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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 12: Music - Lesson 3

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 12: Music - Lesson 3 được VnDoc sưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 10 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 12: Music - Lesson 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 12: Music - Lesson 2

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 12: Music - Lesson 4

I. Objectives:

1. General knowledge: Sts know more about Van Cao and his music.

2. Language: Vocabulary on music.

3. Skills:

  • Listening: choose True/ False statements and answer questions.
  • Speaking: discuss the one's ideas about Van Cao's music.

II. Anticipated problems:Some sts rarely listen to Van Cao's songs.

III. Teaching aids: Tape, cassette player, textbook, chalk, board.

IV. Procedures:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Home work checking: (7 mins)

- Ask one st to talk about what kind of music he likes best.

One st presents. Others listen and give remarks.

2. Before you listen: (12 mins)

Aims: focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used in the listening text.

a. - Focus sts on the picture in the textbook and ask sts if they know the person in it.

- Introduce Van Cao, the most famous musician in the history of Vietnamese music then ask sts to work in groups and ask about Van Cao's life and works.

- Possible questions:

- Where and when was he born?

- Was he born in a rich or poor family?

- When did he start writing songs?

- Can you name some of his famous songs? What is his most famous one?

- Ask sts to give their answer to the question in p. 128.

b. Introduce some new words

- rousing (adj):

- lyrical(adj):

- solemn(adj):

- national anthem(n): E.g.:

- Read the words and ask sts to repeat.

- Ask sts to read the words in pairs.

- Ask some sts to read the words again.

3. While you listen: (17 mins)

+ Task 1:

Aims: Practise listening and marking True/ False statements.

- Tell sts that they are going to listen to a conversation between Lan Huong and Quang Hung about Quang Hung's opinion towards Van Cao's music.

- Ask sts to work in pairs, look at the statements given and guess if they are true or false.

- Ask sts to listen to the talk and tick the right column to indicate their answer and underline the false information. T plays the tape twice.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answer.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

+ Task 2:

Aims: Practise listening for specific information by answering given questions.

- Ask sts to read the questions in pairs and make sure they understand the questions and know what information they need to answer the questions.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape once/twice and take short notes to answer the questions.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

4. After you listen: (8 mins)

- Ask sts to work in pairs and discuss Quang Hung's ideas about Van Cao's music.

T may introduce some sentences to show one's opinion:

+ Agreeing:

- I (strongly) agree with him.

- I share his opinion.

- I share the same point of view with him.

- I think his opinion is similar to mine.

+ Disagreeing:

- I'm sorry but I don't think so.

- I don't agree with him.

- I don't share his point of view.

- Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively.

- Ask some pairs to present in front of the whole class.

- Check and give remarks.

5. Homework: (1 min)

Write a short paragraph about your opinion about Van Cao's Music

- Work in groups to say about the person in the picture.

- Listen to the teacher and then work in groups to discuss Van Cao's life and career.

- Ask some pairs to ask and answer.

Some sts stand up and give their answer.

- Copy down the words and phrases into their notebooks.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes.

- Some individuals read the words aloud

- Listen to the T.

- Work in pairs to guess if the statements are true or false.

- Listen to the tape and do the task

- Compare their answer.

- Give their answer.

1. F The guess is Quang Hung.

2.F He likes some Vietnamese musicians

3. T

4. F It was written in 1944.

5. F (He always ..... )

- Check their answer, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

- Work in pairs to read the questions.

- Listen and do the task.

- Compare their notes.

1. It is 'My favourite Musician'.

2. He likes the song 'Tien Quan Ca' most.

3. Because it is hard and solemn, it makes him feel great and proud of his country.

- Check their answer, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

- Work in pairs revising Quang Hung's ideas about Van Cao's music.

Two sts present.

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