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Bài tập Passive voice lớp 9 có đáp án

Bài tập về Passive voice lớp 9 có đáp án

Nằm trong bộ Bài tập Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lớp 9 theo chuyên đề năm 2024, Bài tập câu bị động tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án được đăng tải với mong muốn giúp các em học sinh lớp 9 ôn tập cấu trúc Câu bị động lớp 9 hiệu quả.

Exercise 1: Change these sentences into Passive voice

1. Tom delivers the mail every day


2. Mr. John manages the export division


3. The teacher corrects our exercises


4. Somebody calls the president every day


5. Where do people speak English ?


6. Weeds cover the riverbank


7. They use milk for making butter and cheese


8. People speak English in almost every corner of the world


9.  People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday


10. No one believes his story


11 Fire destroyed that house


12.The students attended the lecture


13.The movie disappointed us very much


14.The police easily captured the thief


15.John returned the money last night


16.  Smoke filled the room


17. Bob took that book from the desk.


18.They started a dancing class last week.


19. Mr. Smith saw the accident


20. The teacher returned our written work to us


21. For the time being, Alice is teaching that group


22. John is calling the other members


23.The company is developing a new procedure


24. Who are they keeping in the kitchen?


25.What books are people reading this year ?


26. Nam is milking the cows.


27. My father is washing the car.


28. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea.


29. Mary is cutting the cake with sharp knife


30. The mailman is delivering the mail now


31. Martha was delivering the documents to the department


32. A French architect was designing the palace


33. Mr Brown was writing the report at 8 p.m yesterday


34. Who was painting those windows.?


35. The chef engineer was instructing all the workers of the plant


36. They were not eating dinner.


37. We were painting the gate.


38. You were not driving him home.


39. He was feeding the dogs.


40. Was she reading these lines?


41. Beth has finished the report


42. Somebody has taken my briefcase


43. She has finished the report at noon


44. The police have arrested five suspects


45. Kerrie has paid the bill.


46. I have eaten a hamburger.


47. I have opened the present.


48. They have not read the book.


49. You have not sent the parcel.


50. Has she phoned him?


51.The delegates had received the information before the recess


52. He had finished his home work before she came.


53. They had written the passage..


54. They had planted trees.


55. I know that they had told him of the meeting.


56. They had started a fight.


57. I had not closed the window.


58. They had not bought the paper.


59. Had she solved the problem?


60. John will receive the papers tomorrow.


61. Somebody will call Mr. Watson tonight


62. Barbara will eat the cake


63.  They will build a new bridge near my house next year


64. They will widen the road to our village


65. They will hold the meeting before May Day


66. Jane will buy a new computer.


67. Millions of people will visit the museum.


68. Our boss will sign the contract.


69.They will not ask him.


70. John is going to call the other members


71. The company is going to develop a new procedure


72. The students are going to plant trees here


73. My mother is going to sell this house


74. They are going to decorate the room next week.


75. She is going to tell a story


76. The teacher is going to give a lesson


77. They are going to buy a new car next month.


78.How can they open this safe?


79.You ought to water these plants once a week


80. They may discuss the problems again

………………………………………………… ............

81. The teacher always welcomes new students.


82. People speak English all over the world.


83. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.


84. The police found two children in the forest.


85. They will send your order as soon as possible.


86. The scientists are studying the problem carefully.


87. Pat Murphy was riding the horse.


88. The police have just arrested the robbers.


89. Sue told us she had born her baby.


90. They can use this room after 5 p.m.


91. They believe that Jim is going to study abroad.


92. People rumored that there was a ghost in that house.


93. Someone said that Jane would be able to win the contest.


94. They claimed that everything they said was true.


95. They reported that there was a serious accident on the main road.


Xem đáp án

1. The mail is delivered every day by Tom.

2. The export division is managed by Mr. John.

3. Our exercises are corrected by the teacher.

4. The president is called every day by somebody

5. Where is English spoken ?

6. The riverbank is covered by weeds

7. Milk is used for making butter and cheese..

8. English is spoken in almost every corner of the world by the people

9. a lot of money are spent on advertising everyday by the people

10. His story is believed by anyone

11. That house was destroyed by fire

12. The lecture was attended by the students

13. We were disappointed by the movie very much.

14. The thief was captured by the police easily.

15. The money was returned by John last night

16. The room was filled with smoke.

17. That book was taken from the desk by Bob.

18. a dancing class was started last week by them.

19. the accident was seen by Mr.Smith

20. our written work was returned to us by the teacher

21. For the time being, that group is being taught by Alice.

22.The other members is being called by John

23.A new procedure is being developed by the company.

24. Who is being kept in the kitchen.

25. What books are people being read this year.

26. The cows are being milked by Nam

27. The car is being washed by my father

28. A cup of tea is being drunk by Sheila

29. The cake is being cut with sharp knife by Mary

30. The mail is being devivered by the mailman

31.The documents were being delivered to the department by Martha.

32.The palace was being designed by a french architect.

33.The report was being written at 8 p.m yesterday by Mr Brown.

34. Who were those windows being painted?

35. All the workers of the plant were being instructed by the chef engineer

36. Dinner was not being eaten by them

37. The gate was being painted by us

38. He was not being driven home by me

39. The dogs were being fed by him

40. Were these lines being read by her?

41.The report has been finished by Beth.

42. My briefcase has been taken.

43.The report has been finished at noon.

44. Five suspects have been arrested by the police.

45. The bill has been paid by Kerrie

46. A hamburger has been eaten by me

47. The present has been opened by me

48. The book has not been read by them

49. The parcel has not been sent by me

50. Has he been phoned by her?

51.The information had been received before the recess by the delegates.

52. His home work had been finished before she came.

53. The passage had been written.

54. Trees had been planted.

55. I know that he had been told of the meeting by them

56. A fight had been started by them

57. The window had not been closed.

58. The paper had not been bought by them.

59. Had the problem been solved by her?

60.The papers will be received tomorrow by John.

61. Mr Watson will be called tonight.

62. The cake will be eaten by Barbara.

63. A new bridge will be built near my house next year.

64. The road will be widened to our village.

65. The meeting will be held before May day by them

66. A new computer will be bought by Jane

67. The museum will be visited by million people

68. The contact will be signed by our boss

69 .He will not be asked by then

70. The other members are going to be called by John.

71. A new procedure is going to be developed by the company.

72. Trees are going to be planted here.

73. This house is going to be sold by my mother.

74. The room is going to be decorated next week (by them)

75. A story is going to be told by her

76. A lesson is going to be given by the teacher

77. A new car is going to be bought by them next month.

78. How can this safe be opened?

79. These plants ought to be watered once a week.

80. The problems may be discussed again.

81. New students are always welcomed by the teacher.

82. English is spoken all over the world.

83. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877.

84. Two children were found in the forest by the police.

85. Your order will be sent as soon as possible.

86. The problem is being studied carefully by the scientists.

87. The horse was being ridden by Pat Murphy.

88. The robbers have just been arrested by the police.

89. We were told that Sue had born her baby.

90. This room can be used after 5 p.m.

91. Is it believed that Jim is going to study abroad.

92. It was rumored that there was a ghost in that house.

93. Is it said that Jane would be able to win the contest.

94. Is was claimed that everything they said was true.

95. It was reported that there was a serious accident on the main road.

Execise 2: Make these sentences active

1. All the dishes were washed by my mother last night


2. The house is cleaned by the maid every Saturday.


3. History books are read by the students in this class


4. A nice dinner was prepared by the cook yesterday


5. The suspects were seen by a group of boys near the bus


Xem đáp án

1. My mother washed all the dishes last night

2. The maid cleans the house every Saturday.

3. The students read history books in this class

4. The book prepared a nice dinner yesterday

5. A group of boys saw the suspects near the bus

Exercise 3: Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice

1. The teacher will punish Tom.

Tom ……………………………………………….. the teacher.

2. They are painting my office today.

My office …………………………………………

3. Daniel bought this camera in Japan.

This camera ………………………………………… in Japan.

4. The children had made many promises.

Many promises ……………………………………..

5. The price includes breakfast and lunch.

Breakfast and lunch ……………………………… in the price.

6. The City Mayor is going to build a new bridge.

A new bridge ……………………………………… by the City Mayor.

Xem đáp án

1. Tom will be punished by the teacher.

2. My office is being painted by them today.

3. This camera was bought in Japan by Daniel.

4. Many promises had been made by the children.

5. Breakfast and lunch are included in the price.

6. A new bridge is going to be built by the City Mayor.

Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1. An island ………………. by water. (cover)

2. A new dormintory ………………. in the university campus now. (build)

3. Thanks goodness! My jewelry ………………. in the robbery last night. (steal/ not)

4. If I didn’t do my job properly, I ………………. (sack)

5. The electric light bulb ………………. by Thomas Edison. (invent)

6. Mickey Mouse cartoons ………………. in sixty languages. (translate)

7. If it is foggy, the sport event ………………. (cancel).

8. The examinees ………………. the result of the examination next week. (tell)

Xem đáp án

1. An island ……is covered…………. by water. (cover)

2. A new dormintory ……is being built…………. in the university campus now. (build)

3. Thanks goodness! My jewelry ……wasn’t stolen…………. in the robbery last night. (steal/ not)

4. If I didn’t do my job properly, I ……would be sacked…………. (sack)

5. The electric light bulb ………was invented………. by Thomas Edison. (invent)

6. Mickey Mouse cartoons ……has been translated…………. in sixty languages. (translate)

7. If it is foggy, the sport event ………will be cancelled………. (cancel).

8. The examinees ………will be told………. the result of the examination next week. (tell)

Exercise 5: Change to the active voice.

1. Progress in science is being made day after day.

→ ______________________________________

2. The palace was designed by a French architect.

→ ______________________________________

3. The road in front of my house has been paved.

→ ______________________________________

4. You can see that the dishes haven’t been washed.

→ ______________________________________

5. Our salaries will not be increased this year.

→ ______________________________________

6. Wasn’t that theatre built two years ago?

→ ______________________________________

7. The problem may be discussed again.

→ ______________________________________

8. My brother has been offered a well-paid job.

→ ______________________________________

Xem đáp án

1. People are making progress in science day after day.

2. A French architect designed the palace.

3. They have paved the road in front of my house.

4. You can see that they haven’t washed the dishes.

5. They will not increase our salaries this year.

6. Didn’t they build that theatre two years ago?

7. They may discuss the problem again.

8. They have offered my brother a well – paid job.

Exercise 6: Turn these sentences into the passive voice

1. When will you do the work?


2. How many days did she spend to finish the work?


3. How do you spend this amount of money?


4. What books are people reading this year?


5. How did the police find the lost man?


6. Who looked after the chidlren for you?


Xem đáp án

1. When will the work be done?

2. How many days was the work spent to finish?

3. How is this amount of money spent?

4. What books are being read by people this year?

5. How was the lost man found by the police?

6. By whom were the children looked after for you?

Exercise 7: Rewrite the sentences as “Active”

1. Many women were killed by Jack the Ripper. ________________________________________________________

2. Some nice musicals were written by Cole Porter. ________________________________________________________

3. We were impressed by your products. ________________________________________________________

4. The windows were broken by the burglars. ________________________________________________________

5. Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates. ________________________________________________________

6. America was discovered by Cristopher Columbus. ________________________________________________________

7. Shoes are cleaned by me every Friday. ________________________________________________________

8. The first plane was flown by the Wright brothers.


Xem đáp án

1. Jack the Ripper killed many women.

2. Cole Porter wrote some nice musicals.

3. Your products impressed us.

4. The burglars broke the windows.

5. Bill Gates found Microsoft.

6. Cristopher Columbus discovered America.

7. I cleaned shoes every Friday.

8. The Wright brothers flow the first plane.

Exercise 8: Reorder these words to have correct sentences

1. believed / people / will / is / on / Mars / future / the / widely / It / that / live / in.


2. that / £200 / was / was/ it / reported / donated / build / to / park / local / the.


3. it / yesterday / that / Jim / would / meeting / to / come / the / Was / expected?


4. is / that / is / a / view / hotel / from / of / spectacular / the / It / claimed / there / mountain / that.


5. in / It / Vietnam / is / that / should / believed / rickshaw / by / travelling / try / tourists.


6. that / that / there / many / cottages / It / many / was / rumored / picturesque / village / in.


Xem đáp án

1. It is widely believed that people will live on Mars in the future.

2. It was reported that £200 was donated to build the local park.

3. Was it expected that Jim would come to the meeting yesterday?

4. It is claimed that there is a spectacular view of the mountain from the hotel.

5. It is believed that tourists should try travelling by rickshaw in Vietnam.

6. It was rumored that there were many picturesque cottages in that village.

Exercise 9: Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. They can’t make tea with cold water.


2. The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plant.


3. Somebody has taken some of my books away.


4. They will hold the meeting before May Day.


5. They have to repair the engine of the car.


6. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures.


7. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday.


8. Mary types letters in the office.


9. His father will help you tomorrow.


10. Peter broke this bottle.


11. They are learning English in the room.


12. No one had told me about it.


13. The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plan.


14. Somebody has taken some of my books away.


15. They have provided the victims with food and clothing.


Xem đáp án

1. Tea can’t be made with cold water.

2. All the workers of the plant were being instructed by the chief.

3. Some of my books have been taken away.

4. The meeting will be held before May Day.

5. The engine of the car has to be repaired.

6. The window was broken and some pictures were taken away by the boy.

7. A lot of money is spent on advertising everyday.

8. Letters are typed in the office by Mary.

9. You will be helped by his father tomorrow.

10. This bottle was broken by Peter.

11. English is being learnt in the room.

12. I had not been told about it.

13. All the workers of the plan were been instructed by the chief engineer.

14. Some of my books have been taken away.

15. The victims have been provided with food and clothing.

Exercise 9: Choose the correct answer

1. We can’t go along here because the road ____________.

A. is repairing B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. repairs

2. The story I’ve just read ____________Agatha Christie.

A. was written B. was written by C. was written from D. wrote by

3. I’m going to go out and ____________.

A. have cut my hair B. have my hair cut C. cut my hair D. my hair be cut

4. Something funny ____________ in class yesterday.

A. happened B. was happened C. happens D. is happened

5. Some film stars ____________ difficult to work with.

A. are said be B. are said to be C. say to be D. said to be

6. Today, many serious childhood diseases ____________ by early immunization.

A. are preventing B. can prevent C. can be prevented D. prevent

7. Do you get your heating ____________ every year?

A. checking B. check C. be checked D. checked

8. All bottles ____________ before transportation.

A. frozen B. was frozen C. were frozen D. are froze

Xem đáp án

1. C

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. C

7. D

8. C

Exercise 10: Chuyển các câu sau thành câu bị động chỉ sự nhờ vả

1. They have her tell the story again.


2. John gets his sister to clean his shirt.


3. Anne had had a friend type her composition.


4. Rick will have a barber cut his hair.


5. I will get the dressmaker to make a new dress.


Xem đáp án

1. They have the story told again by her.

2. John gest his shirt cleaned by his sister.

3. Anne had had her composition typed by a friend.

4. Rick will have his hair cut by a barber.

5. I will get a new dress made by the dressmaker.

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  • Nguyễn Thiên Kim
    Nguyễn Thiên Kim

    Phần exercise 3 sai my office là số ít nên is being painted 

    Bought v3 là bought ko phải là biught nc trước by thời gian sau by nên in Japan đứng trước by

    Thích Phản hồi 22:36 01/12
    • Bông cải nhỏ
      Bông cải nhỏ

      Cảm ơn bạn đã báo lỗi giúp VnDoc. Ad sẽ kiểm tra lại và sửa nha :D

      Thích Phản hồi 08:16 02/12
  • Cachepsolo

    Cảm ơn vì những bài tập bổ ích này, nhưng vẫn còn một số thắc mắc nhỏ ở mỗi đáp án, mong Ad thêm lời giải thích sau mỗi đáp án ạ, xin cảm ơn 

    Thích Phản hồi 12:55 06/08

    Gợi ý cho bạn

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    Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9

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