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107 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 2 (Phần 4)

107 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 2 (Phần 4)

Trong 107 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 2 (Phần 4), các bạn sẽ luyện tập với các bài luyện nghe: Article #31 Divorce, Article #32 If my Fish Could Talk, Article #33 The Best Teacher, Article #34 Weather, Article #35 How to Avoid Catching a Cold,...

100 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 1 (Phần 9)

107 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 2 (Phần 1)

107 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 2 (Phần 2)

107 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 2 (Phần 3)

Article #31 Divorce

Mary's parents just got a divorce.

Mary is very upset.

She thinks that her parents don't love her anymore.

She thinks that they got a divorce because of her.

She is wrong.

Her parents love her just as much as they always did.

They aren't getting divorced because of Mary.

Sometimes, marriages just don't work out.

It isn't really anyone's fault.

Marriage isn't easy.

It is hard for two people to stay together for a lifetime.

Sometimes, people change as they get older, and they move on.

Some people have perfectly good marriages, and they stay together for their entire lives.

Divorce doesn't happen because the parents don't love the children anymore.

A lot of children feel that it is their fault, but it isn't their fault at all.

Children neither cause the divorce, nor can they prevent it.

It is up to the parents.

Divorce isn't the end of the world.

Children can still see both parents and stay with them.

Life goes on.

Sometimes children can get new stepmothers or stepfathers.

That can be a good thing.

You just have to be understanding, and know that your parents still love you.

Life doesn't always go the way that we planned it, but it has its twists and turns.

Life is an adventure.

If your parents get a divorce, just be understanding.

Know that they love you and that this is a hard time for them.

It is a hard time for you too, but these things have a way of working themselves out in the end.


Article #32 If my Fish Could Talk

I have a goldfish.

He swims around in his bowl all day.

He looks bored.

I look inside the bowl and watch him.

His mouth always moves.

He looks like he is talking.

I imagine what my goldfish would say if he really could talk.

I think he would say:

"Hey, I'm bored in this little bowl.

Why don't you get me a bigger tank with more fish in it?

I would like to have some friends to swim around with."

I went out and bought a bigger tank for my goldfish.

I put some plants at the bottom of the tank,

and I got a miniature deep-sea diver to put at the bottom of the tank.

I looked into the tank and imagined what my goldfish was saying.

He seemed to be saying:

"This is a nice tank.

It's roomy in here, and you decorated it well,

but I still don't have any friends to swim with."

I went to the pet store and bought three more goldfish.

I put them into the tank.

All of the goldfish seemed to look at each other.

They swam near each other and seemed to be playing games.

I knew which one was my goldfish because he has a black spot on his fin.

I looked at him, and imagined that he was talking again.

He said:

"This is great!

I have a big new home and friends to swim with.

These are nice goldfish that you brought home for me; thank you."

Goldfish can't really talk.

I know that.

I just like to pretend that my goldfish talks.

He seems very happy now with his nice new home, and his new friends.

I don't think goldfish can smile either, but it looks like my goldfish has a smile on his face.


Article #33 The Best Teacher

I have had a lot of teachers.

Some of them were good, and some of them were boring.

There is one teacher whom I remember very well.

He is the best teacher that I ever had.

His name was Mr. Alban.

He was a history teacher.

History is not my favorite subject.

I don't really enjoy history a lot.

When I was in Mr. Alban's class, he made history seem exciting.

He was more of an actor than a teacher.

If he was describing a war, he would make us feel all the emotions that the soldiers and their families would have felt.

We could almost hear the guns firing and the people shouting.

He would paint a picture in our minds that was very vivid.

When I had a history test in his class, I didn't have to study much.

I would remember every word that he had said.

I would see him doing the actions that went along with his stories.

He was very animated.

He would shout out orders as if he was a general, or he would speak softly and reverently when describing the death of a great hero.

The most important thing that I learned from Mr. Alban was that I did really like history

I just thought that I didn't like it because most people had made it dull by just reading from the textbooks.

History is not just a series of dates and dull facts.

History is what really happened.

History is real life.

All the historical figures had real families and emotions.

They weren't just fictional people.

After I took history from Mr. Alban, I realized that I really did have an interest in it.

He was my favorite teacher, and I will always be grateful to him for making me aware of just how interesting history really is.


Article #34 Weather

Sometimes, I watch the weatherman on television.

It is fascinating to watch him point to different areas of the country on the map.

He tells us where the weather will be nice and where it will be bad.

The weatherman is not always right.

Weather reporting is not an exact science.

Nothing is very exact when it comes to the weather.

The weather department does a lot of research, but theycan never be sure of exactly what will happen.

Sometimes, it looks like it will be clear,

but the wind changes direction and clouds move in.

The weatherman can warn people if there is a chance of a hurricane or tornado.

The weatherman can also warn people of floods.

Sometimes, entire towns have to be evacuated because of bad weather.

It is important to be aware of the weather.

For example, it is not good to be caught in the middle of a field when there is going to be a thunderstorm.

You might want to take extra precautions if there is going to be a heavy snowstorm.

You would need to be in a secure place if a hurricane or tornado was predicted.

You might want to cancel a picnic if you knew that it would rain that day.

The weather affects us in so many ways.

Some people are really affected by dull, cloudy days.

If there are no sunny days, they become very depressed.

Heavy air pressure can cause some people to have headaches.

Weather affects all of us in one way or another.

It is always a topic of conversation.

People often say things like "hello, it's a beautiful day today."

Often we plan our lives and activities around the weather.

So, if you are planning on walking home tonight, keep an eye on the sky.

Are those rain clouds up there?

You might need an umbrella.


Article #35 How to Avoid Catching a Cold

How many colds do you catch in a year?

Most of my friends catch quite a few colds.

They cough, sniffle and sneeze.

They carry around tissues and blow their noses all the time.

Their eyes water, and they have scratchy throats.

I don't get many colds.

In fact, I can go for a whole year and never catch a cold.

That is why I consider myself an expert on how not to catch a cold.

I'll tell you how to avoid catching a cold.

I think that you need to take a lot of vitamin C.

I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

I drink fruit juice too.

I also take vitamin C pills.

Whenever I begin to feel a cold coming on, I make sure that I have taken my vitamin C pill and I drink a lot of orange juice.

That usually knocks the cold right out of my system.

I make sure that I get a lot of fresh air.

In the winter, a lot of buildings are shut up tight so that the air is stale, and people's germs circulate through the buildings

I get outside and breathe in fresh clean air.

If somebody is rude enough to cough or sneeze right in front of me without covering his or her mouth, I just hold my breath for a second.

I'm not sure if this works or not, but I don't want to breathe in anybody's cold germs

Many germs are passed through hands.

It is important to wash your hands thoroughly if you touch anything in a public place.

If I hold a banister while I am walking down the stairs, I think of all the people who have used that banister, and I make sure that I wash my hands before I eat.

Doorknobs also have a lot of germs on them.

Money is another thing that is passed from hand to hand and is covered with germs.

Sometimes, I see people stick money into their mouths.

Just think of all the germs that you would be putting into your mouth if you did that.

If you just give it a little bit of thought, you can avoid a lot of the germs that cause colds.

If you eat good foods and stay fit, your body will be able to fight off the germs that cause colds and other diseases.

It is not always possible to avoid colds, but if you do catch a cold, drink plenty of fluids and get a lot of rest.

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