Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

Bài tập A An The lớp 9 có đáp án

Bài tập trắc nghiệm về mạo từ lớp 9 có đáp án

Bài tập về Mạo từ lớp 9 có đáp án dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 theo chủ đề do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Bài tập về Mạo từ A An The lớp 9 có đáp án tổng hợp lý thuyết cách sử dụng mạo từ A, An, The trong tiếng Anh cũng như 5 bài tập tiếng Anh về mạo từ từ lớp 9 có đáp án giúp các em ôn tập tại nhà hiệu quả.

I. Cách dùng A, An & The

Đ/N: Mạo từ là từ dùng trước danh từ và cho biết danh từ ấy đề cập đến một đối tượng xác định hay không xác định.

I. 1. Indefinite Article (Maọ từ không xác định): A, An

*** A, an: đề cập đến một đối tượng chung hoặc chưa được xác định rõ. Đối tượng lần đầu được nhắc tới

*** A đứng trước một phụ âm hoặc một nguyên âm có âm là phụ âm.

Ex: a game (một trò chơi), a university, a European

*** An đứng trước một nguyên âm hoặc một phụ âm câm.

Ex: an egg (một quả trứng), an hour (một giờ đồng hồ).

*** An cũng đứng trước các mẫu tự đặc biệt đọc như một nguyên âm.

Ex: an SOS (một tín hiệu cấp cứu); an MSc (một thạc sĩ khoa học), an X-ray (một tia X).

*** Cách dùng:

1. Trước một danh từ số ít đếm được.

Ex: We need a microcomputer (Chúng tôi cần một máy vi tính). / He eats an ice-cream.

2. Trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lượng nhất định.

Ex: a lot (nhiều); a couple (một cặp/đôi); a third (một phần ba) / a dozen (một tá); a hundred (một trăm); a quarter (một phần tư)

3. Trước các từ chỉ nghề nghiệp

*** Không dùng mạo từ bất định(a / an) trong các trường hợp sau:

1. Trước danh từ số nhiều 2. Trước danh từ không đếm được

Ex: He gave us good advice (Ông ta cho chúng tôi những lời khuyên hay).

I write on paper (Tôi ghi trên giấy)

3.Trước tên gọi các bữa ăn, trừ phi có tính từ đứng trước các tên gọi đó

Ex: They have lunch at eleven (họ dùng cơm trưa lúc 11 giờ)

But: You gave me a delicious dinner (bạn đã cho tôi một bữa ăn tối thật ngon miệng).

I.2. Definite Article (Mạo từ xác định) - THE

*** Dùng "the" khi danh từ chỉ đối tượng được cả người nói lẫn người nghe biết rõ đối tượng nào đó (được nhắc lại) , dùng cho cả danh từ đếm được (số ít lẫn số nhiều) và danh từ không đếm được..

Ex: The truth (sự thật) / The bicycle (một chiếc xe đạp) / The bicycles (những chiếc xe đạp)

*** Cách dùng:

1/ Khi vật thể hay nhóm vật thể là duy nhất hoặc được xem là duy nhất

Ex: The sun (mặt trời); the sea (biển cả) / The world (thế giới); the earth (quả đất)

2/ Trước một danh từ, với điều kiện danh từ này vừa mới được đề cập trước đó.

Ex: I saw a beggar.The beggar looked curiously at me. (Tôi thấy một người ăn xin. Người ăn xin ấy nhìn tôi với vẻ tò mò)

3/ Trước một danh từ, với điều kiện danh từ này được xác định bằng một cụm từ hoặc một mệnh đề.

Ex: The girl in uniform (Cô gái mặc đồng phục). / The mechanic that I met (Người thợ máy mà tôi đã gặp).

The place where I waited for him (Nơi mà tôi đợi anh ta).

4/ Trước so sánh cực cấp, Trước first (thứ nhất), second (thứ nhì), only (duy nhất).... khi các từ này được dùng như tính từ hay đại từ.

Ex: The first day (ngày đầu tiên). / The best time (thời gian thuận tiện nhất). / The only way (cách duy nhất)

5/ The + Tính từtượng trưng cho một nhóm người

Ex: The old (người già); the rich and the poor (người giàu và người nghèo)

6/ The dùng Trước những danh từ riêng chỉ biển, sông, quần đảo, dãy núi, tên gọi số nhiều của các nước, sa mạc, miền. Ex: The Pacific (Thái Bình Dương);The Netherlands (Hà Lan)

7/ The + họ (ở số nhiều)nghĩa là Gia đình ...

Ex: The Smiths = Gia đình Smith (vợ chồng Smith và các con)

8. Trước tên nhạc cụ

Không dùng mạo từ xác định - THE

1/ Trước tên quốc gia, tên châu lục, tên núi, tên hồ, tên đường.

Ex: Europe (Châu Âu),), France (Pháp quốc), Downing Street (Phố Downing)

2/ Sau sở hữu tính từ(possessive adjective) hoặc sau danh từ ở sở hữu cách(possessive case) .
Ex: My friend, chứ không nói My the friend. / The girl's mother = the mother of the girl (Mẹ của cô gái)

3/ Trước tên gọi các bữa ăn. Ex: They invited some friends to dinner. (Họ mời vài người bạn đến ăn tối)

4. Go to bed/hospital/church/school/ work/prison (Đi ngủ/đi nằm bệnh viện/đi lễ/đi học/đi làm/ đi tù),

But: They went to the school to see their children's teacher(Họ đến trường để gặp thầy của con họ)

She will get a bus at the church (Cô ta sẽ đón xe búyt ở chỗ nhà thờ).

II. Bài tập về A An The lớp 9 có đáp án

I. Put "an", "a", "the" or Ø (nothing):

1. My birthday is _____ Sunday afternoon.

2. It doesn't often snow here at _____ Christmas. We haven't had _____ White Christmas for many years.

3. We came here in _____ summer of _____ 1969.

4. _____ Thanks giving is in _____ November. The Church of England dates from _____ year 1534. I like driving at ____ night. The roads are quite. Oh, I don't like driving in ____ park. I'd rather travel during___ day.

5. Are you doing anything at _____ weekend? + I don't think so. Well, come over on _____ Sunday.

6. __ meals we had weren't very good. We had___ breakfast in the hotel and that wasn't too bad. We usually went out for _____ lunch because _____ lunch they served in the hotel was always the same _____ dinner we had in our first evening was pretty a few, so we tried a few restaurants. On our last evening we had _____ marvelous dinner in a Chinese restaurant, but that was an exception.

7. Rita plays _____ violin and her sister plays _____ guitar.

8. On our trip to _____ Spain, we crossed _____ Atlantic Ocean.

9. David attended _____ Princeton University.

10. _____ Florida State University is smaller than _____ University of Florida

11. _____ chair that you are sitting in is broken.

12. _____ Civil War was fought in _____ United States between 1861 and 1865.

13. _____ big books on _____ table are for my history class.

Xem đáp án

1. My birthday is __Ø___ Sunday afternoon.

2. It doesn't often snow here at ___Ø__ Christmas. We haven't had ____a_ White Christmas for many years.

3. We came here in ___Ø__ summer of ____Ø_ 1969.

4. ___Ø__ Thanks giving is in ___Ø__ November. The Church of England dates from __Ø___ year 1534. I like driving at _Ø___ night. The roads are quite. Oh, I don't like driving in __the__ park. I'd rather travel during_the__ day.

5. Are you doing anything at __the___ weekend? + I don't think so. Well, come over on __Ø___ Sunday.

6. _The_ meals we had weren't very good. We had_Ø__ breakfast in the hotel and that wasn't too bad. We usually went out for __Ø___ lunch because __the___ lunch they served in the hotel was always the same ___the__ dinner we had in our first evening was pretty a few, so we tried a few restaurants. On our last evening we had __a___ marvelous dinner in a Chinese restaurant, but that was an exception.

7. Rita plays ___the__ violin and her sister plays __the___ guitar.

8. On our trip to ___Ø__ Spain, we crossed __the___ Atlantic Ocean.

9. David attended __Ø___ Princeton University.

10. __Ø___ Florida State University is smaller than ___the__ University of Florida

11. ___the__ chair that you are sitting in is broken.

12. __the___ Civil War was fought in __the___ United States between 1861 and 1865.

13. ____The_ big books on __the___ table are for my history class.

II. Write a or an in the space:

1. _____ unreasonable decision

6. _____ X- ray

11. _____ elephant

2. _____ universal problem

7. _____ UFO.

12. _____ hospital

3. _____ unit of work.

8. _____ T shirt

13. _____ BBC programme

4. _____ eucalyptus tree

9. _____ happy girl

14. _____ UNESCO worker

5. _____ honorable man.

10. _____ H-bomb

Xem đáp án

1. an

6. an

11. an

2. a

7. a

12. a

3. a

8. a

13. a

4. a

9. a

14. a

5. an

10. an

III. Put in a, an or some or leave a space:

1. Have you got _____ camera?

2. Would you like to be _____ actor.

3. Bill's got _____ big feet.

4. Do you collect _____ stamps?

5. Tom always gives Ann _____ flowers on her birthday.

6. Those are _____ really nice trousers. Where did you get them?

7. What _____ beautiful garden!

8. What _____ lovely children!

9. _____ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.

10. Jack has got _____ very long legs, so he's _____ fast runner.

11. You need _____ visa to visit _____ foreign countries, but not all of them .

12. I'm going shopping. I'm going to get _____ new clothes.

13. Jane is _____ teacher. Her parents were _____ teachers too.

14. When we reached the city centre, _____ shops were still open but most of them were already closed.

15. Do you enjoy going to _____ concerts?

16. When I was _____ child, I used to be very shy.

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1. Have you got ___a__ camera?

2. Would you like to be ___an__ actor.

3. Bill's got __Þ___ big feet.

4. Do you collect ___Þ__ stamps?

5. Tom always gives Ann __some/ Þ___ flowers on her birthday.

6. Those are __Þ___ really nice trousers. Where did you get them?

7. What __a___ beautiful garden!

8. What ___Þ__ lovely children!

9. ____Some_ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.

10. Jack has got __Þ___ very long legs, so he's __a___ fast runner.

11. You need ____a_ visa to visit __some___ foreign countries, but not all of them .

12. I'm going shopping. I'm going to get ___some__ new clothes.

13. Jane is ___a__ teacher. Her parents were ___Þ__ teachers, too.

14. When we reached the city centre, __some___ shops were still open but most of them were already closed.

15. Do you enjoy going to ___Þ__ concerts?

16. When I was ___a__ child, I used to be very shy.

IV. Put suitable articles into blanks:

1. John is _____ teacher. He's teaching in _____ school in London.

Every morning, he gets up at 7 o'clock, has _____ breakfast and _____ cup of _____ coffee. Then he goes to work by bus. He has _____ lunch at _____ restaurant (near _____ school). In the afternoon he works until 5 or 5.30 and then goes _____ home. He doesn't work on _____ Saturday or Sunday. He goes to _____ cinema or theatre. John has _____ sister in Oxford and _____ brother in _____ London.

2. There are millions of stars in _____ space.

3. I'm going away at _____ end of this month.

4. The sun is _____ star.

5. What did you have for _____ breakfast?

6. Have you got _____ car?

7. How much are those potatoes? 1.20 _____ kilo.

8. Can you think _____ rich should pay more taxes to help _____ poor?

Xem đáp án

1. John is ___a__ teacher. He's teaching in ___a__ school in London.

Every morning, he gets up at 7 o'clock, has __Þ___ breakfast and ___a__ cup of __Þ___ coffee. Then he goes to work by bus. He has __Þ___ lunch at __the___ restaurant (near __the___ school). In the afternoon he works until 5 or 5.30 and then goes __Þ___ home. He doesn't work on ___Þ__ Saturday or Sunday. He goes to ___the__ cinema or theatre. John has __a___ sister in Oxford and ___a__ brother in _Þ____ London.

2. There are millions of stars in ___Þ__ space.

3. I'm going away at __the___ end of this month.

4. The sun is __a___ star.

5. What did you have for ___Þ__ breakfast?

6. Have you got __a___ car?

7. How much are those potatoes? 1.20 _a____ kilo.

8. Can you think ___the__ rich should pay more taxes to help ___the__ poor?

Exercise 5: Write “a/ an/ Þ/ the” to fill in the blank

1. I have to wear ______________ uniform when I go to school.

2. I asked Mr. Brown to keep ______________ eye on your house when we were away.

3. The English test was just ______________ piece of cake to me. I didn’t worry much about it.

4. ______________ police suspect a local gang.

5. This is ______________ expensive restaurant. We should find another one.

6. Picasso was ______________ artist.

7. He is ______________ honest man.

8. I study at ______________ small university in London.

9. We used to live ______________ city centre.

10. Are you ______________ teacher?

11. It takes me ______________ hour to get to work.

12. My cousin is ______________ surgeon.

13. It looks like it’s going to rain. Do you have ______________ umbrella?

14. I have ______________ one year old daughter.

15. Singer Justin Bieber comes from ______________ ordinary family.

16. These days Angelina Jolie enjoys ______________ life ______________ Hollywood film star.

17. My brother lives in ______________ apartment in ______________ city centre.

Xem đáp án

1. I have to wear a uniform when I go to school.

2. I asked Mr. Brown to keep an eye on your house when we were away.

3. The English test was just a piece of cake to me. I didn’t worry much about it.

4. Þ police suspect a local gang.

5. This is an expensive restaurant. We should find another one.

6. Picasso was _____an_________ artist.

7. He is _______an______ honest man.

8. I study at _____a_________ small university in London.

9. We used to live _____the_________ city centre.

10. Are you ________a______ teacher?

11. It takes me ______an________ hour to get to work.

12. My cousin is _______a_______ surgeon.

13. It looks like it’s going to rain. Do you have _______an_______ umbrella?

14. I have _____a_________ one year old daughter.

15. Singer Justin Bieber comes from _______an_______ ordinary family.

16. These days Angelina Jolie enjoys _______the_______ life _______a_______ Hollywood film star.

17. My brother lives in _______an_______ apartment in ________rhe______ city centre.

Exercise 6: Complete the paragraph with the or Ø

(1) ________________ Danube is Austria’s longest river. Our uncle lives on (2) ________________ Philippines. (3) ________________ Jamaica belongs to the Caribbean islands. (4) ________________ Statue of Liberty was dedicated in 1886. (5) ________________ Taj Mahal is one of India’s most popular attractions. (6) ________________ Dead Sea lies below sea level. (7) ________________ Everglades National Park is in Florida. Aconcagua is the highest mountain outside Asia. (8) ________________ Mount Fuji is one of Japan’s Three Holy Mountains. (9) ________________ Lake Superior is the largest of (10) ________________ Great Lakes.

Xem đáp án
(1) _________The_______ Danube is Austria’s longest river. Our uncle lives on (2) _________the_______ Philippines. (3) _______Ø_________ Jamaica belongs to the Caribbean islands. (4) _______The_________ Statue of Liberty was dedicated in 1886. (5) ________The________ Taj Mahal is one of India’s most popular attractions. (6) __________The______ Dead Sea lies below sea level. (7) _________Ø_______ Everglades National Park is in Florida. Aconcagua is the highest mountain outside Asia. (8) _______Ø_________ Mount Fuji is one of Japan’s Three Holy Mountains. (9) _______Ø_________ Lake Superior is the largest of (10) ________the________ Great Lakes

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