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Bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7 The World Of Work Số 1


Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo các bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7 The World Of Work Số 1 - tài liệu hữu ích cho những bạn yêu thích tiếng Anh. Cùng thử sức mình qua việc giải các bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 7 sau đây.

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7: The World of Work

Từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7: The World of Work

Bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7 The World Of Work

Đề 1

I. Xếp các danh từ sau thành hai nhóm: đếm được và không đếm được.

English egg orange milk vacation hour

homework soup music vegetable rice letter

orange juice fruit month flower money people

Countable nouns: _________________________________________________________________


Uncountable nouns: _______________________________________________________________


II. Điền vào chỗ trống với a few hoặc a little.

1. We only have ________ flowers.

2. There is ________ milk in the refrigerator.

3. She asks us________ questions.

4. I can speak ________ French.

5. ________ people go to the meeting.

6. There are only ________ books on the shelf.

7. My father is eating ________ chicken soup.

8. They will have ________ milk for breakfast.

9. There are________ letters in the letter-box.

10. He has________ money and he will buy ________ vegetables.

III. Cho dạng so sánh hơn của các tính từ trong ngoặc.

1. Nam is _____________than his sister. (tall)

2. Mr. Tan works_____________ hours than my father. (many)

3. Summer vacation is the_____________vacation. (long)

4. Vietnamese students have _____________ vacations than American students. (few)

5. He drinks _____________wine than Mr. Hai. (little)

6. Christmas is one of the_____________ vacation in America. (important)

7. This old woman has_____________ money than all of her daughters. (much)

8. Bill is_____________ than you. (good)

9. These shoes are _____________ than those shoes, (expensive)

IV. Cho dạng hoặc thì đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. She (come) _____________ tomorrow morning.

2. Hoa always (help) _____________ her parents on their farm in her free time.

3. Our summer vacation (start) __________ in June and (last) ___________ for almost three months.

4. What do you like (do) _____________ during your vacation?

5. It's ten to seven. Hurry up or you (be) ______ late for work.

6. We (go) _____________ swimming every afternoon.

7. Hoa (have) _____________ breakfast with her uncle now.

8. We enjoy (read) _____________ comic books after school.

9. He (not come) _____________ to the party tomorrow night.

10. They (talk) _____________ about Hoa's work at the moment.

V. Đọc lá thư. Sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi.

July 2nd

Dear Tim,

Thanks for you letter. I am very glad to hear that you are fine. I am fine, too. It's really interesting to know about vacations of American students.

You are right. We have fewer vacations than American students. Each year, we just have about four vacations. We have a day off for Independent Day on September 2nd, two days off on April 30th and May Day. Our most important vacation is Tet. Tet holiday often lasts for nine or ten days. Our longest vacation is summer vacation. It last for almost three months. We usually spend time with our families. We don't have vacations for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, but also celebrate them.

Please write and tell me your last summer vacation.

Your friend,


1. Do Vienamese students have more or fewer vacations than American students?


2. How many vacations do Vietnamese students have? What are they?


3. Which vacation is the longest?


4. Which vacation is the most important?


5. How long does Tet holiday last?


6. What does Hoa do during her vacations?


7. Do Vietnamese students have Christmas vacation?


VI. Viết thành các tính từ ghép (compound adjectives).

1. A break lasts twenty minutes. => A twenty-minute break

2. A summer vacation lasts three months. => ____________________________________

3. A tour lasts six days. => ____________________________________

4. A rest lasts ten minutes. => ____________________________________

5. A report longs three pages. => ____________________________________

6. A stamp costs five hundred dong. => ____________________________________

7. A class lasts two periods. => ____________________________________

8. An essay has three paragraphs => ____________________________________

VII. Hoàn tất các câu, dùng nhóm từ so sánh more ... than/ fewer ... than/ less ... than.

Ex: He works 72 hours a week. His wife works 56 hours a week.

He works more hours than his wife.

His wife works fewer hours than he

1. I have 20 books. My friend has 18 books.

=> My friend has _________ books _________I do.

=> I have _________books _________ my friend does.

2. Lan drinks two glasses of milk a day. Nga drinks three glasses of milk.

=> Nga drinks _________milk _________Lan.

=> Lan drinks _________milk _________Nga.

3. Hoa has four vacations a year. Tim has six vacations a year.

=> Hoa has _________vacations _________Tim does.

=> Tim has _________vacations _________Hoa does.

4. Tân eats two slices of beef. Ba eats one slice of beef.

=> Ba eats _________beef _________Tan does.

=> Tân eats _________ beef _________Ba does.

5. Mr. Tuan has four days off a month. His wife has eight days off a month.

=> Mr. Tuan has _________ days off _________ his wife does.

=> Mr. Tuan's wife has _________days off _________he does.

6. Thu spends fifty thousand dong a week. Loan spends seventy thousand dong.

=> Loan spends _________money _________Thu does.

=> Thu spends _________money _________Loan does.

VIII. Cho dạng hoặc thì thích hợp của các động từ trong ngoặc. Sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi.

From about nine in the morning until four in the afternoon, Mr Tuan (1. work) _________ in the fields with his brother. They (2. grow) _________some rice, but their main crop (3. be) ___________ vegetables. From twelve to one o'clock, Mr. Tuan (4. rest) _________and (5. eat) _________lunch. At four in the afternoon, they (6. come) _________ back home. Mr. Tuan (feed)_________ the animals again. Then he (clean) ________the buffalo shed and the chicken coop. His work usually (finish) _______ at six.

1. What does Mr. Tuan do from nine in the morning until four in the afternoon?


2. Who does he work with?


3. What do they grow?


4. What is their main crop?


5. What does Mr. Tuan do from twelve to one o'clock?


6. What time do they come back home?


7. What time does his work usually finish?


Đề 2

I. Hãy viết các nghề tương ứng bằng tiếng Việt

A mailman ____________ A pilot ___________ An interpreter ___________

A hairdresser ____________ A nurse ____________ An actor ____________

A mechanic ____________ A journalist _____________ A receptionist _________

A baker ____________ A shopkeeper ___________

II. Hãy điền các nghề trên vào chỗ trống.

1._______________________ makes bread.

2. _______________________ looks after people in hospital.

3. _______________________ writes for a newspaper.

4. _______________________ works in a hotel.

5. _______________________ translates things.

6. _______________________ sells thing.

7. _______________________ flies a plane.

8. _______________________ cuts hair.

9. _______________________ mends cars.

10. _______________________ makes films.

11. _______________________ delivers letters

III. Chuyển các câu sau sang dạng câu phủ định, nghi vấn và trả lời.

1. I did my homework. ______________________________

______________________________ ___________

2. She lived in London. ______________________________

______________________________ ___________

3. They built this house. ______________________________

______________________________ ___________

4. Nam brought money. ______________________________

______________________________ ___________

5. Mrs. Hoa was a singer. ______________________________

______________________________ ___________

V. Xác định các đọc của "ed"

1. played 6. used 11. celebrated

2. Wanted 7. practiced 12. cleaned

3. smoked 8. looked 13. started

4. needed 9. listened 14. finished

5. wanted 10. worked 15. filled

VI. Choose one word that has the same meaning as the word in capitals

1. REPAIR. a. enjoy b. fix c. play d. help

2. COMMON. a. free b. noisy c. different d. popular

3. DIFFICULT. a. easy b. hard c. energetic d. favorite

4. CANDY a. cake b. fruit c. sweet d. snack

5. TIDY a. work b. swap c. clean d. play

VII. Cho dạng đúng của động ở thì quá khứ đơn.

1. I (feel) tired yesterday.

2. Nam often (help) me. ________________________

3. Look! It (rain) heavily. ________________________

4. What you (do) last night? ________________________

5. She (be) a famous singer in the future. ________________________

6. The earth (move) around the sun. ________________________

7. How often Lien (practice) the piano in the club? ______________________

8. Let's ( stay) at home and (watch) the videos. ______________________

9. We (come) late last week. ______________________

10. I (begin) learning English in 2005. ______________________

VIII. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct it.

1. I want playing soccer. ________________

2. I like watching TV. ________________

4. They don't realise what hard we work at school. ________________

5. A mailman is a person who delivers milk. ________________

6. Our summer vacation last for almost two months. ________________

7. They only work a few hour a day. ________________

8. What do you like to doing during your vacation? ________________

9. Hurry up! You'll be late to school. ________________

10. Do Vietnamese students have more or few vacations than American ones? ________

Đề 3

I. Viết lại các câu sau dùng tính từ kép.

Ví dụ: The summer vacation last three weeks. => It's a three-week summer vacation.

1. The trip lasts ten days. It is.............................................................................................................

2. The recess lasts twenty minutes. It is.............................................................................................................

3. The film lasts three hours. It is.............................................................................................................

4. The race is five hundred meters long. It is.............................................................................................................

5. A comic book- has one hundred pages. It is.............................................................................................................

6. The pen costs ten thousand dong. It is.............................................................................................................

7. The house has three storeys. It is.............................................................................................................

8. The road is two miles long. It is.............................................................................................................

II. Hoàn thành bài hội thoại sau.

Aunt Daisy: Hi, Linda. (1) __________ will your summer vacation start?

Linda: Hello, Aunt Daisy. My summer vacation starts (2) __________June.

Aunt Daisy: Are you going to (3) __________my farm this summer vacation?

Linda: Yes, I am. And I am going to stay there (4) __________a month.

Aunt Daisy: That's fine. I'll take you (5) __________ the forest near my farm. There (6) __________ many interesting things there.

Linda: Great! And I can enjoy the life (7) ________ your farm. I love the garden, the fields, and the buffalos very much.

Aunt Daisy: But you have to get up earlier (8) __________here. We often get up at six, have (9) __________at half past six and start work at seven.

Linda: Oh, really? I love to swim in the river and (10) _______ a walk in the garden in the early morning.

Aunt Daisy: I look forward to seeing you and your family then. Bye.

Linda: Good bye, Aunt Daisy. See you soon.

III. Điền vào chỗ trống với less hoặc fewer.

1. They are very tired. They can do__________ exercises this evening.

2. I am very tired, too. I will do __________ work tonight.

3. They get __________ money than us.

4. Hoa likes her new life in Ha Noi now. She writes __________ letters home.

5. You should spend __________ time playing computer games.

6. They have __________ days off than anyone in the factory.

7. Lan drinks __________ water than Hoa a day.

8. There are__________ trees along the streets in the new town.

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