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Bài tập ôn tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 4,5,6,7

Bài ôn tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 4,5,6,7

Nhằm hỗ trợ các bạn hệ thống lại kiến thức ngữ pháp, đặc biệt là bài tập về câu tường thuật, trực tiếp và gián tiếp trong tiếng Anh để chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho kì thi học kì 1 sắp diễn ra. xin giới thiệu đến các ban Bài tập ôn tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 4,5,6,7 được sưu tầm và biên soạn dưới đây. Mời các bạn vào tham khảo.


1. He said, “Don’t sit here, please”


2. “Can you open the door, please”, he asked


3. “You should do exercise in the morning”, the doctor said


4. The teacher said to us, “Don’t look at your friends’ paper test”


5. My mother said, “you should wear warm clothes when going out”


6. “You look tired, you should go to see the doctor”, Lan said


7. “Come in, please”, the sale man said


8. My grandfather told me, “Can you send me this letter?”


9. “Don’t touch in anything here”, the old man said


10. “Buy me some stamps, Hoa”, Lan said


11. “Don’t make too much noise, children”, he said


12. "Switch off the radio” , he said to her


13. “Shut the door, Tom”, she said


14. “Please pay at the desk”, said the assistant to us


15. “Lend him your dictionary for a moment, Lan”, I said


16. “Open your bag please”, he said


17. “Don’t touch this switch, Tom”, I said


18. “Fill up this form and send it by post”, the secretary said to me


19. “Give us some coffee”, they asked me


20. He said to me, “Don’t give me any sugar”


21. I said to a policeman, “show me where the post office is”


22. We said to the worker, “Don’t leave the paint here”


23. The woman told the boy, “Don’t damage the flowers”


24. “Don’t look at me like that!”, my sister said to me


25. My brother said to me, “wait for me outside”


26. He asked us, “Sit down!”


27. “Don’t be lazy”, our teacher said to us


28. Her mother said to her, “don’t buy expensive tickets for the concert”


29. She said, “Don’t forget the explanation to the lessons”


30. She said, “Stay here”


31. He asked, “Try to come on time”


32. He said to us, “send him some money at once”


33. Lan said to him, “Don’t call me again at this late hour”


34. His sister said to him, “ Don’t do anything dangerous”


35. “You should work harder for your exam”, his mother said to him


36. “Be quiet”, he said


37. She asked, “Don’t try to do this again”


38. “Turn off the television, please”, said his father to her daughter


39. “Can you help me? ”, he said to me


40. “can you explain the answer to me again, Lan”, Mai said


41. “please tell your son to write the lessons carefully, Mrs. Brown”, Mr. Gate said


42. “Don’t use the telephone after seven o’clock”, the landlady said to us


43. “Don’t spend much money on your holiday”, his father said to his son


44. “you shouldn’t listen to this kind of music, Tim”, said his mother


45. The teacher said to Tim, “Come to my office, please”


46. Their mother said to them, “don’t make so much noise”


47. The traffic policeman said, “show me your driving license, please”


48. Jackson said to him, “Could you give me a hand, please?”


49. The lifeguard said, “Don’t swim out too far, boys”


50. Nam said to the driver taxi, “please turn left at the first traffic light”


51. She said to her son, “Go straight upstairs and get into bed”


52. The policeman said, “Don’t touch anything in the room”


53. Marry said to John, “Can you carry my suitcase, please?”


54. Atkins said to David, “You must not leave the door unlocked”


55. I said to my neighbors, “would you mind turning the music down?”


56. “You should stay in bed for a few days”, the doctor said


57. “You should take these medicines every four hours”


58. “You ought to keep your body warm”


59. “You shouldn’t drink alcohol or smoke”


60. “You ought not to eat fatty food”


61. “You should take a little hot milk before sleeping”


62. “You shouldn’t stay up late at night”


63. “You should stop smoking right now”


64. The last time she saw him was in June 2007.

She _____________________________________________________________

65. I haven’t taken a minibus since 2012.

The last __________________________________________________________

66. It is ten days since they started painting my house.

My house _________________________________________________________

67. It’s been 3 months since she started playing badminton.

She _____________________________________________________________

68. Lan has never run before.

This _____________________________________________________________

69. They haven’t eaten crabs for 25 days.

The last time crabs___________________________________________________

70. It has been 5 months since they built this house.

This house _________________________________________________________

71. We started studying English was in June 2006.

We have __________________________________________________________

72. The first time he drank beer was 3 years ago.

He _______________________________________________________________

73. This bike has been fixed for about 30 minutes.

It is ______________________________________________________________

74. My parents have never lived in Ha Noi before.

This is ____________________________________________________________

75. The last time they took their children to the park was last Sunday.

Their children ______________________________________________________

76. This is the first time he went abroad.

He hasn’t _________________________________________________________

77. She started driving 1 month ago.

She has ___________________________________________________________

78. We began eating when it started to rain.

We have __________________________________________________________

79. I last had my hair cut when I left her house.

I haven’t __________________________________________________________

80. The last time she kissed me was 5 months ago.

She hasn’t _________________________________________________________

81. It is a long time since we last met.

We haven’t ________________________________________________________

82. When did you have it ?

How long _________________________________________________________

83. This is the first time I had such a deliciousmeal .

I haven’t __________________________________________________________

84. I haven’t seen him for 8 days.

The last ___________________________________________________________

85. I haven’t taken a bath since yesterday morning.

The ______________________________________________________________

86. How longhave you bought your bag?

When ____________________________________________________________

87. The last timeshe went out with himwastwo years

She ______________________________________________________________

88. Ihave studied English for 3 years.

I started __________________________________________________________

89. The last time it snowed here was 3 months ago.

It is ______________________________________________________________

90. It is 3 months since it snowed here.

It hasn’t __________________________________________________________

91. It is 10 years since I began playing football.

I have ___________________________________________________________

92. It's over six months since she had a swim.

She _____________________________________________________________

93. It's 20 minutes since the telephone rang.

The _____________________________________________________________

94. It is 5 days since he left.

He ______________________________________________________________

95. It is difficult to understand him.


96. It is easy to use this machine.


97. Opening the window is difficult.


98. It is difficult to translate some words.


99. It is expensive to maintain a car.


100. It is not safe to stand on that chair.


101. Answering this question is diffcult.


102. Listening to her songs is happy.


103. It is easy to drive a car.


104. It is important to take a break at least twice a day.


105. It is difficult to guess what will happen.


106. Doing this exercise is not difficult.


107. It is new to me to eat chinese food.


108. Learning english is interesting.


109. Doing english everyday is necessary.


110. It is interesting to talk to you.


111. It is difficult to learn Japanese.


112. He doesn’t love me any more.

He used______________________________________________________________

113. They often went to school by bike when they were young.

They used______________________________________________________________

114. I no longer eat meat.

I used to______________________________________________________________

115. When Lan was small, she used to cry a lot.

Lan often______________________________________________________________

116. My father used to drive to work when he lived in Japan.

My father______________________________________________________________

117. We had a nice garden once, but now we don’t any more.


118. David used to have long hair.

David no longer___________________________________________________

119. Her mother usually got up early.


120. He often ate lots of ham.


121. We lived in the country in 1980s but now we live in Ho Chi Minh City.


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