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Bài tập ở nhà tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới trong thời gian nghỉ dịch Corona (từ 02/03 - 08/03)

Bài tập tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 9 có đáp án

Đề ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 trong thời gian nghỉ phòng chống dịch bệnh COVID-19 có đáp án dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề Bài tập tiếng Anh 9 mới năm 2019 - 2020 do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh 9 được biên tập bám sát nội dung SGK tiếng Anh 9 mới giữa kì 2 giúp các em học sinh lớp 9 ôn tập kiến thức Từ vựng - Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh trọng tâm hiệu quả.

Lưu ý: Nếu không tìm thấy nút Tải về bài viết này, bạn vui lòng kéo xuống cuối bài viết để tải về.

I. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. Computers offer a much greater degree of __________ in the way work can be organised.

A. flexible

B. flexibility

C. flexibly

D. inflexible

2. She spoke English with a(n) _________ that I couldn't understand.

A. accent

B. stress

C. intonation

D. tone

3. Louis is virtually bilingual_________ Dutch and German.

A. on

B. in

C. for

D. with

4. She _______ up some Spanish when she was living in Mexico.

A. took

B. looked

C. picked

D. learnt

5. Teachers provide a model for children to _________.

A. allow

B. behave

C. change

D. imitate

6. Peter can just about get ____________ in German.

A. up

B. down

C. out

D. by

7. Sound symbolism means that we often _________ the meaning of a word from its sound.

A. guess

B. judge

C. imagine

D. expect

8. I can have a conversation in Italian, but I'm a _______ rusty.

A. bit

B. lot

C. very

D. too

9. Is English a(n) ______ language in your country?

A. mother

B. official

C. living

D. old

10. He spoke a ________ of French that we found hard to understand.

A. slang

B. jargon


D. language

II. Read the two paragraphs below and fill each blank with a suitable word from the boxes.

global; second; tongue; expansion; status;

English is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is the people living in Britain, Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, first language, or mother (11) _________ of around 400 million Canada, and South Africa, and it is spoken as a (12) ____________ language by millions more. English is learned by many more people worldwide as a foreign language. English has become a(n) (13) _________ language, or international language, used by people who speak different native languages to communicate with each other. English has achieved the (14) _______ of a world language over a long period of time, and for various historical and cultural reasons. In the 17th century English was spread by settlers going from Britain to America, and in the 18th and 19th centuries by the (15) _______ of the British Empire.

III. Choose correct statement (A-E) to complete the following conversation.

A. What does that word mean?

B. Did I pronounce that correctly?

C. Sure, what do you want to know?

D. If you talk to your American friends every day, you'll improve quickly.

E. Do you understand?

Mary: Duong, do you like studying English?

Duong: I do like studying English, and I can read it well, but speaking can be difficult.

Mary: It's not that hard. (16) ____________

Duong: I have my book from class here. Can I ask you a question?

Mary: (17) ____________

Duong : How do you pronounce this word?

Mary: It's pronounced microwave.

Duong: Sorry, I don't understand. (18) ____________

Mary: A microwave is a type of oven that cooks or the food very quickly using electromagnetic wave rather than heat. (19) ____________

Duong: Yes, I think so. Can you say it again?

Mary: Microwave.

Duong: Microwave. (20) ______________

Mary: Yes, that's right. That's very good.

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Today English is considered a global language or lingua franca. It is said that if you do not know and cannot use it well, you may meet lots of difficulties in the modern world. More and more people are learning English for several reasons.

Firstly, they want to improve their knowledge. It is obvious that most of the important sources of information are now in English. We can easily find websites, journals, newspapers, and encyclopedias in English everywhere. If we know English well, we can attend quite a lot of online courses or go abroad to study. Many universities in different countries offer courses in English even though it is not the native language.

Secondly, it is easier to get a well-paid job if you can use English. Most multinational companies require a certain degree of English proficiency from potential employees. Therefore, in order to get a position with a top company, more and more people are learning English. Even local companies now require their staff to know English. The reason for that is they may have business relationships with companies in other countries which use English as their working language. These two reasons are the most common ones explaining why people like to, and need to, study English.

21. What is the status of English in the world today?


22. People cannot use English well, what may happen?


23. How can we improve our knowledge if we know English?


24. Do many universities in the countries where English is not their native language provide courses the language?


25. Why are employees learning English?


V. Read the paragraph and choose the most suitable answer A, B, C or D for each of the gaps.

I started (26) _______ English when I was 14 years old after five years of studying Russian. In the (27)_______ I encountered some difficulties learning the language, but I tried my (28) ____ to overcome them. Firstly, my English pronunciation was (29) ______by the way I spoke Russian. To solve this problem, I practised by listening to tapes in English every day. I played the tape, stopped after each sentence, and (30) ______ the sentence several times. At school, I joined an English speaking club (31) ____________ was organised by a teacher from Britain. She understood my difficulty and helped me very much in improving my pronunciation.

Secondly, I found it really hard to learn English vocabulary. In Russian, the way you write the word is the way you pronounce it. However, English spelling is often (32) ____ from its pronunciation. To get over this difficulty I started using the dictionary. Whenever I learnt a new word, I looked it (33)__________ carefully in the dictionary. Then I tried to remember the way to read and write the word. After that, I wrote the word down several (34)________ in a notebook. Gradually, I got (35)________ to the spelling system of the language. Now I'm confident that my English has become much better.

26. A. gettingB. learningC. writingD. reading
27. A. startB. beginningC. endD. begin
28. A. mostB. selfC. bestD. hard
29. A. effectedB. givenC. affectedD. rejected
30. A. saidB. toldC. spokeD. repeated
31. A. whichB. itC. andD. but
32. A. differentB. the sameC. farD. prefer
33. A. downB. onC. outD. up
34. A. waysB. timesC. minutesD. lines
35. A. usedB. rememberedC. wellD. attracted

VI. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the given word. This word must not be altered in any way.

36. She learned a few words of German last month. (UP)


37. Duong's sister can speak Italian very well. (IN)


38. She can speak both Vietnamese and English perfectly. (BILINGUAL)


39. She can speak basic German. (GET)


40. Nam hasn't practised his English for ages. (RUSTY)



1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - B; 4 - C; 5 - D;

6 - D; 7 - A; 8 - A; 9 - B; 10 - C;

11 - tongue; 12 - second; 13 - global; 14 - status; 15 - expansion;

16 - D; 17 - C; 18 - A; 19 - E; 20 - B;

21 - It is considered a global language or lingua franca.

22 - They may meet lots of difficulties in the modern world.

23 - We can get information from different sources in English and attend courses in English.

24 - Yes, they do.

25 - Because they want to get a position with a top company, or their companies require them to
do so.

26 - B; 27 - B; 28 - C; 29 - C; 30 - D;

31 - A; 32 - A; 33 - D; 34 - B; 35 - A;

36 - She picked up a few words of German last month.

37 - Duong's sister is fluent in Italian.

38 - She is bilingual in Vietnamese and English.

39 - She can (just about) get by in German.

40 - Nam's English is a bit rusty

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Trên đây là Bài ôn tập ở nhà môn Anh 9 trong thời gian nghỉ Corona. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập môn Anh 9 cả năm khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 9, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 theo từng Unit trực tuyến, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 9, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 9, Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 9,... được cập nhật liên tục trên

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