Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

Bài tập phân biệt a little, a few, little, few có đáp án

Bài tập cách dùng few little a few a little có đáp án

Nằm trong bộ bài tập Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cơ bản, bài tập về Phân biệt Little và A Little & Few và A Few có đáp án được đăng tải với mong muốn giúp bạn đọc ôn tập lại cách sử dụng Few/ A few/ Little/ A little hiệu quả.

Choose: a little / little / a few / few

1) I have _______ water left. There's enough to share.

2) I have ________ good friends. I'm not lonely.

3) He has _________ education. He can't read or write, and he can hardly count.

4) There are _________ people she really trusts. It's a bit sad.

5) We've got _________ time at the weekend. Would you like to meet?

6) Julie gave us ________ apples from her garden. Shall we share them?

7) She has ________ self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to new people.

8) There are __________ women politicians in the UK. Many people think there should be more.

9) It's a great pity, but the hospital has _________ medicine. They can't help many people.

10) I've got ________ cakes to give away. Would you like one?

11) There's _________ milk left in the fridge. It should be enough for our coffee.

12) __________ children from this school go on to university, unfortunately.

13) Do you need information on English grammar? I have _______ books on the topic if you would like to borrow them.

14) She's lucky. She has _________ problems.

15) London has _______ sunshine in the winter. That's why so many British people go on holiday to sunny places!

16) There's ___________ spaghetti left in the cupboard. Shall we eat it tonight?

17) There are __________ programmes on television that I want to watch. I prefer to download a film or read a book.

18) He has ________ free time. He hardly ever even manages to call his mother!

19) Unfortunately, I have ___________ problems at the moment.

20) Are you thirsty? There's ________ juice left in this bottle, if you'd like it.


1 - a little; 2 - a few; 3 - little; 4 - few; 5 - a little;

6 - a few; 7 - little; 8 - few; 9 -  little; 10 - a few;

11 - a little; 12 - Few; 13 - a few; 14 - few; 15 - little;

16 - little; 17 - few; 18 - little; 19 - a few; 20 - a little;

Trên đây là Bài tập tiếng Anh về A little little a few few có đáp án.

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