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Viết một bài báo (150-180 từ) về ưu và nhược điểm của việc tự học bằng Tiếng Anh

Viết bài báo về ưu nhược điểm bằng tiếng Anh

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu Giải tiếng Anh 11 Kết nối tri thức theo từng Unit, Write an article (150-180 words) about the pros and cons of self-study do tự biên soạn và đăng tải dưới đây tổng hợp các bài văn mẫu tham khảo, là tài liệu luyện tập hữu ích giúp học sinh lớp 11 học tập hơn.

Topic: Write an article (150-180 words) about the pros and cons of self-study. Use the ideas in 1 and the outline with useful expressions below to help you.

(Viết một bài báo (150-180 từ) về ưu và nhược điểm của việc tự học. Sử dụng các ý tưởng trong phần 1 và dàn ý với các cách diễn đạt hữu ích bên dưới để giúp bạn.)

Bài viết số 1

Independent learning often involves self-study – learning at home without a teacher. Let’s look at its pros and cons.

First, self-study gives learners more freedom. They decide what they should study and how to study depending on their abilities. Secondly, it can make learners responsible. They set their learning goals and make study plans to achieve them. Finally, it makes them more confident. Completing tasks and solving problems on their own boost learners’ confidence.

On the other hand, learners may need more time to learn things. They study at their own pace, with no one to push them or help them. Moreover, they may not develop certain life skills. For example, as they always study alone, they may have difficulty communicating or developing relationships. Finally, they may not learn practical skills. Focusing too much on theoretical knowledge, they may fail to apply their academic skills in real life.

In conclusion, learners should understand both the advantages and disadvantages to choose the right option. However, as education is changing all the time, they may have to get used to the challenges of independent learning.

Bài viết số 2

There has been heated ongoing debate over self-study. Some are of the opinion that studying alone brings more benefits to learners, whereas others share the opposite standpoint. In my opinion, self-study bears both advantages and disadvantages.

On the bright side, it is also believed that self-study helps to firm the learners’ determination seeing that it asks the learners to determine what suitable reference materials are or how they should arrange their own timetable. In addition, self-study is also considered as the best way to achieve certain knowledge by themselves before they discuss any topics in a group or give a presentation in front of the crowds.

On the dark side, independent study also brings some disadvantages to the learners. First of all, it is undeniable that the shortage of ideas is a thorny problem confronting most self-learners. To illustrate, when discussing an issue with other people, every member can come up with a variety of ideas or solutions. Dissimilarly, self-learners often get into trouble dealing with a hard problem due to the lack of ideas. Next, the lack of competition in self-study often results in inadequate motivation. Consequently, people who are used to studying alone are more likely to give up when confronting a hard task. To put it another way, self-study proves certain weaknesses as well.

In conclusion, self-study embraces both benefits and drawbacks; therefore, learners themselves must be well aware of their own situation so as to reap the best benefits.

Trên đây là Viết một bài báo (150-180 từ) về ưu và nhược điểm của việc tự học bằng Tiếng Anh đầy đủ nhất.

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