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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 4: Our past - Lesson 4

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 4: Our past - Lesson 4 được VnDoc sưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 8 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 4: Our past - Lesson 2

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 4: Our past - Lesson 3

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 4: Our past - Lesson 5


1. Aims: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

  • Understand the details of the folktale how the tiger got his stripes and write about the story.
  • Revise the use and form of simple past tense

2. Knowlege:

* Vocabulary: wisdom, stripe, straw, (to) graze, master, servant, (to)bring

* Grammar: Review the past simple tense

3. Skills: Reading, writing and speaking.


1. Teacher:The story, exercises

2. Students:

  • Vocabulary: wisdom, stripe, straw, (to) graze, master, servant, (to)bring
  • Grammar: Review the past simple tense


1. Revision:(5’) Asks Ss to write the past form of the following verbs

1. go → went 3. tie → ..............

2. burn → ........... 4. leave → ..............

5. say → ...........… 6. appear → ..............

2. New lesson:

Teacher/s activities

Ss/ activities

*) Lead-in: (1’) Uses the picture of a tiger

? Which animal is it

? Do you like it? Why?

? Do you know why it has the stripes?

T: introduces the lesson.

I. PRE-WRTING: (20’)

1. Vocabulary

- Elicits the words from the Ss and says them out.

- Writes and checks.

+ Wisdom (N) (Example)

+ Stripe (N) (Picture.)

+ Straw (N) (Realia)

+ Graze (V) (Picture)

+ Master (N) (Trans.)

+ Servant (N) (Trans.)

+ Bring (V)( brought, brought) (Trans)

- Instructs Ss to read.

- Uses “ Matching” to check vocab. and asks Ss to correct.

2. Gap-fill (Page 42)

- Checks the meaning of the words in the box and notes Ss with the past form of the verbs

- Asks Ss to work in groups to complete.

- Gets feedback.

- Explains more clearly and then asks one student to read the story again.

3. Comprehension questions

- Asks Ss to read the story again and makes the questions.

1, Where was the man?

2,What was the buffalo doing when the tigered appeared?

3,What did the tiger want to know?

4, What did the farmer do with the tiger?

5, Why do the tigers have stripes today?

- Share ideas with Ss about the story.



- Intruduces the task, asks them to base on the story above, changing He/ A farmer into I, has them focus on the verbs and change them into past form when writing.

- Goes around to instruct Ss to write the story.

- Asks them to share their writing in groups and choose the best one.



- Choose some writings and corrects before class.

- Asks them to correct themselves.

- Answer T’s questions.

- Listen.

- Try out & repeat chorally-individually.

- Give the meaning & make the sentences.

- Read the words.

- Run through the words & match the words with the Vietnamese meaning.

- Give the meaning of words.

- Share their ideas in groups and choose the suitable word to fill in gaps

- Speak out their answers.

- Rad through the story.

*) Answer key:

1. appeared 2. was 3. said 4. left

5.went 6. tied 7.lit 8.burned 9.escaped

- Read it in individuals, focus on the content of the story, and answer the Qs.

- Listen and take notes.

- Read and make sure about the contents and the use of the verb form.

- Write the story individually.

- Share their writing in groups and choose the best one.

- Checks their work with teacher.

- Correct their writing.


  • Asks Ss to complete the story at home and give it to T in the next lesson.
  • Revise: The past simple, the prepositions of time and “Used to” for the past habits to prepare for Language focus next period.
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    Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8

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