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Luyện nói Tiếng Anh: Bored - Chán nản

Luyện nói Tiếng Anh: Bored - Chán nản

Thường thì ta cảm thấy buồn chán khi không có chuyện gì để làm. Đây là cũng là một cách tốt để bắt đầu một câu chuyện. Bài viết giới thiệu một số mẫu câu tiếng Anh hay gặp để dùng trong trường hợp này. Cưới bài có 2 file nghe để các bạn luyện tập lại các mẫu câu, mời các bạn bắt đầu.

Luyện nói Tiếng Anh: Greeting - Chào hỏi

Những điều không làm khi luyện nói Tiếng Anh

Diễn tả tâm trạng không vui trong tiếng anh

Bored - General Phrases

Being bored means having nothing to do. When someone is bored, they often call people and try to entertain themselves or try to find something to do with a friend. So being bored is a good starting point for conversational English.

There are a couple of situations you can express to someone that you are bored. Most commonly, you will call a friend and tell them that you are bored or ask them to do something together. The other time is when someone asks you how you are doing. We will cover both situations in this session.

General Phrases

"I'm dying from boredom." Tôi đang chán chết nè.

"I hate being bored." Tôi ghét cảm giác buồn chán.

"I don't have anything to do." Tôi không có gì để làm.

"My life is so boring."

"Life is so boring." Cuộc sống thật quá nhàm chán.

"I'm just watching TV until I find something to do." Tôi chỉ xem ti-vi cho đến khi tôi tìm được cái gì đó để làm.

"I was bored all weekend." Tôi buồn chán suốt cả tuần.

"I am so bored today." Ngày hôm nay tôi rất buồn chán.

"I get bored very easily." Tôi rất dễ chán chường.

"I get bored all the time." Lúc nào tôi cũng chán hết.

A common place to get bored is when you have to visit family members.

"It's always boring whenever we go to our relatives."

"It's nice to visit my grandmother, but it gets boring after a couple of hours."

"My cousins are so boring. All they do is watch tv."

"There's nothing to do in the country side. I'm always bored there."

If you think you are a boring person, here is a way to say that you are boring. ( Nếu bạn nghĩ rằng bạn là một người nhàm chán, thì đây là một cách để nói rằng bạn đang chán.)

"I think I'm a little boring." Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi là người hơi buồn tẻ.

"I'm a boring person." Tôi là một người tẻ nhạt.

Boring can be used to describe someone. (Boring có thể được dùng để miêu tả một người.)

"He is a boring person."

Anh ta là một người tẻ nhạt.

"His personality is very boring."

Tính cách của anh ta chán ngắt.

"It's boring whenever she's around."

Cứ có cô ta ở quanh là chán phèo.

Using bored to answer a question is very common. Here are some general questions that someone might ask. (Ta thường dùng bored để trả lời câu hỏi. Sau đây là một số câu hỏi chung:

"How was your trip?"

Chuyến đi của bạn thế nào?

"How was your vacation?"

Kỳ nghỉ của bạn thế nào?

"How was your weekend?"

Cuối tuần của bạn thế nào?

"How was the lecture?"

Bài diễn thuyết thế nào?

"How was the class?"

Lớp học ra sao?

"How was the game?"

Trận đấu như thế nào?

Any of these types of questions can be answered with a simple answer.

Với những loại câu hỏi này ta chỉ cần trả lời đơn giản như:

"It was pretty boring."

Nó khá buồn tẻ.

"It was boring. I didn't do much."

Nó khá buồn tẻ. Tôi không làm gì nhiều cả.

"It wasn't as fun as I thought. It was a little boring."

Nó không vui như tôi tưởng. Nó khá tẻ nhạt.

"I was bored most of the time."

Hầu như tôi chỉ thấy chán ngắt mà thôi.

"Because it was disorganized, we had too much extra time.  I was bored during our free time."

Bởi vì nó vô tổ chức nên chúng tôi đã có thêm quá nhiều thời gian. Tôi thấy chán trong suốt thời gian rảnh của chúng tôi.

Bored - Calling Someone

The conversation when you call someone might sound something like this.


"Hi Jane, this is Jill. Do you have time to talk?"

"Hi Jill, sure, I was just watching TV."

"What are you watching?"

"I was just watching a re-run of friends. How about you? What are you doing?"

"Nothing much.  I really wanted to start studying for the Psychology test coming up, but I can't seem to motivate myself."

As you can see, Even though Jill is very bored, she didn't say that she was bored. To sensitive people, they can misinterpret the situation. If I am bored and I call you, then that could mean that I am only calling you because I have nothing better to do. So if you are not very close friends, it is better to say something like, 'nothing much' instead of 'I am bored.'

If you are very close friends with someone, then the conversation can be more direct and honest.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm doing the laundry."

"I'm so bored. I have nothing to do."

"Why don't you come over and help me with the laundry?"

"I'd rather do my own house chores. Hey, you wanna take a break from your house work and have coffee at Starbucks with me?"

"Sure, that sounds great. I'll meet you there in thirty minutes."

Bored - Boring Work

A different situation you can tell someone you are bored is when you are simply talking with a friend concerning a part of your life that is boring.

For example, if you have a boring job, you can explain to your friend how boring it is.

Khi bạn có một công việc tẻ nhạt, bạn có thể làm rõ là nó chán ra sao như sau

"How is your work these days?"

Dạo này công việc của anh sao rồi?

"Work is so boring that I'm going crazy."

Công việc chán lắm đến nỗi tôi sắp điên lên rồi.

"I ran out of things to do and management is too busy to give me more work. I tried to find things to do with no luck. I'm basically sitting in my chair pretending to work."

"That sounds so boring."

"Tell me about it. Time goes so slow when you're bored. I'd rather be busy. Then at least the day would go by faster."

Similar type of boring work is when doing something that is routine. Some sentences expressing boring work are:

"I'm doing the same thing over and over again."

Tôi cứ làm đi làm lại những việc giống nhau.

"My work is so repetitious that I am getting bored of it."

"My work does not interest me."

Công việc chẳng thu hút tôi gì cả.

"I'm only working to pay the bills."

Tôi chỉ làm việc để trang trải.

"I wish I had your job."

Because some people are so busy, they envy people who have nothing to do at work.

"Dang! I'm so busy at work, it's driving me crazy. I really wish I had your job."

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