Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

Bài tập câu chủ động và bị động trong tiếng Anh (3)

VnDoc. Ti tài liu, văn bản pháp lut, biu mu min phí
Câu ch động, bị động
Bài 1. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given.
My watch was broken.
A. He broke my watch.
B. My watch were broken.
C. My watch be broken.
D. My watch is broken.
Bài 2. The teacher explained the rule to the student.
A. The rule was explained to the student.
B. The students were explained the rule.
C. The students were explained the rules.
D. A and B are correct
Bài 3. He often asks me to help him.
A. He is often asked to help them.
B. They are often asked to help me.
C. I am often asked to help him.
D. I am often asked him to help me.
Bài 4. His friends never forgave his betrayal.
A. His betrayal were never forgiven by his friends.
B. His betrayal was never forgiven by his friends.
C. His betrayal was never forgave by his friends .
D. His betrayal never forgave by his friends.
Bài 5. I am sure we’ll settle the matter easily.
A. I’m sure the matter will settle easily.
B. I’m sure the matter will be settled easily.
C. I’m sure the matter will settled easily.
D. I’m sure the matter won’t be settled easily.
Bài 6. We sent for the police.
A. The police was sent for
B. The police were sent for.
C. The police was sent
D. The police was sent for us
Bài 7. They speak much about this book.
A. This book is much spoken about.
B. This book is much spoken.
C. This book is much about spoken.
D. This book are much spoken about.
Bài 8. Have they tested all the machines?
A. Have all the machines be tested?
B. Have all the machines been testing?
C. Have all the machines been tested?
D. Have all the machines been being testing?
Bài 9. Does he realize that they are laughing at him?
VnDoc. Ti tài liu, văn bản pháp lut, biu mu min phí
A. Is he realized that he is laughing at?
B. Is he realized that he is being laughed at?
C. Does he realize that he is laughing at?
D. Does he realize that he is being laughed at?
Bài 10. The manager offers me several jobs.
A. I was offers several jobs.
B. I am offered several jobs.
C. Several jobs are offered to me.
D. B and C are correct.
Bài 11. “Did Shakespeare write this play?”
A. Did this play be written by Shakespeare?
B. Was this play written by Shakespeare?
C. This play was written by Shakespeare.
D. Did this play Shakespeare write?
Bài 12. Esther gave Sue a nice present.
A. Esther was given a nice present by Sue.
B. Sue was given a nice present by Esther.
C. A nice present was given to Esther by Sue.
D. A nice present was given to Sue from Esther.
Bài 13. A small red car hit the dog.
A. The dog was hit by a small red car.
B. The dog is hit by a small red car.
C. A dog was hitted by the small red car.
D. The dog has hit by a small red car.
Bài 14. A thief stole Bob's painting.
A. Bob's painting has stole by a thief.
B. Bob's painting was stolen by a thief.
C. Bob's painting was stole by a thief.
D. Bob's painting was stealed by a thief.
Bài 15. The news surprised us all.
A. We all surprising by the news.
B. We all surprised by the news.
C. We all are surprised from the news.
D. We all were surprised by the news.
Bài 16. Where did they find the book?
A. Where is the book found?
B. Where has been found the book?
C. Where was the book found?
D. Where was found the book?
Bài 17. He cut the bread with a big knife.
A. The bread was cutted with a big knife.
B. The bread is cut with a big knife.
C. The bread was cut with a big knife.
VnDoc. Ti tài liu, văn bản pháp lut, biu mu min phí
D. The bread has cut with a big knife by him.
Bài 18. Joan spread the newspaper out on the floor.
A. The newspaper was spreaded out on the floor by Joan.
B. The newspaper has spreaded out on the floor.
C. The newspaper is spreaded out on the floor.
D. The newspaper was spread out on the floor by Joan
Bài 19. Where did he put the suitcase?
A. Where did the suitcase put by him?
B. Where was the suitcase put?
C. Where has the suitcase been put by him?
D. Where was the suitcase putted?
Bài 20. Their father's stories amused them.
A. They were amused by their father's stories.
B. They were amusing by their father's stories.
C. They amused by their father's stories.
D. They had amusing by their father's stories.
Bài 21. Ben drove me to the airport.
A. I was drove to the airport by Ben.
B. I was driven to the airport by Ben.
C. I was drived to the airport by Ben.
D. I been drive to the airport by Ben.
Bài 22. People said that he is a good doctor.
A. He was said to be a good doctor.
B. It was said that he is a good doctor.
C. It is said that he is a good doctor.
D. A & B are correct
Bài 23. People thought he stole my car.
A. He was thought to have stolen my car.
B. It was thought that he stole my car.
C. It was thought that he has stolen my car.
D. A & B are correct
Bài 24. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences
Everything that _____ remained a secret.
A. had be overheard
B. had been overheard
C. had been overheared
D. would had been overheard
Bài 25. I _____.
A. have not given the money
B. have not been given the money
C. have not been give the money
D. have not be given the money
Bài 26. It _____ for years.

Bài tập về câu Bị động trong tiếng Anh xin giới thiệu đến các Bài tập câu chủ động và bị động trong tiếng Anh (3) được sưu tầm và đăng tải sẽ là nguồn tài liệu hữu ích giúp các bạn ôn tập nhuần nhuyễn hơn phần lý thuyết các bạn đã tìm hiểu và ghi nhớ. Sau đây mời các bạn vào tham khảo.

Trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, Thì là sợi chỉ đỏ xuyên suốt môn học này. Bên cạnh đó việc ôn luyện lý thuyết và bài tập theo mảng cụ thể, ví dụ như câu điều kiện, word form, trọng âm, trắc nghiệm ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, trắc nghiệm...cũng rất hữu ích giúp các bạn nâng cao hiệu quả môn học.

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