Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

100 cụm động từ (PHRASAL VERBS) dùng làm Câu mệnh lệnh

100 cụm động từ dùng làm Câu mệnh lệnh

Trong tiếng Anh có rất nhiều những cụm động từ (cụm động từ gồm một động từ đi kèm với trạng từ hoặc giới từ, nó tạo ra nghĩa khác so với nghĩa gốc của động từ đó) có thể sử dụng như một câu hoặc một mệnh lệnh. Sau đây mời các bạn tham khảo 100 cụm động từ dùng làm Câu mệnh lệnh.

Những cụm động từ thường gặp trong tiếng Anh

Một số cụm động từ tiếng Anh miêu tả sự di chuyển

Câu mệnh lệnh trong Tiếng Anh

Nếu bạn nào hay xem phim Anh ngữ, chắc hẳn sẽ nhiều lần nghe thấy những câu mệnh lệnh như: Back off!, Come down!, Calm down!... rất nhiều, nhưng các bạn có thực sự hiểu nghĩa của những mệnh lệnh đó?

Dưới đây là 100 câu mệnh lệnh bằng tiếng Anh thông dụng nhất mà sưu tầm được, mời bạn tham khảo để áp dụng vào đời sống hàng ngày.

STTCụm Động TừGiải thích nghĩa
1Back away!move backwards, away from something frightening or dangerous
2Back off!(slang – rude) stop bothering or threatening someone
3Back up!move backwards; step backwards; drive backwards
4Bear down!push or press down hard
5Bend down!lean over and forward; lean down
6Bend over!lean forward from the waist
7Breathe in!take a breath in; take air into the lungs
8Breathe out!take a breath out; push air out of the lungs
9Brighten up!be cheerful; be happier
10Buckle down!start working, studying, or doing something else seriously
11Buddy up!find a partner
12Bugger off!(slang – rude) Go away!
13Butt out!(slang ­– rude) don’t interfere
14Buzz off!(slang – rude) Go away!
15Calm down!relax, don’t be angry, don’t be upset, don’t be worried
16Carry on!keep doing what you were doing
17Cheer up!be happier; don’t be sad
18Chill out!relax; don’t be upset or angry
19Clean up!clean yourself or your surroundings
20Close down!close a shop or business so it is not operating
21Come back!return to where you were
22Come down!move down off something high
come south
23Come on!(encouraging someone) do what I am telling you to do
(not believing someone) I don’t believe you
(rushing someone) move faster
24Come in!enter a closed space
25Come out!leave a closed space
26Come over!come to my house; come to where I am
27Come up!move to a higher place
28Cool down!Relax; don’t be upset or angry
29Cover up!put on more clothes
30Double up!form pairs because space or resources are limited
31Dream on!(slang) I don’t think what you have just said will happen
32Drink up!finish your drink
33Eat up!finish your food
34Fess up!(slang) confess / admit what you did; tell the truth about what you did
35Finish up!finish what you have been doing
36Fuck off!(slang – very, very rude) Go away!
37Gather around!make a group and come together in one place
38Gear up!get ready to do something
39Get away!move away; run away; escape
40Get down!come down from a high place
41Get in!go inside something, like a car or bus
42Get off!go out of something, like a bus or train
43Get on!climb on board something moving or about to start moving, like a train
44Get out!(slang ­– rude) Leave this place! (used when angry at someone)
45Get up!become awake; don’t sleep
46Give up!stop doing what you’re doing
give yourself to the police or authorities
47Go around!move to where you need to go by passing some obstacle instead of going straight
48Go away!leave the place where you are
49Go back!return to where you were
50Go on!continue what you were saying
51Grow up!behave in a mature way; don’t act like a child
52Hang on!wait
hold tight
53Hang up!end the phone call
54Hold on!waithold this tight or you might fall
55Hurry up!do whatever you are doing quickly, whether it’s physical or mental
56Keep away!stay away; do not go near
57Keep out!stay outside; do not enter
58Lace up!tie your shoelaces; put on your shoes
59Lay off!(slang – rude) stop doing something that bothers someone
60Lie down!put your body in a horizontal position; relax on a bed or sofa
61Lighten up!cheer up; don’t be so serious or worried
62Line up!make or form a line
63Listen up!listen carefully
64Loosen up!(slang) relax; don’t be so stressed
65Move along!keep moving; don’t stop in this spot
66Move back!move to a place in the back
67Move forward!move to a place in the front
68Move on!continue your life; go on with your life
69Open up!Open the door!
70Perk up!cheer up; don’t be sad
71Press on!keep doing what you need to do; don’t give up
72Pull back!move backward
73Quieten down!stop being noisy
74Queue up!Make or form a line
75Saddle up!Get ready to ride a horse by putting the saddle on the horse
76Scoot over!(slang) move to make space for someone else
77Stand up!stand
78Shut up!(slang – rude) be quiet; stop talking
79Sit down!sit; be seated
80Sit up!sit straight in your chair, bed, etc.
81Smarten up!become more intelligent and aware of what’s happening around you
82Speak up!talk louder
83Speed up!move faster
84Stand up!stand
85Stay away!don’t go near
86Straighten up!stand straight; do not bend
87Stretch out!lie down comfortably
88Sum up!summarize
89Take off!leave fast
90Tidy up!clean the place; put things in the right places
91Turn back!go backwards
92Turn over!move your body so that the other side faces up
93Wait up!wait for me to catch up with you
94Wake up!don’t sleep anymore; become awake
95Walk away!leave a difficult situation
96Walk out!leave a situation because you do not approve of something
leave someone (leave a relationship)
97Watch out!be very careful
98Work away!continue working
99Write back!reply to a letter or email
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