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Đề kiểm tra 15 phút Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 2 A multicultural world

Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh 12 unit 2 Global success có đáp án

Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 12 Global success unit 2 A multicultural world có đáp án được biên soạn bám sát nội dung SGK tiếng Anh 12 Global success giúp các em ôn tập kiến thức hiệu quả.

I. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. 

1. Many people around the world ____ the courage and determination of those who move to a new country to start a new life.

A. admire

B. anxiety

C. celebrate

D. confusion

2. The ____ of the country’s ____ is often seen in the wide range of ____ activities available to its citizens.

A. diversity; lifestyle

B. globalisation; culture shock

C. popularity; extracurricular

D. festivity; traditional

3. The ____ of the ancient civilization is still present in the ____ and customs that have been preserved over centuries.

A. identity; culture

B. diversity; trends

C. globalisation; cuisine

D. popularity; festivity

4.  One of the effects of globalization is that people can quickly _______ new music
from different cultures.

A. customize

B. discover

C. celebrate

D. captivate

5. Thanks to globalization, there are now no _______ for music, allowing artists from
different cultures to collaborate.

A. borders

B. experiences

C. guidelines

D. instructions

6. The process of _______ has made it easier for people to share and enjoy different
cultural traditions around the world.

A. isolation

B. globalization

C. migration

D. celebration

7. _______ refers to feelings of confusion or anxiety that people may have when
experiencing a new and different culture.

A. Cultural diversity

B. Culture shock

C. Cultural exchange

D. Cultural celebration

8. A popular Vietnamese_______ is Bun Cha, which includes grilled pork and noodles.

A. speciality

B. meal

C. dessert

D. beverage

9. Vietnamese dishes like Pho and Banh Mi have started to _______ popularity worldwide due to their unique flavors.

A. lose appeal

B. gain

C. decrease

D. remain

10. Globalization can sometimes cause smaller cultures to lose their ______of identity
as they blend into dominant ones.

A. sense

B. strength

C. popularity

D. distinction

II. Read the following text and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct option that best fits each other numbered blanks below.

Cultural exchange programs have many benefits for individuals, communities, and the world. These programs aim (1. _________________ for participants.

Working in a new cultural environment helps develop various soft skills like adaptability, organization, problem-solving, and self-confidence. (2. _________ a valuable learning opportunity that participants can use long after the program ends. Therefore, cultural exchange is an excellent way for young people to grow professionally and improve their career prospects. Future employers often view international experience positively, giving individuals (3. _________________.

Engaging with people from different cultures provides an eye-opening experience as it exposes individuals to different norms and values. This experience can significantly shape personal and professional growth. (4. ____________ helps develop a broader view, known as intercultural competence. Intercultural competence not only fosters empathy and understanding but also uncovers aspects of one's own culture that were previously unknown.

Cultural exchange programs offer a unique way to travel, distinct from typical tourist experiences. These programs provide a deeper understanding of other countries and cultures, allowing participants to live like locals. Experiencing community-based travel, with its hidden gems, undiscovered streets, and delicious homemade meals, (5. _________ how they engage with different cultures, leading them to vow never to travel like tourists again.

1. A. providing learning opportunities

B. to provide learning opportunities

C. learning to provide opportunities

D. to learn providing opportunities

2. A. Those experiences are

B. That experience is

C. This experience is

D. These experiences are

3. A. an advantage in today's competitive job market

B. the today advantage of competitive job market

C. a competitive advantage toward today’s job market

D. the today’s job market with competitive advantage

4. A. Involve oneself in another culture

B. To be involving oneself in another culture

C. Involving oneself in another culture

D. Be involved oneself in another culture

5. A. encourages individuals reconsider

B. encouraging individuals to reconsider

C. to encourage individuals to reconsider

D. encourages individuals to reconsider


I. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - A; 4 - B; 5 - A; 6 - B; 7 - B; 8 - A; 9 - D; 10 - A;

II. Read the following text and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct option that best fits each other numbered blanks below.

1 - B; 2 - C; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - D;

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