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Bài tập Viết lại câu Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Bài tập tiếng Anh 8 Viết lại câu có đáp án

Tài liệu chuyên đề Viết lại câu Tiếng Anh 8 có đáp án nằm trong bộ đề để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 8 cả năm do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Bài tập Viết lại câu trong Tiếng Anh lớp 8 liên quan đến những cấu trúc viết lại câu Tiếng Anh lớp 8 như: Câu cảm thán Tiếng Anh với How và What, Cụm từ chỉ kết quả (Cấu trúc Enough và Too).

A. Cấu trúc viết lại câu trong Tiếng Anh 8

1. CỤM TỪ CHỈ KẾT QUẢ: enough , too

a/ enough ….to (đủ …..để có thể)

S + V + adj / adv + enough (for O) + to-V1

S + V + enough + N + to-V1

Ex: My sister can’t get married because she is young.


I didn’t buy a new computer because I didn’t have money.


b/ too ….to (quá ….không thể)

S + V + too + adj / adv (for O) + to-V1

Ex: He is very short, so he can’t play basket ball.

- He is ___________________________________

The house is very expensive. We can’t buy it.

- The house _________________________________


What + (a / an) + adj + N!

Note: không dùng a, an nếu danh từ là danh từ số nhiều hoặc danh từ không đếm được

- What a lovely dress! - What an expensive car!

- What hot coffee! - What good students!

How + adj/ adv + S + to be/ V!

- How carefully he drive! - How beautiful you are!

B. Bài tập Viết lại câu Tiếng Anh lớp 8

I. Combine each sentences into a new one, using “adj + enough + to.v”:

1. She is old. She can work by herself.

2. The boy is intelligent. He can understand you.

3. Mai is good. She can pass the examination.

4. The girl is not clever. She cannot mend this shirt.

5. This machine is not powerful. It cannot plough the hard soil.

6. Your sister was clever. She could do this exercise in a few minutes.

7. Peter is very ill. He must see the doctor.

8. Mary is not old. She cannot do that work.

9. We were not early. We could not see the first part of the play.

10. The children were very eager. They started playing without me.

11. He is tall. He can play volleyball.

12. My sister is old. She can drive a car.

13. She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World.

14. Mr Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house.

15. The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood.

II. Combine each sentences into a new one, using “adj + enough + for + n/pro + to.v”:

1. The story is short. We can read it in one hour.

2. The film was very good. We saw it through.

3. The play was very amusing. They enjoyed it.

4. This song is very simple. Everybody can sing it.

5. This book is very interesting. You should read it.

6. Some of the books are important. I must read them.

7. He was kind. Everybody liked him.

8. The programme on TV was interesting. We followed it through.

9. This exercise is very easy. The pupils can finish it in five minutes.

10. The weather is very fine. We can go out for a walk.

III Combine each sentences into a new one, using “enough + noun + to.v”:

1. We have money. We can buy that motorcycle.

2. She has a lot of free time. She can go to the movies with you.

3. Mr Brown has experience. He can solve this problem.

4. There are enough knitting frames (khung dệt) in the workshop (xưởng). Student can practice knitting.

5. I haven’t got money. I can’t go away on holiday.

6. We have enough time. We can get to the airport on time.

7. She doesn’t know enough French. She cannot read a newspaper in French.

IV Combine these pairs of sentences using "too ... to" :

1/ The bag was very heavy. She couldn't carry it.

- The bag was too heavy for her to carry .

2/ He is very old. He can't run.

- _____________________________________________________________________

3/ She is very young. She can't go to school.

- _____________________________________________________________________

4/ Tom is very short. He can't play volleyball.

- _____________________________________________________________________

5/ It's very late. We can't go to the movies.

- _____________________________________________________________________

6/ The question was very hard. We couldn't answer it.

- _____________________________________________________________________

7/ The TV programme is very exciting. The children won't miss it.

- _____________________________________________________________________

8/ You're very young. You can't drive that car.

- _____________________________________________________________________

9/ She was tired. She didn't go anywhere.

- _____________________________________________________________________

10/ These shoes are very small. I can't wear them.

- __________________________________________________________

V . Write the exclamations

1. He is an intelligent boy.……………………………………..

2. It is fresh milk.………………………………………………

3. They are naughty student.……………………………………

4. It is an exciting trip.………………………………………….

5. They are delicious cake.……………………………………..

6. He is a good child.…………………………………………..

7. It is a lovely view.…………………………………………..

8. They are bright rooms.……………………………………...

9. The weather is very awful.………………………………….

10. The meal is very delicious.………………………………..

11. The boy is very clever.…………………………………….

12. The pictures are very colorful.……………………………..

13. The dress is very expensive.………………………………..

VI . Write the exclamations

1. This is a very comfortable room

What ………………………………………………….!


2. These are modern computers

What …………………………………………………..!


3. She is an intelligent girl.



4. That student is excellent



5. He’s very friendly



6. This book is very interesting.



7. That bicycle is very old.



8. This cake is very delicious.



9.They are expensive dresses.



10. It is a good dishwasher



11. The movie is very interesting



12, The bed is very comfortable.



VII. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with as shown, so that the meaning stay the same. 

1. "The students will watch a documentary on the future of nuclear power tomorrow", said the teacher.

The teacher said that_____________________________________

2. "How can we send message to other planets?" Carlos asked.

Carlos asked__________________________________________

3. People throw rubbish in the street. The street doesn’t look attractive.

If rubbish____________________________________________

4. The drainage system is damaged. There is not enough water for the crop.

If the drainage system______________________________________

5. Because it rained heavily, we couldn’t go on a picnic.

Because of _____________________________________

6. Nick said: “They want to go to the movies”

Nick said that _____________________________________

7. Volunteers have given out food and blankets to homeless people.

Food and blankets _____________________________________

8. I finished my homework then I played video games.

After _____________________________________


I. Combine each sentences into a new one, using “adj + enough + to.v”:

1 - She is old enough to work by herself.

2 - The boy is intelligent enough to understand you.

3 - Mai is good enough to pass the exam.

4 - The girl is not clever enough to mend this shirt.

5 - This machine is not powerful enough to plough the hard soil.

6 - Your sister is clever enough to do this exercise in a few minutes.

7 - Peter is ill enough to see the doctor.

8 - Mary is not old enough to do that work.

9 - We were not early enough to see the first part of the play.

10 - The children were very eager enough to play without me.

11 - He is tall enough to play volleyball.

12 - My sister is old enough to drive a car.

13 - She is beautiful and intelligent enough to become Miss World.

14 - Mr Robinson isn’t rich enough to buy a house.

15 - The worker is clever enough to make fine things from wood.

II. Combine each sentences into a new one, using “adj + enough + for + n/pro + to.v”:

1 - The story is short enough for our read it in one hour.

2 - The film was good enough for our to saw it through.

3 - The play was amusing enough for them to enjoyed it.

4 - This song is simple enough for everybody to sing it.

5 - This book is interesting enough for you to read it.

6 - Some of the books are important enough for you to read them.

7 - He was kind enough for everybody to like him.

8 - The programme on TV was interesting enough for us to follow it through.

9 - This exercise is easy enough for the pupils to finish it in five minutes.

10 - The weather is fine enough for us to go out for a walk.

V . Write the exclamations

1. He is an intelligent boy.……What an intelligent boy!……..

2. It is fresh milk.………How fresh milk is!………

3. They are naughty students .……What naughty students!………

4. It is an exciting trip.……What an exciting trip!…….

5. They are delicious cake.…What delicious cake!…..

6. He is a good child.…………What a good child!…..

7. It is a lovely view.……What a lovely view!……..

8. They are bright rooms.……What bright rooms!...

9. The weather is very awful.……What awful weather!…….

10. The meal is very delicious.……What delicious meal!……..

11. The boy is very clever.……What a clever boy!…….

12. The pictures are very colorful.…What colorful pictures……..

13. The dress is very expensive.……What an expensive dress……..

VI . Write the exclamations

1. This is a very comfortable room

What … a very comfortable room…….!

How…comfortable the room is…...!

2. These are modern computers

What ……are modern computers…..!

How……modern computers are……!

3. She is an intelligent girl.

What…an intelligent girl….!

How……intelligent the girl is…..!

4. That student is excellent

What……a excellent student …...!

How……excellent student is……!

5. He’s very friendly

What………a friendly boy…...!

How……friendly boy is……!

6. This book is very interesting.

What……an interesting book…...!

How……interesting this book is…!

7. That bicycle is very old.

What………an old bicycle………!

How……old that bicycle is……….…!

8. This cake is very delicious.

What……a delicious cake……!

How……delicious this cake is….!

9.They are expensive dresses.

What……expensive dresses…....!

How……expensive dresses are…….!

10. It is a good dishwasher

what……a good dishwasher…….!

How……good the dishwasher is….…!

11. The movie is very interesting

What………an interesting movie……...!

How…… interesting the movie is…!

12, The bed is very comfortable.

What……comfortable bed..….!

How……comfortable the bed is……!

VII. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with as shown, so that the meaning stay the same.

1. "The students will watch a documentary on the future of nuclear power tomorrow", said the teacher.

The teacher said that___the student would watch a documentary on the future of nuclear power the following day __________

2. "How can we send message to other planets?" Carlos asked.

Carlos asked_____how they could send message to other planets.__________

3. People throw rubbish in the street. The street doesn’t look attractive.

If rubbish_______weren't thrown in the street, the street wouldn't look attractive._______

4. The drainage system is damaged. There is not enough water for the crop.

If the drainage system_____is damaged, there would not be enough water for the crop.______

5. Because it rained heavily, we couldn’t go on a picnic.

Because of ______raining heavily, we couldn't go on a picnic.________

6. Nick said: “They want to go to the movies”

Nick said that ________they wanted to go to the movies.__________

7. Volunteers have given out food and blankets to homeless people.

Food and blankets _____have been given out to homeless people by volunteers._______

8. I finished my homework then I played video games.

After _____I had finished my homework, I played video games._______

Mời bạn đọc tải nội dung đề ôn tập tại: Bài tập Viết lại câu Tiếng Anh lớp 8 có đáp án. Ngoài ra đã đăng tải rất nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 8 cả năm khác nhau. Mời thầy cô, quý phụ huynh và các em học sinh tham khảo.

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