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Bài tập thực hành DO và MAKE

Bài tập thực hành DO và MAKE

Phân biệt động từ DO và MAKE

Bài tập phân biệt động từ DO và MAKE

I. Điền DO hoặc MAKE vào chỗ trống phù hợp:

1. The house was a disaster. They _____ a terrible mess.

2. We normally ______ the shopping on Saturday mornings.

3. Be very careful that you _______ the right decision.

4. Before you go out, you have to ______ your homework, OK?

5. Who's going to _______ the dinner? You or me?

6. Have you ____ all the arrangements yet?

7. I always ______ my bed before breakfast.

8. Would you _______ me a favour and feed the cat while I'm away.

9. Bob: Richie and I have had a fight.

Julio: Not again! You should _______ amends once and for all.

10. Listen. I made lunch so you can _____ the washing up. It's only fair.

11. This cake is delicious. Did you really ________ it?

12. They're _________ plans for their wedding.

13. Vicent: English football fans came to Valencia last week-end.

Maria: Did they ______ any damage?

14. What he did was terrible. He didn't even _______ an apology.

15. He's _________ an appointment to see the dentist on Thursday.

II. Điền dạng đúng của động từ DO hoặc MAKE vào chỗ trống thích hợp:

1. The house was a disaster. They ________________ a terrible mess.

2. Have you ________________ all the arrangements yet?

3. Vincent: English football fans came to Valencia last weekend.

Maria: Did they ________________ any damage?

4. Listen. I made lunch so you can ________________ the washing up. It's only fair.

5. What he did was terrible. He didn't even ________________ an apology.

6. They're ________________ plans for their wedding.

7. Bob: Richie and I have had a fight.

Julio: Not again! You should ________________ amends once and for all.

8. Who's going to ________________ dinner? You or me?

9. Be careful that you ________________ the right decision.

10. He's ________________ an appointment to see the dentist on Thursday.

11. Would you ________________ me a favour and feed the cat while I'm away.

12. We normally ________________ the shopping on Saturday mornings.

13. Before you go out, you have to ________________ your homework, OK?

14. This cake is delicious. Did you really ________________ it?

15. I always ________________ my bed before breakfast.

16. Everyone ________________ a big effort to help yesterday.

17. The doctor told me I have to ________________ exercise regularly.

18. She ________________ crossword puzzles on the train everyday.

19. Stop ________________ a fuss. I'm perfectly alright.

20. I ________________ a really terrible mistake in my driving test.

III. Điền động từ DO hoặc MAKE phù hợp vào mỗi cụm từ sau:

1. to.........................someome a favour

2. to.........................a bargain

3. examination

4. to.........................a complaint

5. to.........................progress

6. to.........................the washing up


8. to.........................a reservation

9. to.........................harm to someone

10. to.........................a decision

11. to.........................a journey

12. to.........................the shopping

13. to.........................the beds

14. of someone

15. exercise

16.'s best

17. to.........................a speech

18. to.........................good job

19. to.........................a mistake

20. to.........................the homework

IV. Điền DO hoặc MAKE vào ô trống phù hợp:

1. I'm an engineer. What do you ______ ?

2. I'll be late back. I'm going to ______ the shopping.

3. I just cannot find the time to ______ the accounts. I'm way behind with my work.

4. I'd like you to ______ more of an effort.

5. I'm going to night school. I really want to ______ something of myself.

6. Do you like this skirt? I ______ it myself.

7. I didn't win the competition but I ______ my best.

8. I'm ______ enquiries about flights to Miami.

9. I know you want to help but you are ______ more harm than good.

10. Could you ______ me a favour?

11. I was really frightened. He was ______ more than 200 kpm. That's about 125 mph!

12. I don't promise anything but I'll ______ my best.

13. Is there anywhere I could ______ a phone call?

14. Don't tell them about it. It's not worth ______ a fuss.

15. I don't see how we can ______ a profit in this market.

16. I've ______ all the necessary arrangements.

17. Someone has to ______ a decision.

18. What shall we ______ now?

19. I don't usually go to parties but in this case I will ______ an exception.

20. Could you ______ me a favour?


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