Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

Write about 120-150 words to complete the leaflet in 2

Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success Unit 5 Writing

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu Giải tiếng Anh 11 Kết nối tri thức theo từng Unit, Write about 120-150 words to complete the leaflet in 2 do tự biên soạn và đăng tải dưới đây tổng hợp các bài văn mẫu tham khảo, là tài liệu luyện tập hữu ích giúp học sinh lớp 11 học tập hơn.

Write about 120-150 words to complete the leaflet in 2

Bản quyền thuộc về VnDoc nghiêm cấm mọi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại

Topic: You are organising your school’s Green Fair. Write about 120-150 words to complete the leaflet in 2. Use the suggested ideas in 1, and the tips above to help you.

(Bạn đang tổ chức Hội chợ Xanh của trường bạn. Viết khoảng 120-150 từ để hoàn thành tờ rơi trong phần 2)

Write about 120-150 words to complete the leaflet in 2

I. Từ vựng về môi trường bằng tiếng Anh

- buring waste (n): đốt rác thải

- have an effect on N/ Ving: Có ảnh hưởng tới …

- tobe bad for N/ Ving: có hại cho ….

- solid fuel (n): nhiên liệu rắn

- health problem (n): vấn đề liên quan đến sức khỏe

- run out (phr.v): cạn kiệt

- awareness (n): sự nhận thức

- sustainability (n): tính bền vững

Bài viết số 1

Welcome to our school's Green Fair!

We are excited to invite you to this year's Green Fair, where we aim to promote environmental awareness and sustainability. Our goal is to inspire students, teachers, and community members to adopt eco-friendly practices that reduce their carbon footprint and protect our planet.

At the fair, you can expect to find a variety of fun and engaging activities, such as:

Educational workshops and presentations on topics like climate change, recycling, and sustainable living.

  • A plant sale, where you can purchase a variety of plants and learn about their environmental benefits.
  • A clothing swap, where you can exchange gently used clothing with others, reducing waste and promoting a circular economy.
  • A food court featuring local and organic food options, as well as a cooking demonstration on how to prepare healthy and sustainable meals.
  • A recycling drive, where you can bring in your old electronics, batteries, and other materials to be recycled responsibly.

We hope that this fair will not only be a fun and informative event, but also a catalyst for change. By implementing the eco-friendly practices and habits you learn here, you can make a positive impact on our planet and future generations.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Bài viết số 2

How dangerous is using solid fuels at home?

When coal and wood are used for cooking or heating, they release black carbon and other harmful pollutants. These tiny particles can enter our bodies and in the long term, cause serious health problems. Caused by these solid fuels, household air pollution is responsible for millions of deaths each year.

Use soot-free fuels!

Renewable energy is the future!

There are several reasons why it's the best alternative to fossil fuels. Firstly, fossil fuels will be used up in this century, while renewable energy will never run out because it comes from natural sources. Secondly, renewable energy is reliable and efficient. Finally, renewable energy is clean, so it doesn’t produce harmful emissions or contribute to climate change.

Power the planet with renewable energy!

Bài viết số 3

Renewable energy is the future!

Renewable energy is clean and free of black carbon and greenhouse gases, so it does not pollute the environment. Renewable energy can replace fossil fuels because it is convenient and reliable. Fossil fuels will be used up in this century while renewable energy will never run out because it comes from the Earth’s natural sources.

Power the planet with renewable energy!

Trên đây là Write about 120-150 words to complete the leaflet in 2 đầy đủ nhất.

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