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Đề thi giữa kì 1 tiếng Anh 12 i-Learn Smart World - Đề số 1

Đề thi giữa kì 1 tiếng Anh lớp 12 i Learn Smart World

Đề thi tiếng Anh 12 giữa kì 1 i Learn Smart World có đáp án được biên soạn bám sát nội dung SGK tiếng Anh lớp 12 Smart World giúp các em học sinh lớp 12 củng cố kiến thức hiệu quả.

Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in the following question.

1. A. react B. selfie C. relieved D. remote

2. A. rejected B. contributed C. exposed D. depended

Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in the following question.

3. A. inspire B. discreet C. exchange D. laundry

4. A. embarrassed B. currency C. operate D. embassy

Choose the best option to complete the following question. 

5. ______________ using the conference room, remember to return the borrowed remote control and turn off the lights.

A. While B. Since C. After D. For

6. You can ______________ some basic Japanese before your trip to improve communication.

A. pick up B. react C. improve D. acquire

7. Even though my flight was delayed due to the Dubai rainstorm , I was ______________ when the airline staff provided me with meal vouchers during the unexpected wait.

A. convenient B. grateful C. embarrassed D. depressed

8. While we ______________ the city, the hotel's dry cleaning service ______________ up our clothes and cleaned them

A. explored / picked B. explored / was picking

C. were exploring / has picked D. were exploring / picked

9. Tourists should be ______________ when carrying valuable belongings to avoid attracting the attention of thieves and pickpockets.

A. discreet B. thankful C. secret D. surprised

Choose the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph in the following question. 


a. Anxious and angry, I tried to chase him, but he disappeared into the crowd.

b. On my holiday in Paris, while I was enjoying a delicious croissant in a café, someone snatched my purse right off the chair.

c. I reached a and explained everything; after searching the area, a kind local found my purse hidden in a bush.

d. Sure, I lost all of my money, but having my important documents safe made everything feel OK again.

e. I felt like it was the end of the world because I had everything in there – my money, cards, even my passport.

A. b-a-e-c-d B. b-e-a-c-d C. b-e-a-d-c D. b-e-c-d-a


a. She has written four books, but the most famous one is called "Wild" – a story about her solo 1100-mile hike in the mountains called the Pacific Crest Trail.

b. She also has a column called “Dear Sugar” where people write to her for advice, and she gives them helpful and kind answers.

c. Today, Cheryl keeps inspiring people through her writing and podcasts, telling people not to be afraid of challenges and to find their own adventures in life.

d. The book's raw honesty and exploration of resilience made it a bestseller and was adapted into an Oscar-nominated film.

e. Cheryl Strayed is a famous American author who writes about adventure and finding oneself .

A. e-c-a-b-d B. B. e-d-a-c-b C. e-a-b-c-d D. e-a-d-b-c

Read the following advertisement and choose the correct option that best fits each of the blanks. (3 questions)


Need a holiday? Want to relax? Why not choose a Sunshine holiday?

We offer:

• First class accommodation in a luxury hotel with a swimming pool

• All meals (12)___________ and prepared by qualified chefs

• A range of excursions to famous tourist (13)___________ with our friendly tour guides

• (14)___________ water and snacks throughout your stay.

(12) A. contained B. created C. consisted D. included

(13) A. surroundings B. spots C. locations D. ground

(14) A. Complimentary B. Healthy C. Convenient D. Valuable

Read the following note and choose the correct option that best fits each of the blanks. (3 questions)


• Be flexible and (15)___________ to handle various tasks and unexpected situations

• Be proficient in (16)___________ office equipment such as phones, computers, and printers to perform their duties effectively

• Be patient when dealing (17)___________ a diverse range of people

(15) A. adapt B. adapted C. adaptable D. adaptation

(16) A. swiping B. operating C. turning D. servicing

(17) A. with B. to C. for D. on

Select the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the options that best complete the passage.

Hi Julie,

I've just had a great vacation with my cousins. I'm writing to tell you all about (18) __________. It was fantastic!

The weather was perfect – warm with a lovely sea breeze. (19) __________ in the ocean and playing in the sand. (20) __________ I found on the vacation! There were seashells of all shapes and sizes, and even little crabs scuttling around. My favorite part was exploring the ocean floor with a snorkel and mask. I saw colorful fish, and interesting shells, and even spotted a little sea turtle. (21) __________.

However, (22) __________on the first day. I completely forgot to put on sunscreen! I was just so excited to get to the beach that it slipped my mind. Now, I'm feeling a bit itchy and uncomfortable, but (23) __________. Lesson learned for next time!

Talk to you soon,


18. A. not getting bent out of my shape B. not to get bent out of my shape

C. that's not bending me out of shape D. I'm not getting bent out of shape

19. A. I made an embarrassing mistake B. The mistake was my embarrassment

C. My embarrassment was a mistake D. My embarrassing mistake was made

20. A. I was like I was visiting a new world

B. I felt as if I was visiting a new world

C. It felt if only I was visiting a new world

D. It felt as long as I was visiting a new world

21. A. You shouldn't believe the cool stuff B. You won't believe the cool stuff

C. You wouldn't believe the cool stuff D. You needn't believe the cool stuff

22. A. It mostly took time to swim B. It took most of my time to swim

C. Most of its time was spent on swimming D. I spent most of my time swimming

23. A. my beach trip B. your beach trip C. our beach trip D. their beach trip

Read an email from Mai to a friend, Joanne. Choose the best word or phrase for each space. (5 questions)

Hi Joanne,

Did I ever tell you that I'm quite a good skier? When I started, I was hopeless, like a fish out of (24)___________, but I've been going to ski resorts for years with my parents, and I can do the harder routes now. But I had a really frightening experience on my last winter holiday. I was skiing in the mountains with a group of friends when, suddenly, the snow behind us started to move. It was making a terrible sound, as if it was a huge railway train coming down the mountain. I was the first to (25)___________, because I had read about what to do in an avalanche (which is what this movement of snow is called). I shouted to my friends to follow me, and we skied to a huge rock. There was room for all of us to hide behind it, and, when the
snow (26)___________ the rock, it didn't move.

However, when the avalanche was over, we were in a snow cave behind the rock and had no idea how deep the snow was above us. I was so nervous as we started to dig our way out. It felt as if I had butterflies in my (27)___________. We were digging for at least 10 minutes before we reached the surface. We were all on cloud (28)___________ at that moment because we were safe.

(24) A. river B. sea C. water D. lake

(25) A. react B. reject C. reserve D. request

(26) A. overcame B. impacted C. investigated D. depended

(27) A. head B. heart C. mouth D. stomach

(28) A. five B. seven C. nine D. ten

Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

The genius

Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest painters, architects, and thinkers in his era. His works have influenced not only other artists and painters, but also people working in scientific fields.

He was born in 1452 in a small town near Vinci, Italy, where his surname comes from. Leonardo loved nature and spent a lot of time drawing pictures of animals and plants. He received little formal education, but his uncle and father soon discovered his talent, so they decided to send him to a workshop in Florence to apprentice with the master artist Verrocchio. Da Vinci not only improved his skills in drawing, painting, and sculpting, but he also picked up knowledge and technical skills in other areas including mechanics, carpentry, metalwork, and architecture.

In 1472. Leonardo qualified as a master artist and opened his own workshop. However, he still continued to work together with Verrocchio for the next five years. After that, he started working independently and completed a painting for the Duke of Milan. His work made a huge impression on the Duke who decided to offer him a position in his court. While in Milan, Da Vinci was invited to design innovative buildings, machines, and weapons. He would draw up plans for several inventions of the future such as tanks, submarines, and flying machines. He was also skilled at drawing detailed sketches of the human body. He left behind several notebooks filled with diagrams, drawings, observations, and notes of his studies, ideas, and inventions.

Unfortunately, his interests were so broad that he often changed his focus to a new project and rarely finished the works he had started. The Last Supper and Mona Lisa were two of the masterpieces he could finish during his lifetime. In 1495, he started The Last Supper, which took him nearly three years to complete. In 1503, he began painting the Mona Lisa and worked on it from time to time over several years until his death. Da Vinci died in 1519, at the age of 67, but he is still considered as one of the greatest geniuses of all time. His paintings changed the world of art, and many inventions were carried out based on his ideas and sketches. His greatness lies in the depth and diversity of his knowledge, and 500 years after his death, his genius shines as bright as ever.

29. What is the purpose of the writer?

A. To tell the story of Leonardo da Vinci's life.

B. To describe the family of Leonardo da Vinci.

C. To explain how Leonardo's achievements changed the world.

D. To compare Leonardo da Vinci with other artists.

30. The word ‘they’ in paragraph 2 refers to _____________.

A. Da Vinci's teachers B. Verrocchio's apprentices

C. Da Vinci's uncle and father D. Da Vinci's sculptors

31. The phrase 'picked up' in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____________.

A. brought B. took up C. learnt D. raised

32. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as something that Leonardo da Vinci designed?

A. The human body. B. Military vehicles.

C. Machines that can fly. D. Ships that can stay underwater.

33. The word 'impression' in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. artwork B. effect C. artist D. success

34. According to paragraph 4, which of the following was Leonardo da Vinci's weak point?

A. Spending too much time on Mona Lisa

B. Inability to draw human bodies.

C. Having too many interests.

D. Inability to finish things.

35. What does the writer imply by saying his genius shines as bright as ever in paragraph 5?

A. His creativity and forward thinking continue to amaze people.

B. He discovered how light shines.

C. His genius was made larger than it really is.

D. His invention of a bright light made him a genius.

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