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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6: Grammar practice (tiếp theo)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6: Grammar practice (tiếp theo) được VnDoc sưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 6 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

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  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to remind the knowledge that they’ve learnt
  • Simple present vs. Present progressive.
  • Skills: Speaking, writing, reading and listening.
  • Ps Ss have great passion for studying


Lesson plan, English book visual aids, projector, laptop, speaker..

C. METHODS: T/ WhC, pair, group, individual work


I. Organization:(1’)

II. Warmer (5’)


III. New lesson

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Activity 1:

- Review the present simple tense and guides them to do exercises.

- Ss change the sentences into the negative, interrogative forms and answer.

- T. gives feedback


* Present simple: S + V-s / es + O.

* Use: Talk about things happen regularly.

Chain game:

- Introduces the topic & asks Ss to practice in groups, using the past simple to talk about their vacation.

- Asks Ss to give the answers.

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

-asks ss to do ex 1/92

Activity 2.

* Present progressive: S + tobe + V-ing.

* Use: Talk about thing happening now.

. Complete the sentences: GP 2 – P92.

- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in pairs to use the verbs in the parentheses to complete the sentences in present progressive.

- Asks Ss to compare the keys.

- Asks Ss to give the keys by repeating in chorus. Then corrects S’s pronunciation


a. Minh….his bike. (ride)

b. They ……for a bus. (wait)

c. She ……TV. (watch)

d. We ……soccer. (play)

e. He ……to music. (listen )

f. They ……to school. (walk)

He …… to Hanoi. (travel)

Activity 3:

- Review the prepositions.

- Sts complete the paragraph with the words in the box (Grammar Practice 3 on page 93).

- T. gives feedback.


Look at the food store. A girl is in the store. A boy is waiting in front of the store. There are mountains behind the store and some houses opposite it. There are some trees to the left of store. There is a truck to the right of the store.

Activity 4:

- T asks sts to list the question words they have learnt.

- Sts complete the sentence (Grammar Practice 4 on page 93).

- T. gives feedback.

Activity 5:

- Sts contrast: present simple and present progressive tenses.

- Sts complete the sentence (Grammar Practice 5 on page 94).

- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in pairs to use the verbs in the parentheses to complete the sentences in present progressive & in simple present.

* Example:

- (play) They play volleyball everyday.

They’re playing volleyball now.

- Asks Ss to compare the keys.

- Asks Ss to give the keys

- Corrects & comments.

a. (ride)

b. (go)

c. (walk)

d. (drive

She …her bike to school.

She …her bike now.

We …to school by bus everyday.

We …to school by bus now.

I …to school everyday.

I …to school now.

He … his truck.

He … his truck at the moment.

e. (ride)

f. (go)

g. (walk)

h. (drive

She …her bike to school.

She …her bike now.

We …to school by bus everyday.

We …to school by bus now.

I …to school everyday.

I …to school now.

He … his truck.

He … his truck at the moment.

Present simple tense :


(+) S + V-s/es ...

(-) S + don’t / doesn’t + V(inf) ...

(?) Wh... do/ does + S + V(inf)... ?


I go to school.

I am going to school

- Practicing in groups, using the past simple to talk about their vacation.

- Giving the answers.

- Correcting the pronunciation

a. How do y go..?

b. Travel/travels

c. Walk/don’t walk

d. Does..walk/ walks

-Working in pairs to use the verbs in the parentheses to complete the sentences in present progressive.

- Comparing the keys & give the keys.

- Correcting the keys.

* Answer keys:

a. Minh is riding his bike.

b. They are waiting for a bus.

c. She is watching TV.

d. We are playing soccer.

e. He is listening to music.

f. They are walking to school.

He is traveling to Hanoi.

Prepositions :

to the left of

to the right of


in front of



Questions words:

a. Where

b. Who

c. What

d. What

e. How

Working in pairs to use the verbs in the parentheses to complete the sentences in present progressive & in simple present.

- Comparing the keys & give the keys.

Answer keys:

a. She rides her bike to school.

She is riding her bike now.

b. We go to school by bus everyday.

We’re going to school by bus now.

c. I walk to school everyday.

I’m walking to school now.

d. He drives his truck.

He’s driving his truck at the moment

IV. Summary (2 mins)

  • Present simple tense
  • Present progressive tense
  • Questions words
  • Prepositions

V. Homework(2 mins)

Prepare for unit 9

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