai drinks more milk than her brother

Mai’s brother drinks …………………………

100. The blue dress is cheaper than the red one.

The red dress is …………………

Xem đáp án

1 - What is your age?

2 - What is Lan's age?

3 - What is your job/ occupation?

4 - What is your address?

5 - What is Tom' address?

6 - What is the distance from your house to school?

7 - Her old school is smaller than her new school.

Her old school is not as big as her new school.

8 - What a lovely home!

9 - What modern houses!

10 - What a comfortable armchair!

11 - What a convenient kitchen!

12 - What awful weather!

13 - What an amazing bathroom!

14 - How comfortable that house is!

15 - How fast he runs!

16 - How beautiful she is!

17 - How handsome these boys are!

18 - What an expensive dress!

19 - How many rooms does his house have?

20 - She is a history teacher.

21 - This room is the smallest in the house.

22 - That apartment is the most modern.

23 - She is better than any students in my class.

24 - No one in his class I worse than he.

25 - Nobody in her class is better than she.

26 - No rooms in my house are bigger than this living room.

27 - No room in our school is newer than that room.

28 - That apartment is the most expensive here.

29 - What is the time?

30 - It is a quarter past four.

31 - What is your favorite subject?

32 - My favorite subject is English.

33 - I am interested in math.

34 - I have a fifteen – minute break.

35 - What is the length of the shelves?

36 - What is the width of this table?

37 - What is your height?

38 - What is the height of the walls?

39 - What is the depth of the well?

40 - What is the weight of the bone?

41 - He is interested in math.

42 - They participate in outdoor activities.

43 - He looks after his sick children.

44 - They join in playing marbles.

45 - How about going to the zoo?

46 - What about going swimming?

47 - Why don’t we play chess tonight?

48 - Let’s listen to music.

49 - How about going to the cinema with me tonight?

50 - Let’s go by car.

51 - I like watching TV better.

52 - I prefer staying at home.

53 - He is a stamp collector.

54 - No houses on the street are older than my …

55 - It’s easy to collect comics.

56 - I have difficulty in learning English.

57 - It’s difficult for me to learn math.

58 - I intend to buy a new school bag tomorrow.

59 - American students have more vacations than we

60 - Mr. John has more time than Mr. Tuan.

61 - Lan has fewer periods than Hoa.

62 - Lan has less time than Hoa.

63 - Lan works fewer hours than Hoa.

64 - The museum is nearer than the theater.

65 - My house is near the zoo. / My house is close to the zoo.

66 - The police station is across from the hospital.

67 - Could you show me the way to the supermarket?

68 - What is the price of an envelope?

69 - What is the price of the books?

70 - How much does this dress cost?

71 - How much do the shoes cost?

72 - I spend five minutes going to school by bike.

73 - He often spends two hours doing his homework.

74 - It takes her one hour to do her housework.

75 - Where will she send her letter?

76 - They usually go to school on foot.

77 - He usually goes to school by bike.

78 - Mr. Hung sometimes flies to work.

79 - They are never late for school.

80 - Is this the best refrigerator you have?

81 - I prefer listening to the music at home to going to the concert.

82 - Of the three, Nam is the tallest.

83 - We prefer listening to music to playing chess.

84 - Lan's school has a big library.

85 - Lan is very good at Math.

86 - What is your favorite subject?

87 - What about going swimming?

88 - What a delicious birthday cake!

89 - What is her date of birth?

90 - Lan works fewer hours than Nam.

91 - Nile River is the longest river in the world.

92 - There are over five thousand books in the school library.

93 - There are many interesting places in Ha Noi.

94 - My younger sister has more toys than I.

95 - Lam has a ten-day summer vacation.

96 - It take me 10 minutes to walk from home to school.

97 - I spend two hours a day doing my homework.

98 - Are you interested in listening to music?

99 - Mai's brother drinks less milk than Mai.

100- The red dress is more expensive the blue one.

II. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original ones.

1. We will use renewable energy in the future.

Renewable energy __________________________________________________

2. This is our school.

This school is ______________________________________________________

3. What is the distance between Vinh and Ha Noi city?

How ______________________________________________________________

4. I often walked to school when I was a student.

I used _____________________________________________________________

5. Although they are short, they still love playing sports.

In spite of __________________________________________________________

6. They will use solar energy to protect the environment.

Solar energy ________________________________________________________

7. Although she eats lots of food, she is still very slim.

In spite of _________________________________________________________

8. What is the distance between Hanoi and HCM city?

How far ___________________________________________________________

9. I find English interesting.

I am _____________________________________________________________

10. Our roof will be fixed tomorrow.

They _____________________________________________________________

11. When Barbara was in Italy, she stayed with an Italian Family.


12. I quite like drinking coffee in the morning, although I wasn’t keen on it when I was younger.


13. We seem to be have lost interest in our work.


14. I don’t mind travelling by train now.


15. I went to the church when I was a child


16. Since we’ve lived in the countryside, we have been much happier


Xem đáp án

1. Renewable energy will be used in the future.

2. This school is ours.

3. How far is it from Vinh to Hanoi city?

4. I used to walk to school when I was a student.

5. In spite of being short, they still love playing sports.

6. Solar energy will be used to protect the environment.

7. In spite of eating lots of food, she is still very slim.

8. How far is it from Hanoi to HCM city?

9. I am interested in English.

10. They will fix our roof tomorrow.

11. When Barbara was in Italy, she used to stay with an Italian family.

12. I didn’t use to drink coffee in the morning.

13. We used to have interest in our work.

14. I used to mind travelling by train.

15. I used to go to the church when I was a child.

16. We did not use to be much happy

III. Rewrite the second sentences using the given word(s) so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. How many plums would you like to buy? (want)


2. I like orange juice best. (My)


3. How much was your jacket? (How much/ What)


4. This is the oldest house in the street. (No)


5. She is more beautiful than her younger sister. (as)


6. They have studied English since 2004. (began)


7. I don’t have time to collect stamps as when I was in primary school. (used)


8. Did you often go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang? (use)


9. The market does not have any carrots. (There)


Xem đáp án

1. How much plums do you want to buy?

2. My favourite drink is orange juice.

3. How much did your jacket cost?/ What was the price of your jacket?

4. No house in the street is older than this house/ one.

5. Her younger sister isn’t as beautiful as she is.

6. They began studying English in 2004.

7. I used to have time to collect stamps when I was in primary school.

8. Did you use to go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang?

9. There are not any carrots in the market.

Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one

1. Keep the environment clean or we will suffer from pollution.

If ____________________________________________________________________

2. I last visited my native village when I was ten.

I haven't ______________________________________________________________

3. Humans don't drive as carefully as self-driving cars.

Self-driving cars ________________________________________________________

4. There aren't many people who still want to stay in the village.

There are only _________________________________________________________

5. The population of Los Angeles is over 3 million.

Los Angeles ___________________________________________________________

6. People will use flying cars to travel across the globe some day.

Flying cars ____________________________________________________________

7. Developing countries have more population problems than developed countries.

Developed countries _____________________________________________________

8. Veronica is one of my good friends.

Veronica is a ___________________________________________________________

Xem đáp án

1. If we keep the environment clean, we won't suffer from pollution.

2. I haven't visited my native village since I was ten.

3. Self-driving cars drive more carefully than humans.

4. There are only a few people who still want to stay in the village.

5. Los Angeles has a population of over 3 million.

6. Flying cars will be used to travel across the globe some day.

7. Developed countries don't have as many populations problems as developing countries.

8. Veronica is a good friend of mine.

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