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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 6: The environment - Lesson 3

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 6: The environment - Lesson 3 được VnDoc sưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 9 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 6: The environment - Lesson 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 6: The environment - Lesson 2

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 6: The environment - Lesson 4

A/ Aims:

  • Listening for details to complete the notes
  • Revision of some adjectives and adverbs; practice in adjective + that clause.
  • further practice in Conditional sentences type 1 and adverb clause of reason beginning with because, since, as…

B/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to a passage about polluted ocean and complete the passage. Ss will be able to do the aims above well.

C/ Teaching aids: Text books, cassette, chalk and boards.

D/ Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I.Warm up

5 min


tion 1

7 min

III.Practice 1

8 min


tion 2

7 min

8 min

8 min


2 min

Guessing game: (Environmental protection)

S1: Write: I think we should we write on both sides of the paper, and speak to class about the topic which he/she are interested.

Ss: make questions


S1: I am interested in saving paper.

S2: Do you think we should use banana leaves to wrap food?

S1: No, I do not.

S2: Do you think we should recycle waste Paper?

S1: No, I do not.

S2: Do you think we should write on both sides of the paper?

S1: Yes, I do. (S1 shows their classmates what she wrote )

If many people can not predict => “What do you think we should do ?”

Lead in new lesson.

I / Listen

1. Pre - listening:

* Introduce the aims of the lesson and some new words to Ss

- Raw sewage (n): untreated wastewater:nước thải chưa qua sử lí.

- Oil spills (n): the release of oil into the natural environment, usually the ocean: sự tràn dầu.

- Marine life (n): Plants and animals of the oceans.

- Waste materials (n): especially metal awaiting reprocessing: phế liệu

- Regulations (n): rules:qui tắc.

* Checking technique: What and Where

- Ask Ss to predict “What pollutes the oceans ?”

- Call on some Ss to report their ideas and write on the board

2. While - listening:

· Set the scene “ You are going to listen to a report on how our oceans are polluted. Study the notes carefully then listen to the tape and complete the notes”

- Turn on the tape (2 or 3 times)

- Ask Ss to compare the answers with their friends.

- Call on some Ss to read aloud the answers, and give the correct answers:

Firstly: raw sewage is pumped directly into the sea.

Secondly: Garbage is dropped into the sea.

Thirdly: oil spills come from ships at sea.

Next: Waste materials come from factories.

Finally: Oil is washed from the land.

- Have Ss compare with their predictions and give marks to Ss who have guessed truly.

II / Language focus

1. Presentation and practice2- 1:

* Vocabulary pre – teach:

- Assignment (n) = Home work / exercise

- Sigh (n): long deep breath

* Revision of adverbs:

- Ask: “How are adverbs formed? / What do we use adverbs for?”

+ Formation: Adjective + ly = adverb

· Ask Ss to look at the table and read them aloud.













+ Use: We use adverbs of manner to modify the verb and it usually goes after the main verb.

* Ask Ss to do the exercise 1: Use the adverbs to complete the sentences:

- Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences aloud.

- Correct and give correct answers:

a) extremely b) slowly c) sadly d) happily e) well

2. Presentation and practice2- 2:

* Revision of adverbs clauses of reason:

- Read and write the example on the board:

He failed the exams. He is too clauses.

- Ask Ss about the relation between two clauses:

=> Reason.

- Introduce the words expressing clauses of reason:

Because = as = since

Example: He failed the exams because he is too lazy

* Exercise 2: Join the pairs of sentences together Use because, as, since

a) Ba is tired because / as / since he stayed up late watching TV.

- Ask Ss to join the pairs of sentences together.

- Have Ss compare the answers with a friend.

- Call on some Ss t read their sentences aloud.

- Feedback and give correct answers:

b) I have a broken leg because / as / since I fell over while I was playing basketball.

c) I am going to be late for school because /as / since the bus is late.

d) I broke the cup because / since / as I was careless.

e) I want to go home because / as / since I feel sick.

f) I am hungry because / as / since I have not eaten all day.

3. Presentation and practice 2-3:

* Adjective + that clause

- Explicit the structure:

S + be + adjective + that clause

Ex: I am pleased that you are working hard.

- Have Ss practice the structure by completing the dialogues in the book.

- Call on Ss to read the completed dialogues aloud in class.

- Listen and correct mistakes. Then give correct answers:

b).. I am excited that I can go to Da Lat this time.

c)..I am sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday.

d)..I am disappointed that you did not phone me about it.

e)..I am amazed that I could win the first prize.

* Revision of conditional sentence type 1:

- Repeat the form and use of the conditional sentence type 1:

If + main clause, subordinate clause …

(simple present tense), (will + V infi)

- Ask Ss to do the exercise 4:

- Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences aloud.

- Correct and give correct answers:

1- e, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d, 5- b

- Have them read the complete sentences aloud.

* Complete the sentences:

- Ask Ss to work individually to complete the sentences:

- Call on some Ss to read the right sentences aloud and give correct answers:

b) If we go on littering, the environment will become seriously polluted.

c) If we plant more trees along the streets, we will have more shade and fresh air.

d) If we use much pesticide on vegetables, the vegetables will become poisonous and inedible.

e) If we keep our environment clean, we will live a happier and healthier life.

- Ask Ss to read the complete sentences aloud.

1. Redo all the exercises and copy.

2. Do the exercises in the workbook.

3. Prepare the next lesson.

Play game in pairs

Listen and copy down.

- Listen and repeat in chorus, individually

- Guess its meanings

- Copy down

- Predict and report.

Listen carefully

- Listen and complete the notes.

- Compare their answers with their partners.

- Read their answers aloud

- Read the complete passage aloud.

Compare their predictions with the correct answers.

Listen and copy.

Answer the questions

Write the formation and change the adjectives into the adverbs.

- Read them aloud.

- Work individually

- Read the complete sentences aloud.

- Repeat and copy.

Read the example aloud.

- Work individually

- Exchange their results and compare.

- Read the correct sentences aloud.

Listen and write down

Read the example aloud.

Practice in pairs in front of class.

Listen and copy.

Work individually

Read the complete sentences aloud.

Repeat the correct sentences aloud and copy.

Listen and copy.

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