Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

Tổng hợp các dạng bài cho ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh

VnDoc - Ti tài liu, văn bn pháp lut, biu mu min phí
I. Different sound
1. A. heat B. scream C. meat D. dead
2. A. prepared B. particular C. pagoda D. attract
3. A. thrilling B. other C. through D. something
4. A. idea B. going C. will D. trip
5. A. face B. place C. prepared D. days
6. A. around B. sound C. only D. mouse
7. A. teacher B. other C. together D. term
8. A. Germany B. garden C. gate D. gas
9. A. scholarship B. Christ C. school D. chicken
10. A. house B. harm C. hour D. husband
11. A. sing B. morning C. any D. hang
12. A. hundred B. exhausted C. however D. heat
13. A. head B. ready C. mean D. weather
14. A. choir B. cheap C. child D. chair
15. A. ch
arge B. child C. teacher D. champagne
16. A. reason B. clear C. mean D. each
17. A. mot
ion B. question C. mention D. fiction
18. A. gather B. good C. large D. again
19. A. ch
ange B. children C. machine D. church
20. A. hand B. bank C. sand D. band
21. A
. cooks B. loves C. joins D. spends
22. A. share B. rare C. are D. declare
23. A. clothes B. cloths C. roofs D. books
24. A. naked B. looked C. booked D. hooked
25. A. laughed B. weighed C. helped D. missed
26. A. apply B. university C. identity D. early
27. A. choice B. achieve C. each D. chemistry
28. A. final B. applicant C. high D. decide
29. A. average B. indicate C. application D. grade
30. A. course B. four C. our D. yours
31. A. worker B. whom C. interview D. answer
32. A. honest B. holiday C. home D. happiness
33. A. character B. teacher C. chemist D. technical
34. A. interview B. minute C. question D. suitable
35 A. explained B. disappointed C. prepared D. interviewed
36. A. economy B. industry C. qualify D. priority
37. A. right B. private C. communist D. minority
38. A. measure B. subsidies C. domestic D. hospital
39. A. though B. encourage C. enough D. country
40. A. improve B. introduce C. move D. lose
41. A. future B. mature C. pasture D. nature
42. A. chore B. technology C. much D. exchange
43. A. th
reaten B. earth C. healthy D. breathe
A. wipe B. allow C. powerful D. answer
45. A. service B. practice C. office D. device
46. A. grasses B. stretches C. comprises D. potatoes
47. A. lie B. wide C. circle D. comprise
VnDoc - Ti tài liu, văn bn pháp lut, biu mu min phí
48. A. compound B. route C. house D. south
49. A. dune B. hummock C. shrub D. buffalo
50. A. west B. between C. growth D. which
II. Stress
1. A. comprise B. sandy C. circle D. northern
2. A. Aborigines B. expedition C. kilometer D. scientific
3. A. corridor B. enormous C. mystery D. separate
4. A. remain B. hummock C. explore D. between
5. A. territory B. Australia C. geography D. society
6. A. eject B. crossbar C. except D. commit
7. A. canoeing B. opponent C. windsurfing D. defensive
8 A. participant B. publicity C. competitive D. individual
9 A. interfere B. memory C. personal D. vertical
10 A. award B. defeat C. refer D. scuba
11. A. social B. conduct C. survey D. value
12. A. marvelous B. attention C. consider D. excited
13. A. verbal B. whistle
C. precede D. marriage
14. A. attract B. decide C. reject D. beauty
15. A. solution B. suitable C. confidence D. family
16. A. conical B. determine C. contractual D. supportive
17. A. physical B. mischievous C. suitable
D. romantic
18. A. ancestor B. measurement C. counterpart
D. appearance
19. A. commitment B. inflation C. collection D. enterprise
20. A. dissolve B. observe
C. publish D. appraise
21. A. technology B. psychology C. reconstruction D. apology
22. A. between B. result C. ago
D. coffee
23. A. waving B. teaching C. pointing
D. divide
24. A. student B. listen C. blackboard D. between
25. A. traditional B. professional C impossible D. decoration
26. A. economics B. interfere
C. philosophy D. punctuality
27. A. secondary B. primary
C. fantastic D. national
28. A. education B. curriculum C. technology D. integrity
29. A. because B. method C. standard D. wooden
30. A. ashtray B. music
C. severe D. temper
31. A. farewell B. thoughtful C. toward D. approach
32. A. mischievous B. family
C. supportive D. suitable
33. A. desert B. parallel C. hummock D. aerial
34. A. measure B. pressure C. unwise D. sacrifice
35. A. attitude B. partnership C. actually D. Vietnamese
36. A. survey B. enormous C. remained D. mystery
37. A. diversity B. marriage C. engagement D. importance
38. A. European B. Victorian C. Brazilian D. Korean
39. A. America B. equal C. maintain D. attractive
40. A. confide B. reject C. precede D. conical
41. A. expedition B. exploration C. Australian D. Geographical
42. A. appropriate B. interesting C. different D. cultural
43. A. culture B. engage C. majority D. determine
44. A. romantic B. counterpart C. discussion D. appearance
45. A. bridegroom B. bamboo C. wedding D. survey
VnDoc - Ti tài liu, văn bn pháp lut, biu mu min phí
46. A. supernatural B. explanation C. redundancy D. electronic
47. A. gymnastics B. criminal C. investment D. excitement
48. A. financial B. ambitious C. refusal D. evidence
49. A. confess B. function C. jealous D. patient
50. A. possibility B. manufacture C. instrument D. disappointed
1. When I got home I found that water...............................down the kitchen walls
A. ran B. was running C. has run D. had been running
2. After he.......................his English course, he went to England to continue his study
A. has finish B. had finished C. was finished D. would finish
3. How.........................since we
A. are you- left B. were you- left C. have you been- have left D. have you been- left
4. I..................much of you lately. We..........................three months ago
A. havent seen- last meet B. didnt see- met C. havent seen- have meet D. didnt see- have met
5. The Chinese.......................spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco Polo.................back to Italy
A. made- brought B. have made- brought C. made- had brought D. had been making- brought
6. When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker.................speaking and the audience...................
A. just finished- were clapping B. had just finished- had clapped
C. had just finished- were clapping D. just finished- had clapped
7. He.............................his job last month and then he..................out of work
A. lost- was B. was lost- had been C. has lost- was D. lost- has been
8. In the last hundred years, travelling.......................much easier and more comfortable
A. become B. has become C. became D. will became
9. In the 19
century, it.............two or three months to across North America by covered wagon
A. took B. had taken C. had been taken D. was taking
10. In the past, the trip...................very rough and often dangerous, but things..........a great deal in the last hundred
and fifty years
A. was- have changed B. is- change C. had been- will change D. has been- changed
11. She................Hanoi last year
A. went B. go C. goes D. is going
12. Now you ..................from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours
A. are flying B. would fly C. will fly D. can fly
13. When Carol....................last night, favorite show on television
A. was calling- watched B. called- have watched C. called- was watching D. had called- watched
14. By the time next summer, you....................your studies
A. completes B. will complete C. are completing D. will have completed
15. Right now, Jim.................the newspaper and Kathy...............dinner
A. reads- has cooked B. is reading- is cooking
C. has read- was cooking D. read- will be cooking
16. Last night at this time, they................................the same thing. She.................and he............the newspaper
A. are doing- is cooking- is reading B. were doing- was cooking- was reading
C. was doing- has cooked- is reading D. had done- was cooking- read

Các dạng bài thường gặp trong đề thi THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh xin giới thiệu đến các bạn Tổng hợp các dạng bài cho ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh bao gồm các dạng bài trắc nghiệm về Ngữ âm, Trọng âm, Thì, Câu bị động...là các dạng bài luôn luôn xuất hiện trong đề thi THPT Quốc gia. Sau đây mời các bạn vào tham khảo.

Đối với kì thi THPT Quốc gia thì luyện đề là một trong những hoạt động cần thiết và không thể bỏ qua để các bạn có thể tập dượt và đánh giá được khả năng của mình. Bên cạnh đó việc ôn luyện lý thuyết và bài tập theo mảng cụ thể, ví dụ như câu điều kiện, word form, trọng âm, trắc nghiệm ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, trắc nghiệm ..cũng rất hữu ích giúp các bạn đạt điểm cao trong kì thi quan trọng này.

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